Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Single Major Difference Between The Rich And The Poor (The Haves And The Have Nots)

The Law of attraction has been around for ages yet many people are just now becoming aware of it. Millions worldwide are now using the Law of Attraction to change there lives for the better and make it the success they desire.

The law of attraction can be used to manifest whatever your desires. If it is that you desire a better job, money, to travel the world, a new car, you can learn to use the Law of Attraction to bring them to you and live your life in abundance.

But, to live your life in abundance or to live a complete and successful life, is not possible or at least its much more difficult if you are not rich or wealthy. Money is just a means to an end, if you need a pair of shoes and you have the money, you buy it. Its as simple as that. Yet many people have no idea how to create wealth in order to live the life they dream about. The good thing is that you can learn the laws or principles that governs the creation of money.

Most people right now are barely eking out an existence day after day. In fact it is widely believed that about 5% of the people either own or have some control over 95% of the resources. Can you believe that out of every hundred persons we pass on the street daily only five of they are rich or financially secure? In some countries the percentages are even worse.

So whats the single major difference between the haves and the have-nots?

Put simply the haves are those people who tend to possess a great understanding of the Law of Attraction and they apply its principles to their daily lives. People with money are not satisfied with just a little if they can make use of something and have more in their lives. The haves believe that they have the right to be rich. Their thoughts are on riches and wealth. The people who are millionaires and multi-millionaires understand that abundance is there for the taking and there is enough for everyone.

The have-nots tend to have a dominant thought that says it is not possible for them to live a happy and successful life. They believe that they will never be rich. This thought is translated into action, so they act as if they will never be rich. They therefore never get rich. The one thing you must remember is that everyone can be rich we just need to learn how to attract the riches and wealth we want.

How do you feel about the statement Its not possible to live a complete and successful life if you are not rich? Does the statement make you feel afraid, doubtful about your life and your ability to be rich? I remember a time in my not so distant past when I wasnt rich, it was not pleasant, just the mere talk of money made me very angry and frustrated. When I was around my friends who were in far better good jobs than I and had their houses and cars I felt uncomfortable and inferior to the point where I would stop hanging out with them or being around them. I dont feel that way anymore, I am at easy with myself and I am now comfortable with the topic of money and finances. You see wealthy people are extremely comfortable talking about money. They recognize that you need wealth in order to do great and amazing things in life. The good you can do in life without money is limited to your own physical presence in a given place, to go beyond that requires money and lots of it.

You have to be aware of how you of how you feel about money because you may be attracting or repelling riches coming into your life. If you find yourself wanting more in your life, or you want to be earning more, or achieve more, youre worrying about money, or just unable to provide for yourself and your family.

Nothing is wrong with desiring to be rich. It is this desire that drives our desire for a richer, fuller and a life of abundance. By utilizing the law of attraction you could use your mind to manifest what you want in your life. What if you knew exactly what to do to bring riches to you? You could become an inspiration to others, your family and friends. This is not only about money and riches it about being the real you. To do this you must learn the science of how to harness and cultivate the correct thought process to attract wealth.

We all have the innate power to freely think whatever we want to think. To think our way out of our present situation is not an easy task but it is simple and we all can do it. We must control our thinking and direct it towards the results we want. When you think about owing money to people and institutions on a consistent basis then thats what will tend to happen, we will attract more of that into our lives. When you constantly worry about health and sicknesses then thats what youll attract more of.

It is necessary then that we focus on and be thinking only about the riches we want in our lives. The science involved in getting rich, which has been used by the wealthy for ages, can be used by you. Its within your grasp.

Vladimir Murray is a father of two boys, runs his own internet marketing business and enjoys helping others improve their lives. To learn more about the Science of Getting Rich and how to apply it to your life then Vladimir recommends Bob Proctor's SGR Program. For info and a $150 rebate Click Here!


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