Friday, October 2, 2009

Rethinking Today's Religions - Misleading Our Children

When I was a young man, my parents told me about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Every Christmas, there would be presents underneath the tree from Santa Claus and on Easter I would get a basket full of candy and eggs. However, when I was 11 years old, my parents broke the devastating news to me, there was no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny.

As you can imagine, I cried for hours over the frustration and disappointment. For one, I thought that I wasn't going to get any more Christmas gifts, but my parents provided me with the needed psychological relief and told me that they were going to provide Christmas gifts for me, until I died. Even though I was upset, I was relieved and confused.

If my parents lied about this, could they have possibly lied about something else, anything else. Have you ever thought about this and is there a situation in your life today that could be an old habit that never got corrected. Some theme that your parents told you when you were a child that was a lie and they never told you the truth. Maybe they never told you the truth because they don't even know themselves that it's a lie.

Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were obviously disappointments to me and most people that I've talked to about their experiences, with their parents and even their children. Why do we do this as parents to our children, even though we didn't like it when it was done to us. Hard to explain why we can't break certain habits and certain traditions.

I love Christmas and the joy of giving. Even though I am no longer a Christian, I enjoy going over to my relatives homes and spending Christmas or Christmas Eve with them. Now for the bad news, if you were raised to believe in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism or any other large religious organization. Let me ask you this, do you think that it could be like Santa Claus, do you think the religion you believe in so strongly could be a story that has gotten out of control over the centuries.

I've spent a life time rethinking today's religions and can't find very many facts to prove any one religion is superior over another. Do your own research and find your own answers. Enlightenment could be as simple as gathering the right information.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Does Anyone Have a Direct Line to God?

I have heard Catholics tell me that the pope has a direct line to God. I don't really know if that's true, but if he does, or anyone else does, I would like to ask them to do me a favor.

I would like them to ask God a few questions, these questions aren't going to be difficult, and we could even make them in yes or no formats, but these answers need to be asked and only God can provide us with the answers.

The first question that I would like to ask God, would be about starvation, why are there so many starving people all over the world? Are we or are we not supposed to be fruitful and multiply? Is overpopulation creating more problems in the world today, than it might have 2000 years ago?

These questions above, could be a little difficult to answer, but they shouldn't be too difficult for someone like God. I believe that God can handle a few tough questions and if the Pope or anyone else has direct communication with God, I would like to suggest something to them, quit wasting your time on frivolous things and start asking God the serious questions, that every one is really interested in.

It doesn't make a lot of sense, to pray and worship to somebody who realistically won't answer or deliver the things that we are requiring. I realize that most religious people are told, that God only answers some prayers or that God isn't ready to answer your prayers yet.

Anyway, if gods not going to answer all of our prayers, couldn't he at least answer some of our questions.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:
Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended authors, Don Miguel Ruiz

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Thanks For Reading Our Articles

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jesus' Missing Years in the Bible

It looks like there is a big problem in the Gospels. There are more years in Jesus' life that are missing than years of his life that were ever recorded. Why weren't these years listed in the Bible?

All the Gospels talked about the death of Jesus, the birth of Jesus and a few years in between, but all of the Gospels are missing some very important years from his life. When raising a child, some of the most important years of their lives, will be those when they were teenagers and often those of their young adulthood.

The Gospels talk about Jesus at the temple at around the age of 12 or 13. After that, there is very little known until he reaches the final years of his life. Was there someone or a group of people or even a community who influenced his life? Could Jesus have learned something from a spiritual master Guru that changed the world forever?

There is more speculation on Jesus' missing years than you could ever imagine. Some say that Jesus went to Egypt to study with their masters or priests. Egypt obviously wasn't that far from where Jesus was raised, but like most of the stuff in the Bible, there is very little evidence to support any of these speculative stories.

Could Jesus have went to India and studied with the Buddhist masters or even a Hindu scholars? Did Jesus study with advanced Jewish scholars? This is only a little bit of the historical speculation, but if the truth was ever to be known, it could help Christianity solve a lot of problems.

Most Christians rarely even question these missing years. There are quite a few Christians that don't even know that there are any missing years in Jesus' life. I wrote this article to get people thinking and hopefully to start educating themselves about early Christianity. Good luck and God bless.

Great Christian Books And Articles

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:
Religious Education And Fear

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Healing Through the Written Word

Healing through the Written Word - Writing is the medicine we need to heal our everyday wounds and provide us with the immunity to go forth and live, knowing we have a powerful healer at our fingertips.

Everyday wounds are those hurts that present themselves to us on a daily basis through our relationships and interactions with others and stay with us until they are addressed and eventually healed. Each day we are presented with situations that can develop into wounds or contribute to our growth as a Higher Ground Human. It all depends on what we choose.

"Everyday wounds" consist of the following:

* Fears we have not faced or embraced. * Hurt feelings that either are not recognized or addressed. * Blocks or obstructions that keep us from achieving our goals, evolving, or developing self esteem. * Lost dreams due to overwhelm. * Feelings of isolation. * Frustration * Negativity and judgments. * Unable to focus.

We can choose to walk in integrity taking us one step closer towards becoming a Higher Ground Human or as many of us do we can choose to take the safe route, hide our true feelings, protecting our vulnerability and safely hiding our fear.

When we choose the latter, we are being untrue to ourselves, the biggest sin of all. We are our own worst enemy. Once we realize and accept our hurtful behavior we are ready to step onto our healing path and begin the journey. To do otherwise would be deliberately unkind.

Writing is an untapped natural healer, which according to The Med Serv. Medical News, reporting on a study by Smyth & colleagues, concluded that "The simple act of writing about bad times can be potent, and a low cost, method of relieving pain and symptoms of chronic illnesses....

Healing our emotional wounds is necessary for us to move forward, to grow spiritually, to live peacefully and to Be the best we can be.

Walking in integrity means our thoughts; actions and feelings are all aligned, all in accordance all congruent (in agreement). Actively and consciously inhibiting and holding back our thoughts and feelings takes work AND can lead to stress, ultimately affecting our immune system often putting us at risk for major and minor diseases.

James W Pennebaker, PhD is his 1990 book; Opening Up showed a relationship between expressing our emotions through writing and the positive effect this type of writing has on our immune system.

Healing is learning to be true to ourselves. To be true to ourselves and to trust ourselves takes courage and a knowing of who we are. To become true to ourselves we must embrace our fears, walking through them to the other side. When we do this we open ourselves to trusting and experiencing life.

Knowing who we are is a life-long journey AND it takes willingness on our part to consciously take that first step.

I believe we are all aware of what happens when our emotions are left dangling with no where to go, or no release. They can manifest themselves into physical ailments, leaving us confused and often making visits to the doctor's office.

Healing our everyday wounds is necessary for our mental health AND for personal growth.

Everyday wounds are painful and many of us choose to simply ignore or eliminate the pain by being in a constant state of denial.

For those who choose to travel through the pain, we find integrity and personal growth on the other side.

Writing is a powerful tool to have when moving through the pain. Through writing we can make sense out of confusion, giving meaning to emotional hurts, pin-pointing the root of our pain and sadness and opening us up to a whole new world.

Writing on a daily basis at the same time is a simple everyday ritual we must develop. When you have a conflict between your thoughts and your actions sit down and begin to write giving yourself a prompt. Your prompt may be "Why was I angry yesterday.........?" and just let the words flow through your fingers onto the paper. This free writing is powerful. You will know when you are finished.

Now give yourself the prompt "Why was I not truthful .......?" and begin to write, letting the words flow out onto the paper.

Once you are finished sit quietly and read both writings. I promise, you will be exposed to the answers to both of your prompts, giving you the opportunity to make amends to yourself by bringing your actions and your thoughts in alignment. You will begin to walk your thoughts and your talk AND be yourself. There is nothing more powerful and a battle worth fighting.

The famous American poet, EE Cummings, said, "To be nobody-but-yourself----in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else---means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight...."

This exercise will take only 30 minutes of your time, yet it is invaluable when it comes to your personal growth.

Writing helps us get in touch with what is hidden from us, giving us answers to those questions that seem to baffle us often exposing the reason behind our anger.

Writing gives us energy and frees us from the ties that bind. When we write we create a spiritual, truthful connection with ourselves and with others.

Give yourself the gift of writing.

Virginia Dever Writer - Coach - Healer

Be the Best

So, what does it take to be the best in the world, or, to be the best in YOUR world?


The most crucial first step in achieving a goal is to get out there on the edge and make it big. In the words of Donald Trump "If you are going to think anyway, you might as well think big." When you bite off more than you can chew and declare to the world that you are going to do something amazing, this boldness motivates and excites you to tackle your challenge and invest the appropriate amount of energy into it. Anything less and you just won't care enough.

