Thursday, November 15, 2007

Are the Can'ts in Life Keeping You From Personal Success?

What is keeping you from life success, personal success or professional success? Have you considered that your thoughts are keeping your from the success that you crave?

How many times have you heard someone state "I can't do this?" or "That can't be done?" The can't comes out as quickly as the exhaled carbon dioxide. Do you know why those can'ts exist?

To learn about the cannots in life requires us to travel back to our early childhood where our caring parents began negative conditioning out of their concern for our safety. We were told:

  • Don't talk to strangers!
  • Don't go where you are not asked or invited!
  • Don't touch the iron, the knife, the stove, etc!

As we grew older, consequences were added to the don'ts. If you don't behave, you will receive a scolding, a spanking or for a time out. How many times were we told about a don't and then wait until your father or mother comes home? Our don'ts from earlier childhood evolved into the can'ts of adulthood.

How many times each day does the word can't or a similar self imposed limitation enters your mind?

  • I can't lose weight!
  • I can't get all of this work done!
  • I can't spend more time with my family!
  • I can't save any money!
  • I can't waste time because I am so busy!
  • I can't (fill in the blank)

The cannots in your thoughts are the real barriers to personal success and life success. To master success demands that your thoughts are focused on the positive and not on the negatives. Positive affirmations or what I call positive belief statements are one success strategy that helps to reinforce those positive thoughts while reducing the negative ones.

As in life, the choice is yours. To wallow in the Land of Misery where the can'ts control your destiny or to strive forward to the Land of Success where you are in control of you future and ultimately your personal success.

Are you where you want to be? To find out where you are, then M.A.P. for Success, a FREE email course may help you begin to chart a course of business, professional or personal success. Visit

Would you like to read more about getting to where you want to be? Then visit

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Please feel free to contact me, Leanne Hoagland-Smith, Your Chief People Officer and Business Coach, who works with individuals and organizations that are tired of not being where they want to be and truly want more for their businesses and their selves. 219.759.5601

How to Find More Time by Simplifying Your Life

When life gets complicated and chaotic, it's often hard to get anything done.

The busier you are and the more responsibilities you have, the more difficult everything seems to be.

Eventually you reach a point where the simplest task seems too strenuous to even think about - let alone accomplish. You may be familiar with the feeling that your energy is being consistently drained from your body?

One major cause for that feeling is the amount of energy and focus you have to devote to everything in your life. The more scattered your thoughts become, the more you need to concentrate really hard, and the more drained you feel!

If you can take steps to simplify your life, you'll find your energy and focus gradually returning.

How do you simplify a life that has turned into a jumbled mess?

One step at a time!

That sounds overly simple, doesn't it? It IS very simple, but it does take a bit of effort. There are several ways to simplify your life, but here are two quick ways to get started:

1. Start eliminating clutter from your surroundings. Clutter is terribly draining. Not only does it make you feel scattered and confused, it can actually drain your energy so you don't want to do anything! Now, you don't have to go on a huge de-cluttering mission in order to receive some positive benefits from this technique.

Instead, try setting aside just a few minutes a day to get rid of things you don't need. Start with just one room in your home or workplace. Grab a box and a trash bag, and begin by throwing away trash and debris that is no longer usable. Put trash in the bag, and items to be donated into the box. After a few minutes have passed, throw out the trash bag and place the box in your car. Drop it off at your local Salvation Army or Goodwill store that same day.

Go through this same process every day, or at least every couple of days, and before long you'll really start to notice a difference in how you feel. Among other things you'll start to feel lighter, more productive and focused.

2. While you're clearing out the physical clutter from your life, consider also eliminating emotional burdens. These burdens might include unhealthy relationships, unresolved issues, long-held grudges, old limiting beliefs, and much more. Don't allow them to keep draining your energy and focus. If they are no longer serving you, banish them from your life. Doing this can be as simple as making a conscious decision to let go of them.

Talk about feeling lighter! Without all that old emotional baggage weighing on your mind, your surroundings aren't the only thing that will start looking refreshed!

Robert Greenshields is a marketing success coach who helps entrepreneurs and independent professionals transform their business results by changing their mindset. Sign up for his 7 top tips on Calming the Chaotic Life