YOUR BOLDNESS motivates and excites you to tackle your challenge and invest the appropriate amount of energy into it. Anything less and you just won't care enough.

And that is exactly why being bold works. If your chances of succeeding at anything in life are directly proportional to the amount of energy you invest into it, then being Bold is really all about ramping up your commitment level regarding your goal.

When you are bold about what you have set out to accomplish, the energy you invest into achieving it will result in a motivated vision of your success and the formulation of that most crucial vision is the SECOND STEP. Your vision will keep you on track and will be your road map that will guide you on your journey. Your vision will become your reality by changing the way YOU behave toward your pursuit of your goal in the following three ways:

  1. A bold vision will prepare you for failure - even make you welcome failure as a PART of your success
  2. A bold vision will provide you with a way to deal with and conquer your fears.
  3. A bold vision will provide you with the energy you require to push yourself beyond your personal limits.

And finally, the THIRD STEP in accomplishing a goal is to be bold, and to simply BEGIN IT. Just start the journey - bite off more than you can chew, then focus on the next bite, then the next, then the next. And don't forget - you are ALWAYS STARTING your journey! EVERY step is the FIRST step in the rest of your journey.

Do you have any goals that you just don't seem to be making any progress on? Reached a kind of dead-end? That proverbial "brick wall"? Maybe a task at work, a financial goal, or a personal goal like weight loss, improving your fitness, or a challenging relationship?

What if I were to suggest that maybe the problem isn't that the challenge is too big for you' Maybe the challenge isn't big enough. Is your challenge safely within your comfort zone?

Is there a way you can nudge your challenge from INSIDE your comfort zone into the bold "think big" zone. It doesn't take much, just a bit - just enough to excite you and motivate you to tackle your challenge.

When you think about your challenge, it should get your heart pumping - that's always my test. My wife calls it the bathroom test because every time she thinks about her upcoming Ironman race, her bowels start working and she has to run to the bathroom!

Secondly, have you developed a clear VISION of your success? Do you visualize your success day and night? Do you want it so badly that you would do anything to get it?

And finally, if you can do those two things - be bold about your goal and develop a clear vision of your success, then all that is left is simply to BEGIN IT. Take your very next step toward achieving your dream. Motivational Speaker.

About Greg Kolodziejzyk:

Greg Kolodziejzyk is a Motivational Speaker , and successful software entrepreneur who holds 2 Guinness world records for the most distance travelled by human power in one day on both land and on water. Greg has also completed over a dozen Ironman triathlons including qualifying for and competing at Ironman World Championships in Hawaii.

Greg's next project is something that has never been done before. He plans on crossing the Pacific ocean from Canada to Hawaii under his own power in a custom made, 24 foot long x 3 foot wide completely encapsulated pedal powered boat.

After 3 years of speaking to school kids about his various world records, adventures, accomplishing goals and the benefits of staying active and healthy, Greg is now passionately focused on spreading his message to a wider audience by building a keynote motivational speaking career.

Greg's motivational speech titled "Bold!" is an impactful commentary about the kind of attitude that it takes to accomplish a dream. Greg has lived his life by the words of German Poet Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe "What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it, for Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." Greg's spirit is contagious and his message is vital.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Book Review - Lillian Too's 168 Feng Shui Ways to Energize Your Life

I have been a big supportive fan of Master Feng Shui Practitioner and Teacher Lillian Too's for sometime since reading several of her books a few years ago and have been hooked ever since. She continually amazes me with her books and in how much in following her instinctive Feng Shui practical tips have helped and aided me in creating the life I have always wished to lead and have.

So I just had to share which of her books have helped me the most. In her latest book "Lillian Too's 168 Feng Shui Ways to Energize Your Life", She continues to teach us to be aware of energy all around us and in our homes. She not only shows you how to become aware of the energy, bad or good, but shows you how to alter this energy into allowing all good things to come to you in your life.

As always, her style of writing is easy to read, but specifically the Feng Shui concepts described in this book are well spelled out to easily understand in simple terms. In turn, this allows anyone to apply the Feng Shui practices in their own home and for their own well being without great effort.

As I become more knowledgeable about Feng Shui, there are many additional factors that other books simply skip over. This book does not do that, but in fact addresses these more complicated Feng Shui issues with tact and great knowledge allowing the layman in all of us to easily understand, say for example what the 'Three Killings' are, or which Celestial Guardians are best for you to help ward off bad luck and how to easily address these issues.

I am currently rereading this book for a third time, only since I truly wish to digest all the information at hand and save it to be deep in my memory. I highly recommend any of her books, but it you are new to the ideas of Feng Shui, "Lillian Too's 168 Feng Shui Ways to Energize Your Life" is a great first book in understanding the concepts of Feng Shui and to learn and understand the importance of energy and how it effects everything we do to 'bring' or 'attract' goodness into our lives.

This book consists of seven chapters, each page is filled with its own Feng Shui tip to apply in your home and livelihood. I definitely liked how this book gives you information in finding out which corners in your home can bring you success. It further shows you how to use symbols, art and furniture placement to affect the best possibilities in bringing in good Qi (chi) into your life and how to balance ying when you need more yang and visa versa in each of the rooms of your home whether you live in a large house or an apartment in the city.

If you wish to easily learn how to apply Feng Shui techniques into your life and home that brings you more prosperity, family happiness, wealth and career luck, then this is the book for you! I have followed many of her tips and have seen for myself the changes in my overall life. You will be amazed at how bringing in new fresh energy as she describes has a domino effect in all areas of your life. You will feel "revitalized and recharged" by reading this great Feng Shui book by Lillian Too. And soon, you too will receive the bounties the earth has set out for you.

Leah Quinn is a writer specializing on food, health, feng shui, self-improvement and entertainment and is a multi-media artist living in New York. Feel free to stop by at to read many of her other articles and feel free to visit her food site to learn about healthy and interesting recipes at

How to Face the Hair Loss Battle?

Majority of men have been unwittingly drafted into the hair loss battle that no one ever wants to be a part of. The true power of the foe has yet to be sensed. When the infantries are slowly falling one by one and the division being blasted into oblivion, and every private seems to be on a retreat - that is when you will feel the menacing power of the enemy tagged as 'hair loss.'
Many men are defeated due to such formidable opponent and it is but proper that you have to know how to face the hair loss battle. Starting from denial to acceptance and everything in between, all of these will be outlined to better prepare you:

Denial Stage

You are in your early thirties lavishing the single life and its perks. You grasp a professional life where your name is synonymous with respect dabbed with a bit of fear. The ladies want you and the men want to be you. Life is sweet! Then all of a sudden your assistant tells you that you have a bald spot. What the heck is she talking about?! With a smile, you try to brush off the issue. The next day you wear a cap on your way to the office. Then you suddenly positioned your chair against the wall telling everyone that you had the urge to remodel and do "feng shui". These solutions are temporary, it will not take long before your friends and associates figure out what you have, or what you don't have under that cap.

Anger Stage

Your sweet life is now officially pungent. Hair loss is no longer a figment of your imagination. The days spent in the shower staring blankly on the clogged drain and the mornings exhausted picking out strands of hair atop of your pillow---this is your reality. Damn parents! Cursed genetics! To hell with your the bloody lineage! Why is this happening? Gramps still has his hair and he is already 76. This stinks and you are angry!

Bargaining Stage

When desperation sinks in, people do crazy things. And you are not an exception. You now prefer to watch home TV shopping rather than the ball game. Fed up with your situation, you consider making a pact with the medical staff, the TV dude, even the owner of the corner store wig. Comb-over is a welcomed option but this is the best time to try out different hair loss medications and hair growth creams.

Depression Stage

You hear snickering and mocking as you passed by the babbling teenagers with your balding head. But you do not feel a thing. No reaction came out, just nothing.

Acceptance Stage

All efforts proved fruitless. You are ready to wave your white flag. As you stare at your mirror, reality gingerly pats you at the back. And with that reality check, you instructed your trusty barber to shave it off. As the razor touches your head, you kept thinking, this is the proverbial end. Like the adage goes, if you can't beat them, join them. You have valiantly fought against hair loss, the mighty opponent.

The author is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Hair Loss Treatments. You may be interested in: DHT and Hair Loss and "Treatment for Thinning Hair and Massive Hair Loss".

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Landscape Gardening - Feng Shui With Foliage

Landscaping your garden can make a vast difference not only to its appearance but also to the value of your property if you are putting it on the market.

There are some very gifted gardeners out there but generally landscaping work would need to be carried out by specialist contractors. Not only do they bring their years of experience to the project but perhaps even more importantly all their expensive equipment, not to mention their discounts at all the local gardening retailers.

What features might you include in your newly fashioned garden?

Water landscaping or water features are very popular, whether it is a pond, fountain or something else of that ilk. Obviously with ponds and other such water features a degree of excavation work is normally involved and this is best handled by expert professionals.

Gates, trellises and arches are also amongst some of the more popular features in a well landscaped garden. Even fencing may be found under this category. Design is important to make your garden look balanced and beautiful. Why not discuss your own design ideas with a landscaping professional to see just what is possible and perhaps discover what unseen potential your garden may have.

Every garden is different but especially here in the United Kingdom, usually the predominant colour is green. Trees, shrubs and lawns for that matter form such a large part in British gardens and the planting and arranging of these trees and shrubs is yet another vital ingredient in the landscaper's arsenal.

Perhaps you will have concrete patios or block paving in amongst the lawns and foliage or pathways winding through some trees or leading to a garden pond teeming with wildlife.

The experts will be able to tell you which trees will suit your particular garden and whether your ground is suitable for certain species of shrubs and trees. Knowing how quickly the plants and trees grow, which nutrients they need and how much light they need are all considerations that the landscaping experts will be able to advise you with.

Quality landscaping professionals should be able to show you examples or a portfolio of their work to date. Where do you get your own ideas from? Well unless you have your plans already, magazines, books and even online searches can assist you in making your choices for that dream garden.

It is only when you have your ideas and plans in place and have discussed them with your chosen landscaping company that you can assess the cost and most efficient ways of achieving your gardening goals.

Producing a beautiful garden involves hard work and planning, landscaping experts can offer a wealth of information and guidance. Jules researches and writes for website SEO company sigma web.

Placing Your Feng Shui House

If you are thinking where to locate your feng shui house and you are lucky enough to be able to choose the land to build it then you should apply the feng shui principles when selecting your block. If you haven't the luxury of choosing your own block don't despair there are ways with feng shui that provides alternatives to offset anything that may not fit feng shui principles of house siting.

The ideal fenq shui site is said to be where the descending heaven qi meets the ascending earth qi. There is no hard and fast rule about the perfect site but there are some general conditions you can look for. Generally, half way up a hil facing the sun is considered a good location for your feng shui house because you will have a distance view and you will get cool summer breezes and warm winter ones.

The best feng shui house location is called the xue (shu). It incorporates an open space in the front, called the "bright hall" or ming tan, with four mythical animals or spirits around it. A spirit called the red bird provides the distant front view. Another the black tortoise is the hill at the back which provides protection. On the left is situated the azure dragon with the white tiger on the right. Ideally you should have a stream flowing across the front of the feng shui house site as water is regarded as a source of food and method of transportation. It is also believed that the heaven qi descends down the hill and is held back by the water.

All the above provides a protective armchair shape that can be applied not only to your feng shui house site, but to the feng shui of a particular room, where the chairs are placed so the backs are protected and there is an open space in front of you or your garden. At the rear of your garden can plant protective trees if there isn't a hill. Being safe and secure is a large part of being happy.

The shape of your block of land plays an important part of the feng shui house. Symmetrical shapes are the best. An L shaped piece of land poses problems because it is incomplete and unbalanced. If this is the case you need to look at ways of balancing it.

A rectangular block of land that is wider at the northern and southern ends is considered to have the best shape for siting your feng shui house. If your block is not a true rectangle then it is better that the back be wider than the front. With feng Shui you will find there are several ways of balancing a block of land that is not an ideal feng shui shape. You should investigate the best ways for your particular block for your particular feng shui house.

Wilf Gerrard-Staton lives in Country Australia. Where he purchased land and built a house conforming to Feng shui principles. He now has created a blog that provides simple explanations to all aspects of Feng Shui. You can view his blog at

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fire, Earth, Wood, Water, Metal - Feng Shui in the Bedroom

We spend a third of our lives in the bedroom, so it's important that we get it right when it comes to the layout of our bedrooms - creating a peaceful, relaxing sleeping space - When it comes to Feng Shui, this means achieving the proper balance of yin and yang. Yin (masculine) and Yang (feminine) are best described as opposite forces that are deeply interconnected, and must be balanced to achieve well-being and harmony.

Feng shui in bedroom promotes positive and sensual energy. Feng shui in bedroom invites you, lures you in, excites and calms at the same time. A good feng shui bedroom in bedroom is fun and pleasurable to be in, either you are there for a quick nap, a good night sleep or to make passionate love!

For having good feng shui in bedroom there is variety of ways like:

  • The best position for the bed is too placed against the wall.
  • All the doors of bedroom should open 90 degree.
  • Having different level of lights in bedroom.
  • Bedroom color should be soothing like light blue or pale to maintain the balance.
  • Keep all the doors in bedroom closed in night.
  • Don't sleep facing your legs facing the door.
  • Put something interesting on the wall opposite to you so that when you wake you fell good and fresh.
  • Put some flowers in the corner to make livelier.
  • Don't put mirror opposite to you when you sleep.
  • Put accessories in pairs.
  • Don't put any electrical instruments like TV in the room as it beams brings negative energy in the room.

Elements of feng shui

Feng Shui elements can help us to have proper control over our lives and boost our creativity. The Feng Shui elements have a strong role to play for balancing a space or home. According to the Chinese everything's in this world belongs to one of the five Feng Shui elements: Fire, Earth, Wood, Water and Metal.

Fire is the most powerful of all the elements and represents energy, expansion and transformation.

  • Fire can be represented by candle.
  • Color that represents fire is red, orange and yellow.
  • Direction associated with fire is south.
  • Seasons which symbolizes is summer.

Wood helps to develop creative energies like inspiration, motivation and passion. It helps in personal growth and renewal. Wood can be represented by tress or anything green in color like green pillow.

  • Color associated with wood are green, purple.
  • Season that symbolizes wood is spring.
  • Directions for element wood are east and south east.

Water element of feng shui is related to the flow of money and career. Some of the studies shoes that flowing water helps us to let go of things and still water helps the surrounding energies to be calm.

  • The water element can be represented by a fish tank or pond.
  • Color represents water is blue.
  • Seasons which represents is winter.
  • Direction of water element is north.

Metal helps in mental strength and intellectual abilities, making it easier to focus and think clearly.

  • Color which represents element water is white, silver, gray and black.
  • Season represents metal is fall.
  • Direction associate with element metal are northwest and west.

Element earth represents stability and home, giving a sense of security and grounding support. Rock features, thick Color that represents earth is brown, beige, sierra and other muted colors.

  • Season is end of summer.
  • Direction associated are centre, northeast and south west.

Jake produces a publication on a various holistic healing and well-being approaches including: Feng Shui, Meditation, Massage Therapy, Yoga, Pilates and holistic treatments for various health conditions.

Read his latest article now on Feng Shui For Beginners

Thai Dinner For Two

Do you have an anniversary, birthday, or other special day with your significant other coming up? Try a romantic Thai dinner, either dining out or cooking and dining in. There are many delicious and interesting meals to enjoy! Sometimes it is quite a challenge to come up with great menu selections. One might spend lots of time looking up or researching all the Thai dishes. There are really more than enough to choose from, and many great combinations, so don't beat yourself up trying to plan. This article outlines some choices for each part of the dinner.


Choosing a start up dish sometimes can be challenging. Try to choose a dish that is not too heavy. Choose a light dish but yet one that teases you to want more. My first choice would be "Kra Thong Thong", golden pastry cups with minced chicken and chopped vegetables. This appetizer is a cute little cup that will definitely impress him or her. The next choice is "Miang Kam", leaf-wrapped tidbits. This can be a fun thing to do and create nice start up conversations. It involves wrapping several kinds of little tiny items in a leaf, along with a sweet-and-salty sauce. The items include shredded roasted coconut, peanuts, diced lime, diced ginger, diced shallots and chilies. Third choice is "Po Pia Tod", deep-fried spring rolls.

Main course

Whether you are vegetarian or a seafood or chicken lover, don't worry, there is always plenty to choose from. Let's start with how many dishes to order or make. For 2 people, I would say 2-4 dishes. If you are dining out, two dishes are enough for two but might not have variety. Three to four dishes will definitely leave some leftovers for later days. However, if you are planning to cook them yourself, you can make a smaller amount of each dish. This way you can have more dishes for variety. Here are some different combinations of dishes.

  • Combination 1: for those who like things just a little bit spicy
    • Khao Ob Subparod: fried rice with meat, pineapple, onions and cashew nuts, baked in a pineapple
    • Kaeng Kiaw Waan: a slightly sweet green curry with meat and vegetables
    • Gai Pad Med Ma Muang Him Ma Paan: stir-fried chicken and cashew nuts
    • Chu Chi: stir-fried fish (or shrimp) with kaffir lime leaves, Thai sweet basil (Bai Ho Ra Pha) and chu chi chili paste
  • Combination 2: for those who like medium spicy food
    • Khao Pad Poo: fried rice with crab meat, eggs, tomatoes, onion and cilantro
    • Phanaeng: Thai southern style dry curry with meat, kaffir lime leaves and coconut milk
    • Gai Ho Bai Toey: fried chicken wrapped in pandanus leaf
    • Ho Mok Ta Le: steamed seafood custard
  • Combination 3: for those who love spicy food
    • Tom Yum Moo Pa: hot and sour soup with wild boar, mushrooms, cilantro, lemongrass, nam prik pao paste and chilies
    • Kaeng Leung: a hot yellow curry, most common meat used is fish. Other ingredients are winter melon, chilies, garlic, turmeric, lemon grass, shallots and shrimp paste
    • Poo Jaa: steamed crab with pork
    • Pad Ped Tua Fak Yao Moo: stir-fried long beans and pork with red curry paste
  • Combination 4: for seafood lovers

    • Goong Pad Yod Ma Proaw: stir-fried prawns with heart of palm
    • Poo Kan Chiang Nueng: steamed crab sculls
    • Hoi Lai Pad Ped: stir-fried clams with Thai sweet basil (Bai Ho Ra Pha) and roasted chili paste
    • Hoi Nang Rom Sod: fresh oysters with chilies and garlic dipping sauce


To end your meal, it is great to aim for the right dessert that will perfect the dinner. After a non-spicy or spicy main course, something light is always a good choice. Some may already have an idea for dessert, Khao Niaw Ma Muang (mango with sticky rice). For a romantic dinner, I personally would choose something else. This is because sticky rice can be a bit too heavy as a dessert choice. You can be too full to eat but feel you should eat. So I would go with something nice and cold like Thai coconut Ice cream with ground peanuts sprinkled on top. Just a scoop or two would be enough. My second choice would be "Nam Kang Sai." This dessert is a combination of 2-3 items of assorted fruits, beans or sticky rice with shaved ice on top.

As you choose your dishes, consider how the taste, color and presentation go together. In doing so, you might find ways to improve the combinations. For example, to get you started, it is generally better not to choose food all of one color, or all chicken dishes or all spicy dishes. Try to balance one dish with another and create a harmony of dishes. This can help give you different tastes of sweet, salty, sour, bitter or spicy, and make the experience all the more enjoyable. Take these recommendations and run with them! The best part comes from your familiarity with what you and your significant other like, so have fun customizing. Bon appetit and have a nice dinner!

Napatr Lindsley

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Principles of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of telling your destiny. The five elements of Feng Shui are Wood, Fire, Water, Earth and Metal. The elements are presided over by either the productive or destructive cycle. When the elements are productive, Water produces Wood which in turn produces Fire and the cycle carries on to generate Earth and then Metal, follow by Water and it replicates itself all over again.

When the elements are destructive, Wood will break up Earth, which goes on to soak up Water, douse Fire and goes on to dissolve Metal. The destructive cycle is the process of decay but it can be rejuvenated to make room for growth.

In addition to, you have the eight directions and how the elements are represented by various colors.

The color scheme of the five elements is as follow:

Wood = Green

Fire = Red

Water = Black or blue

Earth = Brown or Yellow

Metal = White, Gold, or Silver.

The significance of Feng Shui is harmony, which is to achieve Yin and Yang balance. Ying and Yang denote the negative and positive energy that exist in our atmosphere. The principles of Feng Shui can be applicable to the planning of our home, the workplace and every aspects of our life including your internet business.

Fundamentally, you will need the expertise of the Feng Shui practitioner to assist you to achieve harmony with the environment. Feng Shui has been known to perk up your health, love life or finances and if apply rightly, can lead to good health, flourishing love life and excellent financial health. To achieve the desired harmony, the elements and colors must match as in the practice of Feng Shui, it is essential that harmony and balance remain so as to enable the chi to be positive. The dominance of one element or color over another will lead to adversity.

Water corresponds to prosperity and wealth so it is crucial to enhance it in the region of your workplace or home. The Wood element represents all living plants and trees, so wealth and prosperity will thrive in the home if they are found ideally placed. On the other hand, the Earth energy is warm and comforting by inducing closeness and togetherness. In the case of Yang element, it is symbolizes by Metal.

Incorporating the principles of Feng Shui can lead to harmonious relationship with nature, people around you and other features of your life. Feng Shui is essentially a principle to accomplish balance and harmony with our surroundings.

Jason is a creator of several websites and he loves the study of Feng Shui as well as incorporates elements of Feng Shui principles in his life. You can access the website at

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nailing Or Screwing Drywall

Nails versus screws who will become the winner. When drywall first came out the installers used everything from regular steel nails to galvanized roofing nails. After a short amount of time they started to develop major problems from nails popping out of the finished drywall.

Nail popping results when the nail is driven into moist lumber and as the lumber shrinks the house settles and nail can actually pop out to the walls. Hard to imagine the nail could actually pop out of the drywall as the wood was drying out.

How far the nail would actually pop out was determined by how far it was driven in to the framing studs or ceiling joists. Well pretty soon drywall installers started to use ring shank nails to eliminate this problem. This worked great but these nails were hard to drive in and would often break.

As time went on the nails improved and were made out of galvanized metal with cupped shaped heads and came in a few different sizes. The size of the nail used was determined by the thickness of the drywall. These new nails worked great and had good holding power and eliminated a lot of nail popping.

Using nails means driving them in with a hammer. If you miss the nail you damage the drywall. This seemed to be a big problem and was virtually eliminated with the screws.

Well pretty soon people started using screws which had greater holding power and pretty much nail popping. Another advantage to using screws over nails is the simple fact you need less screws than you do nails to attach the drywall to the metal or wood framing.

This means less labor installing and finishing the drywall.

There is one problem with the screws and that is they have to be set perfectly. They can not break the paper surface on the drywall but have to be set enough into the drywall so that it can be finished properly. Most screw guns have an adjustable setting used to get just the right depth for the screws installed in the drywall. But this also was a problem when screwing into a hard piece of wood you can actually snapped the screw head off, strip the screw head or break the screw.

Nails on the other hand can bend while driving them into a hard surface.

Who wins the nails versus screws while installing drywall? I have got to give it to the screws. That doesn't mean the nails just got screwed or the screws just got nailed.

I couldn't resist. I actually preferred the screws over the nails except for when nailing the drywall corner bead on. Some drywall professionals use nails to hang the drywall and go back with a screw gun and some screws to finish the job. The nails sometimes seem handier than the screws when installing the drywall.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Carlsbad Home Improvement

Are Christians Really Interested

Self Help For the Self Employed

So much for Mr. Key Executive and his forerunner, Mr. Young Executive. As employees of Corporation Americana, their occupations offer them a unique and negotiable source of estate building. Yet not everyone climbs a corporate ladder, nor has the opportunity or inclination to do so.

For those reasons we want to introduce another character into the drama, a professional woman who is nobody's employee. Her name is Ms. Doctor, the young physician who nets $80,000 a year from her new practice. She has no compensation package and no negotiated benefits, no company to give her any of these niceties. Where are the estate-building opportunities in her occupation? Who is going to help her?

This, in a nutshell, is the situation of some ten million citizens of this country-all the doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants, architects, engineers, writers, artists, and actors, other independent professionals, and along with them the independent businesspersons: the sole owners or partners of businesses, large or small, the entrepreneurs. These are the self-employed. They range from the actress who commands $100,000 for a single performance and the individual business owner who grosses a million per year, to the corner grocery store operator who nets only $35,000, or the writer who makes $60,000 in a good year, half of that in a bad one, and the Web page designer who has seen his business boom in the last few years, and expects it to keep on growing.

There are no ready-made pension plans, deferred compensation arrangements, or profit-sharing funds for them. They can put up to $3,000 a year into an IRA or $6,000 where there's a nonworking spouse and they file a joint return. (If neither of them participates in a qualified retirement plan they may make deductible IRA contributions. However, if they are active participants in a retirement plan, the $3,000 IRA deduction limit per person is phased out for single taxpayers with income over $45,000 in 2004; $50,000 in 2005 and thereafter. The phase-out income threshold for married taxpayers is $65,000 in 2004; $70,000 in 2005; $75,000 in 2006; $80,000 in 2007 and thereafter.) Unlike the rest of their fellow citizens, their occupations do not automatically provide them with substantial built-in tax shelters. They are compensated as well as or sometimes better than the corporate employee. But since all of this compensation is in the form of income, it is subject to tax.

The heart of their dilemma is in the very word that describes their economic situation: self-employed. Our tax laws were set up originally to benefit the employee, the person who works for someone else. Large though their numbers are, the self-employed used to be an economic anachronism in our economy.

Today there are a variety of opportunities for the self-employed to establish tax-favored savings plans for retirement. The fence that once separated the tax-sheltered employee from the nonsheltered self-employed person is no longer an issue. Over the years it has been opened more and more, until the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 gave the self-employed the opportunity to provide themselves with most of the same employee benefits that their corporate counterparts enjoy. Since then many changes in the tax law and many more retirement planning opportunities have been added.

"Self-help" is still the concept, however. More than large corporation employees, the self-employed have to take the initiative and put together their own compensation packages, and have to know about and utilize the various opportunities available to them for building funds for retirement and for building an estate.

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Monday, September 7, 2009

Attic Odors and Strange Smells

If you've ever opened up your attic access hole, only to find one of the worst odors you have ever smelled in your whole life, I've been there too. What causes these horrible smells and what can you do about them?

Let's start with the cause of these smells, moisture, dirt, mold, mildew, dead animals, animals that make their home in your attic and the biggest problem of all is normally poor ventilation.

Poor ventilation is the biggest problem with musty smells in the attic. These smells are often caused from moisture accumulating in the building materials over time. If there is enough moisture in the attic, the wood will start to rot but this wouldn't be a normal situation, unless there was a roof or water leak.

Roof leaks can cause a constant supply of water to one part of the attic. This constant supply of water will eventually rot the wood and damage the ceiling. Water leaks from pipes can provide a steady supply of water and the situation can attracts termites and mold. Not a good thing.

One of the worst possible smells or odors in your attic would be a dead animal. Don't under estimate the size of some of these animals, they have found dead raccoons, cats, snakes, large birds, squirrels, rats and mice in some attics. These animals usually enter through damaged access holes or vent blocks, roof vents, large gaps, holes and even fireplace chimneys.

Once these animals die, their bodies start to decompose and produce one horrible odor. Once the body is completely decomposed, the smell usually goes away if the attic is ventilated properly. These smells can seep into the homes living area, often creating a room that no one wants to enter.

Home peststhat make their home in your attics, often create smells from urinating and defecating in the areas around their nest. Large birds like owls can become a problem over time.

Now that we've figured out some of the causes for attic odors and strange smells, what can we do to prevent this from happening and if it's already happened, how can we get rid of the smell.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your having problems in your attic, find out more at pest control books and home building ideas.

If I Hate My Brother

The Times They Are Changing

We live in a very interesting time in world history. The evolution of getting to this point has never been so dynamic. Even though all the events that have taken place prior to this point in time have great significance, and the fact that it is what brought us here, our current world environment has been propelled into the 21st century with lightening speed. The advancement of technology in communications, information, and the internet has created the instant information age. And with that our conscious minds have become more inter connected with the world than ever before.

What is interesting is that this phenomenon is the staging ground for all of us to become more enlightened. We are, and always have been connected to the entire universe. We all have roots in the universe because consciousness affects our physical world, which includes all living things right down to the individual cells. Our minds have a great influence on our health and well being and on how we view the world. Our existence in the universe is born of a sense of participation and kinship with all others and all matter. The basic oneness of the universe is the central characteristic of the mystical experience, but is also one of the most important revelations of modern physics, (i.e. quantum physics). But I don't want to talk about quantum theory; I want to talk about the human connectedness, and what I detect as a shift in the thinking of more and more people.

Because of the information age, a fast paced lifestyle, what's in it for me attitude, and a win at all cost mentality, too many people began losing sight of the connection we all have with each other and the universe. The ideal of we are all in this together was fading, and taking responsibility for the common good of all, had begun to disappear. Over the last decade, an exponential amount of negative actions and the pursuits of an ideology of egotism have brought us to this juncture. But there is hope because I see the beginning of a change in the minds of many people.

Now, more than ever people are placing an increased importance on relationships. Taking stock of what really matters, like family, friends, and community. There is a new awareness that we are all connected to the universe, and that human consciousness and the physical world are intertwined. The realization is that there is a profound interaction that exists between conscious mental activity and the physical world itself.

We cannot separate our own existence from that of the outside world. We are not only associated with the earth that we inhabit, but with the furthest reaches of the cosmos. We affect all of those about us, so events such as caring, loving, and confiding exert profound consequences on the universe.

Following the Laws of Attraction, the universe gives us what we want if follow our dreams and our passions, but it also takes away if we lose sight of that connection that exists between us all. I believe that there is a change in the winds of time because there is the beginning of an understanding of this relationship. Maybe, just maybe it could be the start of the new Age of Enlightenment.

Owner : EnerChi Living Spaces & Gallery. We are a unique Home & Garden decor store. Specializing in Feng Shui design and consultation. We offer one-of-a-kind gifts and personalized ideas for decorating your home, garden and office. We offer workshops in Feng Shui decorating, meditation, journal writing, and manifesting your dreams. We support our local artists and musicians with shows and vignettes. Our merchandise is selected from all over the world with an emphasis on Asian Western design. The store exhibits a unique blend of products in a tranquil peaceful setting. We have just launched a home staging service for our local market. We have just completed an expansion to over 2,000 square ft. and our new website has launched.

Structural Framing Beams

Let's start with the beams. They can be Glulam, Parallam, Microlam or even wood beams. What are all of these and why do I need them in my house. The beams are used to hold up parts of the house and are located in your walls, roofs and floors. Beams are used to transfer a load from one point to another.

Structural framing beams allow the architect to create large openings, floors and roofs in your house. The beams are also used to support the weight over the doors, windows and other openings in your home. These beams support massive amounts of weight in some cases and are even made of steel if needed.

Another growing problem is the lack of old growth trees in the forest. If we just used wood beams with out using the new engineered beams we would have to cut down a lot more of the bigger trees. So you can add these guys to your Christmas list. The lumber or wood engineers have come up with all sorts of alternatives for new building products. These new beams are just some of them. Keep up the good work guys...

Glulam is a engineered wood product comprised of wood laminations, or 2 x 4s that are bonded together with strong, waterproof adhesives. If you use a Glulam beam on the buildings exterior you will have to order a exterior Glulam beam. In this case the manufacture will use special exterior rated glues for the beam.

When ordering any wood engineered beams specify to the lumber yard what you are using the beam for. Exterior or Interior of the building. If you use a interior glulam over time there is a good chance of the beam delaminating or cracking apart.

Parallam is made from almost all of the wood on the log using veneer strands that are aligned parallel for maximum strength. The end product is a rectangular beam; which is longer, thicker, and stronger than solid-sawn lumber. They are often used as beams, headers, columns, and posts, among others uses.

Microllam is an engineered wood product that uses multiple layers of thin wood assembled with adhesives. It offers several advantages over typical milled lumber: it is stronger, straighter, and more uniform. It is much less likely than conventional lumber to warp, twist, bow, or shrink due to its composite nature. Made in a factory under controlled specifications, Microllam products allow users to reduce the onsite labor. They are typically used for headers, beams, rim board, and edge-forming material.

These beams come in all sorts of different lengths, widths and heights. They are engineered to hold amazing amounts of weight. They really are great engineering marvels.

Tip: I have had to replace almost all of these types of beams over the years due to some form of damage. Like anything else in your home if it is used improperly there is a good chance your are going to have some sort of failure. I have seen people add weight to these structural beams with no thought of them ever failing.

If you are planning on building a room addition, rebuilding your roof, adding a floor or any other type of construction where you are adding a addition load to your house. You might want to consult with a building contractor or structural engineer.

Thanks Greg For Another Super Article On Home Building. For more great articles visit Greg at

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry. Causes of Structural Failure

Greg Vanden Berge Quotes

Rejection is an Illusion

Does rejection exist? There's no such thing as failure or rejection. Let me ask you when you wiped out on your bike, did you feel rejected? Did you take it personally? No! It was simply a result. And it was simply a result you didn't like. So, you got back on the bike and committed yourself to obtaining a better result. You weren't offended that the bike "rejected" you or you experience "failure". You didn't feel "bad" because it was an "experience" and you probably learned from that experience.

"Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it." - William James Duran

If someone "rejects" you, and it's seldom personal, just a person making a decision. It could even be a poor decision on their part. If you "fail," it's just a matter of not doing something the way you'd like or the way someone else might like. Most opinions - even your own - are subjective. So, don't let the opinions of others dictate how you think about yourself. Compare yourself only to yourself, and set goals for you and your own fulfillment, not to impress others.

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." - Bill Cosby

A man named Spencer Silver was working to create a super glue or adhesive. After many attempts Mr. Silver developed a new adhesive, but it was super weak instead of super strong. Many of us would have labeled this experience as a "failure" or "rejection" Mr. Silver classified it as a result and stored the data. Then one Sunday four years later, another scientist named Mr. Arthur Fry was singing in the church's choir. He used markers to keep his place in the hymnals, but they kept falling out of the book. Remembering Mr. Silver's, "result" Mr. Fry used some of the super weak adhesive to coat his markers. Success! With the weak adhesive, the markers stayed in place, yet lifted off without damaging the pages. If Mr. Silver had thrown away his "failure" - Post It Notes would not be here today.

If you believe you've failed you may want to ask yourself some questions. What could I learn from this? How does this result help me? Remember each result is just another experience to learn and adjust bike path. If you don't like your results, change your approach and try for a different result. You might need to fine-tune your skills. Maybe you need to scoot your bike up to the curb when you climb on in order to prevent yourself from falling. Maybe what you need is some help, like a mentor or additional training. Maybe joining a professional organization will give you the contacts and information you need to take that step further. Explore, discover, and research! Find out what you need to do, and repeat, repeat, repeat!

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas A. Edison

What is your definition for rejection? Most people define rejection as not obtaining my goal, examples: She turn me down for a date or He won't let me or something along those lines. But have you ever decided what your definition of rejection is or how did you develop your term for rejection?

Take a moment and define rejection in a way that supports your life and instantly your life will change. A student of mine, defined rejection has: "I need to start negotiating" could you guess he was in sales.

Once you have created your new definition practices, practices, practice, remember repetition is the mother of skill.

"Rejection or Failure are illusions the only true rejection or failure is not being allowed in heaven, if you don't believe me ask God yourself" - Bert J. Martinez

Bert J. Martinez

You Were Created to Succeed.

Born in Havana, Cuba, Bert Martinez started school in Spain, and went on to complete school in United States. As a young man he was amazed how some immigrants could a mass wealth or success so quickly while the majority struggle to survive. His curiosity has led to a life study of "Success" to determine what qualities successful people shared. Surprisingly, he found, age, gender, race, family history, education or the ability to speak English determined ones ability to be "Successful." Bert noticed one commonality; without fail, the successful managed their emotions differently. This discovery changed Bert's focus completely and he embarked on a life mission to help people Manage Their Emotions for Success and Fulfillment. His clients starting calling him "The Emotional Engineer" for his ability to wipe traumatic memories, fear, and even phobias in minutes. or

Old Versus New Construction Adhesives

When I first started building in 1978 as a young carpenter and an apprentice to my father. I had the grand illusions of becoming what they call on the east coast a master carpenter and on the West Coast a journeyman carpenter.

Part of my training in construction was learning to use the proper adhesive and caulking for different parts of the building project. We used to use a standard solvent-based construction adhesive when we were building our stairs and they would also use this adhesive on the floors to eliminate squeaks.

This glue dried extremely hard and everyone thought the harder the better. This construction adhesive was great when I started using it in 1978. There wasn't the polyethylene super elastic expandable multi-use glue and caulking construction adhesives at that time.

We used this brittle glue and it always seemed like a waste of time. As the wood dried and started to shrink the brittle hard glue would crack and break away from the wood it was glued to. Normally the glue was breaking away from plywood floor sheeting. I have seen 2 x 12 shrink 3/8 of an inch before in as little as a few months during the summer.

Now as time went on the old construction adhesives were replaced with a new window sealant made by a company called TOPS. This stuff was the hottest and best product of the decade to me. I used this stuff for everything.

This new urethane glue was now being used for sub floors, stair treads, sealing the windows flashing and siding. This stuff is still in use today and is a great choice for all of the uses I mentioned above. The price for this sealant is about double that of most water-based or solvent-based glues. But it's worth it.

So there you have it I like the urethane glues because of their flexibility, elasticity, their ability to adhere to wood concrete or metal and their performance in the years ahead.

There is one thing to keep in mind when using construction adhesives. Most construction workers seem to ignore the fact that the wood needs to be dry and clean before applying the construction adhesive. There have been quite a few times I have witnessed carpenters working with me and ignoring my advice.

Don't put yourself into this category. Doing quality work and following the manufacturers recommended installation instructions for their product will decrease your liability if there is ever a problem. Read the instructions carefully on all of the building products you use.

The manufacturers of these construction adhesives have thoroughly tested them. So use them properly and follow all safety warnings.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Carlsbad Structural Repairs

Are Christians Really Interested

Attitude - Is it Really the Difference Maker?

What is attitude? We hear this term from all motivational speakers. We have heard from our mothers, fathers and teachers when they have said, "Your attitude stinks," or "Young man, you'd better change your attitude." Let's see what Webster's says about attitude: " A manner or posture of carrying one self. A state of mind or feeling." It is interesting that this attitude is both a state of mind as well as a reflection of how we carry ourselves on the outside. In other words, attitude is an inward feeling expressed by outward behavior.

Some say attitude is everything. That one can have everything he or she desires by changing attitude. But is that an overstatement. John C. Maxwell in his new book "The Difference Maker," says, "The right attitude cannot make you something you are not, but it can enhance everything you have and all that you are."

I have been training, motivating and empowering sales teams for more than 25 years and I must say I agree with John Maxwell. One must have skills and competence in certain areas one is attaining to. A good example is you can have the best attitude in the world, and visualize and write powerful positive affirmations to be a brain surgeon. But if the good Lord did not give you the gift of exceptional intelligence and you failed all your natural science courses in college, I doubt having a great attitude will get you to your goal.

I will admit as a VP of Sales hiring sales folks they must have the skills, experience and competency to do the job. But the very next thing I look for is attitude. I want team players, problem solvers and folks that care about building and encouraging those around them.

So how big is attitude? Is it the little difference that makes all the difference in the world?

W. Clement Stone puts it this way, "There is little difference in people, but the little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative."

The following are some Barriers for us to break through when it comes to attitude:

1. Discouragement: You must win over discouragement by speaking positive to yourself and others. Put positive people around you. Have the right expectations.

2. Change: Embrace it and confront it head on. Change will always be in front of you it is a part of life. Re-frame it and look for positive improvements.

3. Problems: Be a problem solver. Start off with evaluating, analyzing, assessing alternatives, and bring forth positive recommendations.

4. Conquer Fear: Fear is the other side of faith. You must confront it and go through it to get your miracle.

5. Accept Failure: I had a boss who used to say, "I worry about you if you and your team are not failing, it tells me your are not trying new innovated things so you must be playing it safe and predictable." How are we going to grow and take on new challenges if you are afraid to fail? Step out and don't take it all so seriously.

Does attitude make ALL the difference in the world? Maybe not ALL but it is sure close. You see without it you will not be able to grow and stretch beyond your current God-given talents. You ask how? Well you see, none of us will get ahead in life unless a lot of people want us to. A positive attitude is your most valuable asset every day. It helps in little issues and provides for a positive framework in which to approach life.

As the famous Yogi Berra said, "Life is like baseball; it's 95 percent mental, and the other half is physical." A positive attitude is a difference maker so pass it on and have a blessed life.

Len Strickler is best described as a motivational coach, teacher and speaker who is unquestionably passionate about building, training, and leading remarkably successful sales teams that deliver fast-to-market results. As a sales executive, he has spent more than 25 years helping high-tech, global companies capture revenue to support product innovation activities, seize a competitive advantage, and generate profit fast. He thrives on the challenges and adventures of working in a global environment. He integrates a powerful mix of visionary leadership, collaborative team approaches, innovative thinking, and sales team mentoring and training to deliver enviable sales results for companies interested in shattering sales performance records.

Are you ready to take your company to the next level? Let Len help your company or team "Break Through The Barriers!" Book him today to speak at your next event!

Bathroom Moisture Problems - Home Repair

Right above my bathtub in my master bathroom the paint is peeling off the wall. The area is peeling above the tile in my bathtub and shower combination. I tried to glue the peeling paint back and only made the situation worst.

First things first. The paint is peeling because there is to much moisture in the bathroom while you are using it. Do you have any windows you can open or a ventilating bathroom fan. If you have a window crack it open part way while you are showering.

The water droplets will accumulate on the walls and drip into any cracks. Right above the tile grout is a great place for moisture to accumulate. Oh yeah moisture loves grout and drywall. If you have any unpainted areas or an area that has cracked. Guess what you have now.

Your paint is peeling because the bathroom gets hot and cold. Moist and dry. If you have the door and windows shut. You just created a moisture trap. Most people prefer their privacy and will closes the door when using the shower. Well then open the window and let some cold air in while you are taking a nice warn shower. I don't think so. Most showering fools don't like that idea either.

Ok one more idea keep the windows shut so you don't let the cold air in. Then lock the door so no on barges in on you. If you have a ventilation fan turn it on. This will at least pull fresh air in from under the door and send the moist air out of the house.

But the fan is so noisy and I can't enjoy my nice warm vapor producing shower that will eventually cause me to get sick from mold particles floating around in the air while I am using my bathroom.
Does this about sum it up for you and don't we all do this from time to time. We want to enjoy our shower time, so we close up everything and when we are in our bath sauna environment relaxing our house is getting some damaging moisture that could cause mold and mildew.

Open a window or door a little when you shower. Get some air circulating through the bathroom and prevent damage to your nice house.

Put up with a little inconvenience for you homes sake and your pocket book.

Greg Vanden Berge has been in the home building and remodeling business in California for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building in North San Diego Home Remodeling Carlsbad Home Remodeling

Visit us now for Bathroom Ideas

Religion Articles

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Attitude - Is it Really the Difference Maker?

What is attitude? We hear this term from all motivational speakers. We have heard from our mothers, fathers and teachers when they have said, "Your attitude stinks," or "Young man, you'd better change your attitude." Let's see what Webster's says about attitude: " A manner or posture of carrying one self. A state of mind or feeling." It is interesting that this attitude is both a state of mind as well as a reflection of how we carry ourselves on the outside. In other words, attitude is an inward feeling expressed by outward behavior.

Some say attitude is everything. That one can have everything he or she desires by changing attitude. But is that an overstatement. John C. Maxwell in his new book "The Difference Maker," says, "The right attitude cannot make you something you are not, but it can enhance everything you have and all that you are."

I have been training, motivating and empowering sales teams for more than 25 years and I must say I agree with John Maxwell. One must have skills and competence in certain areas one is attaining to. A good example is you can have the best attitude in the world, and visualize and write powerful positive affirmations to be a brain surgeon. But if the good Lord did not give you the gift of exceptional intelligence and you failed all your natural science courses in college, I doubt having a great attitude will get you to your goal.

I will admit as a VP of Sales hiring sales folks they must have the skills, experience and competency to do the job. But the very next thing I look for is attitude. I want team players, problem solvers and folks that care about building and encouraging those around them.

So how big is attitude? Is it the little difference that makes all the difference in the world?

W. Clement Stone puts it this way, "There is little difference in people, but the little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative."

The following are some Barriers for us to break through when it comes to attitude:

1. Discouragement: You must win over discouragement by speaking positive to yourself and others. Put positive people around you. Have the right expectations.

2. Change: Embrace it and confront it head on. Change will always be in front of you it is a part of life. Re-frame it and look for positive improvements.

3. Problems: Be a problem solver. Start off with evaluating, analyzing, assessing alternatives, and bring forth positive recommendations.

4. Conquer Fear: Fear is the other side of faith. You must confront it and go through it to get your miracle.

5. Accept Failure: I had a boss who used to say, "I worry about you if you and your team are not failing, it tells me your are not trying new innovated things so you must be playing it safe and predictable." How are we going to grow and take on new challenges if you are afraid to fail? Step out and don't take it all so seriously.

Does attitude make ALL the difference in the world? Maybe not ALL but it is sure close. You see without it you will not be able to grow and stretch beyond your current God-given talents. You ask how? Well you see, none of us will get ahead in life unless a lot of people want us to. A positive attitude is your most valuable asset every day. It helps in little issues and provides for a positive framework in which to approach life.

As the famous Yogi Berra said, "Life is like baseball; it's 95 percent mental, and the other half is physical." A positive attitude is a difference maker so pass it on and have a blessed life.

Len Strickler is best described as a motivational coach, teacher and speaker who is unquestionably passionate about building, training, and leading remarkably successful sales teams that deliver fast-to-market results. As a sales executive, he has spent more than 25 years helping high-tech, global companies capture revenue to support product innovation activities, seize a competitive advantage, and generate profit fast. He thrives on the challenges and adventures of working in a global environment. He integrates a powerful mix of visionary leadership, collaborative team approaches, innovative thinking, and sales team mentoring and training to deliver enviable sales results for companies interested in shattering sales performance records.

Are you ready to take your company to the next level? Let Len help your company or team "Break Through The Barriers!" Book him today to speak at your next event!

Dog Creates Remodeling Nightmare

How many homeowners normally leave their dog in the backyard or they have full time access to the backyard through a doggie door. You're probably wondering how can a little dog create a remodeling nightmare for any contractor.

This wasn't the case this dog was a large Labrador retriever and tore up everything in the backyard constantly. The house remodel we were working on was a two story room addition over a single story house. This job lasted around six months and the dog was a daily reminder of how much attention a large dog actually needs.

Let's start with the first item of value the dog actually destroyed. It was my favorite tool bags of course that I have taken care of for over five years and deeply appreciated the fact that they were broke in just the way I wanted them to be. Kind of like a baseball mitt that doesn't quite fit right because of how stiff it is until you break it in.

While the homeowner of course apologized and never even offered to replace them. Oh but after that he did mention never to leave anything lying around in the backyard. Lesson learned of course and never forgotten. Well to make a long story short this large dog could chew up tools, lumber, plumbing pipes, electrical wire and was even able to destroyed the plywood fencing we would use to keep him away.

I'm going to stop right there with the remodeling nightmare created from this dog in hopes that other contractors can learn from my valuable lesson. As a contractor you should never assume that a homeowner will replace any damaged or broken tools and materials.

As a homeowner with a dog reading this article, think about having a place to enclose the dog if necessary while remodeling work is done on your home.

I love being around dogs and other animals but sometimes a problem like this can make life extremely miserable for both parties.

Greg Vanden Berge has been building and remodeling for over 30 years and his information has proven valuable to most contractors and homeowners all over the world. He usually tries to write at least two articles a day on home improvement or remodeling problems.

Greg is in the process right now of working on a home inspection website that will revolutionize the home inspection business. He is also working on a book to help homeowners and contractors as well as other home related professions in dealing with the home inspection process.

You can visit the home inspection website currently under construction at Home Inspection Help

Meditating On Religious Scriptur

Love Addiction, Approval Addiction

In my experience as a counselor for 40 years, I have found that love addiction and approval addiction are far more prevalent than any other substance or process addictions. We live in a love-addicted, approval-addicted society.

What does it mean to be love/approval addicted? Below is a checklist for you to see if you are addicted to love and/or approval. Believing any of these may indicate love or approval addiction.

I believe that:

* My happiness and wellbeing are depended upon getting love from another person.

* My adequacy, lovability, and feelings of self-worth and self-esteem come from others liking me and approving of me.

* Others disapproval or rejection mean that Im not good enough.

* I cant make myself happy.

* I cant make myself as happy as someone else can.

* My best feelings come from outside myself, from how other people or a particular other person sees me and treats me.

* Others are responsible for my feelings. Therefore, if someone cares about me, he or she will never do anything that hurts or upsets me.

* I cant be alone. I feel like Ill die if Im alone.

* When Im hurt or upset, its someone elses fault.

* Its up to other people to make me feel good about myself by approving of me.

* Im not responsible for my feelings. Other people make me feel happy, sad, angry, frustrated, shut down, or depressed. When Im angry, someone makes me feel that way and is responsible for fixing my feelings.

* Im not responsible for my behavior. Other people make me yell, act crazy, get sick, laugh, cry, get violent, leave, or fail.

* Others are selfish if they do what they want instead of what I want or need.

* If Im not connected to someone, I will die.

* I cant handle my pain, especially the pain of disapproval, rejection, abandonment, the pain of being shut out - the pain of isolation and loneliness.

Living as a love or approval addict is a very hard way to live. You have to constantly make sure you say the right thing, do the right, and look right in order to get the needed love and approval. Your feelings are on a roller coaster from feeling the wonderful feelings that come from getting your love or approval fix to feeling the despair that comes when your supply the source of your love and approval - shuts down, gets angry or judgmental, or goes away.


Love and approval addiction is rooted in self-abandonment. Imagine the feeling part of you as a child your inner child. When you are love or approval addicted, you have handed your inner child away for adoption. Instead of learning to take responsibility for your own happiness by loving and approving of yourself, you have handed your inner child away to others for love and approval making others responsible for your feelings. This inner self-abandonment will always cause the deep pain of low self-worth, making you dependent upon others for your sense of worth.

The sad thing about all of this is that love is the most abundant thing in the universe. We live in a sea of love it is always within us and all around us. It is our Source. When you learn to open to Spirit/God/Source, you become filled with love, with peace, with joy. The empty place within that yearns to be filled becomes so filled with love that it overflows to others. You find yourself desiring to give love rather than always trying to get it.

As long as you make others your Source, you will not find the love, peace and joy that you seek. By learning and practicing the Inner Bonding process that we teach, you can learn to fill yourself with love and heal your love and approval addictions.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" and Healing Your Aloneness. She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or email her at Phone sessions available.

Attic Odors and Strange Smells

If you've ever opened up your attic access hole, only to find one of the worst odors you have ever smelled in your whole life, I've been there too. What causes these horrible smells and what can you do about them?

Let's start with the cause of these smells, moisture, dirt, mold, mildew, dead animals, animals that make their home in your attic and the biggest problem of all is normally poor ventilation.

Poor ventilation is the biggest problem with musty smells in the attic. These smells are often caused from moisture accumulating in the building materials over time. If there is enough moisture in the attic, the wood will start to rot but this wouldn't be a normal situation, unless there was a roof or water leak.

Roof leaks can cause a constant supply of water to one part of the attic. This constant supply of water will eventually rot the wood and damage the ceiling. Water leaks from pipes can provide a steady supply of water and the situation can attracts termites and mold. Not a good thing.

One of the worst possible smells or odors in your attic would be a dead animal. Don't under estimate the size of some of these animals, they have found dead raccoons, cats, snakes, large birds, squirrels, rats and mice in some attics. These animals usually enter through damaged access holes or vent blocks, roof vents, large gaps, holes and even fireplace chimneys.

Once these animals die, their bodies start to decompose and produce one horrible odor. Once the body is completely decomposed, the smell usually goes away if the attic is ventilated properly. These smells can seep into the homes living area, often creating a room that no one wants to enter.

Home peststhat make their home in your attics, often create smells from urinating and defecating in the areas around their nest. Large birds like owls can become a problem over time.

Now that we've figured out some of the causes for attic odors and strange smells, what can we do to prevent this from happening and if it's already happened, how can we get rid of the smell.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your having problems in your attic, find out more at pest control books and home building ideas.

Should The Bible Be Edited

Real Help For Out Of Control Anger

It is very easy to get angry, with the way the world is today. Most people have stress levels off the charts due to family, work, social problems, and worst of all, financial and debt issues. With everything that is on your plate, it's no wonder that most days you feel like screaming and ranting until things finally start to make sense. So, what can be done to soothe your raging spirit and bring calm to your life when everything feels so out of your control? Anger management is a collection of techniques and methods that are designed to help you learn to better control your anger and feel more at peace with the world around you. The following four anger management methods will give you the information you need to help you decide how and where to get help.

Relaxation Therapy Since stress and the feelings of pressure are often the leading reasons for uncontrollable anger. The best way to curb this type of anger is through relaxation therapy. Relaxation helps reduce stress levels and allows you to better control your anger. One of the most common relaxation technique is meditation. Meditation is focused breathing often accompanied by a specific and meaningful word or phrase repeated under your breath. This word or phrase is also called a Mantra and frequently represents something important to your life.

Aromatherapy has more recently become a favorite way for people to relax and relieve stress. By adding a scent to your bathwater, floating to candlelight and maybe reading a good book or listening to soothing music, you will be able to feel your tension melt away.

Many people also find exercise, particular yoga, to be relaxing in a meditative way. Not only does yoga relieve stress, it also helps you get into shape. I know looking good improves my attitude!

Support Groups When your stress levels are high and your anger is out of control, you can feel lonely, scared and isolated. As if you are the most horrible person in the world and the only one who can't handle your anger. Joining a support group can show you that there are many, many people who struggle with the same anger problems that you do. If you are shy or just prefer not seeking out a support group in the "real world", the Internet offers assistance through forums and chat rooms. On the Internet you can enjoy the feeling of belonging that you need while still getting the feeling of anonymity that you want.

Self-Help Books Maybe you are the type of person who learns best through reading. Self-help books for anger management can discuss many different ways to analyze your problem with anger and get to the root of your issues. Some of the other methods discussed in this article will be discussed in more thorough detail and other methods will be introduced. Many anger management self-help books were written by medical professionals (mostly psychologists) and can effectively help you cope with your out of control anger.

It is important to note that it is net recommended to only use self-help books to treat anger. Reading a book can only help so much and should be combined with other methods for treating anger management.

Therapy If you feel that your anger is seriously out of control and you may be a danger to yourself or others in a fit of rage, you should enlist the help of a professional mental health counselor. A counselor will talk with you about your anger, try to determine the root, and introduce you to the most effective techniques in controlling anger. Therapy isn't only a last resort for anger management; it is a good option for people who have only mild anger problems too. Anyone who believes they could benefit from talking to a professional about their anger should go ahead and schedule an appointment without fearing judgment.

DIY Bathroom Remodeling Or Hiring a Contractor

The first question you need to ask yourself when remodeling a bathroom is can you actually do the work yourself or do you have someone that can help you with the remodeling. If you don't know anyone and can't do the work yourself, I would suggest hiring a contractor with experience remodeling bathrooms.

If you can do the work yourself or think you could do the work yourself, why not give it a shot. Any experience you have in construction or home remodeling, is going to be beneficial to your bathroom remodeling project. There is plenty of information on the internet or in your local libraries on bathroom remodeling and these often prove to be great resources for do it yourselfers.

As an experienced contractor I have gathered a great deal of information through books, at work and watching local home improvement shows. The biggest problem with the show's and quite a few of these books, is they don't provide enough information. Most of the time they provide you with the basics of bathroom remodeling and you could soon find yourself in trouble or seeking the advice from a home improvement professional.

The largest benefit for doing the bathroom remodeling project yourself, could be the money you save, along with the satisfaction of completing the project. It makes homeowners feel good when they've completed a large home remodeling project, like a bathroom remodel.

If you don't have the time, lack the experience or a combination of both, I would suggest hiring a contractor to relieve you from the stress and frustration of your bath remodeling project. The more complex your bathroom remodeling project is, the greater the degree of difficulty, the longer it will take to complete the project. Some of these projects can take up a lot of your time.

If you're working on galvanized water supply pipes or old cast iron waste pipes, you could find yourself hiring a plumber to install your bathtub and fixtures. These old pipes create problems for most do it yourselfers and I would suggest hiring a professional, whenever you run into a problem you don't feel comfortable with.

Choosing to tackle some of these difficult problems yourself, could lead to water leaks and more damage to the home eventually costing you even more money than the original cost of hiring an experienced plumber in the first place. When it comes to water, structural framing and electricity, think twice, especially if you're not experienced in these areas.

My advice to do it yourselfers is to hire a professional if you're not comfortable or seek the advice from a contractor or someone with considerable experience bathroom remodeling.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more House Remodeling Pictures or home building ideas.

Should The Bible Be Edited

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Keep Believing in You

January is just about done (can you believe it), time waits for no man. I hope everyone is following their plans, guidelines or whatever you label your project to be. I know it can be overwhelming but if we want to get to our goals we just have to woman/man up and do what we have to do. That's were changing your mindset comes into play.

Since to the beginning of the New Year I have just been taking it one day at a time, everyday I'm doing something that relates to my business, even when I don't feel like doing it, because if I don't do it it will just sit there waiting to be taken care of. Whenever you get that thought in your head to go take care of whatever project you may have going on, that's when you go tackle it and take care of business (you don't have to get it right you just gotta get it going).

Changing your mindset does not mean you stop being who you are as a person its just means you are looking at things in a different light, you now believe in your dreams/goals, you know that you deserve nothing but the best, You basically giving yourself an upgrade on the inside a makeover on the inside your mind and heart.

I'm am so happy and excited of this New Year 2009 because I feel the change in myself, I'm really proud of the accomplish Ive made in the past 5 months not just with my business but with myself.
I want you to have the same changes I'm having, and to feel the changes within yourself that you are headed in the right direction.

This is your friend DawnW wanting nothing but the best for you, I love and appreciate you have a wonderful week.

God Bless
Dawn W

Dawn is a part-time Network Marketer, she shares her marketing skills, and business oppurtunites with others who are looking to change their mindset and really learn how the Online Marketing industry works, so they can take their business to the next level.