Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wishing For Riches - Self Help Tips

Anybody can wish for riches, and most people do, but only a few know that a definite plan, plus a burning desire for wealth, are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth.

This statement is at the beginning of Chapter 13 from the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.

There are so many different methods, from so many different people, but most people don't know where to start, or plan their way to success.

I have heard some people mention the hardest part is actually starting, while others say you have to start somewhere, anywhere but start. Starting is usually the hardest part for most people, they get defeated by their own beliefs and of course never even start.

Fear of failure and fear of success, seem to be at the top of the list when thinking about starting a business. It's always been hard to imagine people being afraid to succeed, when this is what they seem to desire the most.

Wishing for riches can motivate you to start, thinking about the many different ways to succeed can motivate you to plan. A burning dire to succeed well often motivate you to start and create a plan eventually.

The key to creating wealth is developing habits and good daily habits performed over a lifetime, most of the time, will lead you to wealth beyond your wildest dream's. Sometimes this wealth is going to have nothing to do with money.

Get some books, talk to some people, watch some biographies about successful people throughout history, find out what they did and start paving your own trail. But you're going to have to start somewhere.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing, marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Thomas Ashley Farrand
Buels Manual Of Self Help

Monday, March 30, 2009

Developing Real Psychic Power

In this article I'm going to cover a great tip for developing psychic powers and the magical and mysterious skill of practical clairvoyance. Many of us LONG to tap into the same stream of sensational skills that so many famous psychics, mediums and clairvoyants REGULARLY seem to access, and in my PERSONAL experience, ANYONE can learn how to cultivate these very same skills. So continue reading as I share my top tip for developing psychic powers of your own. Read on..:-)

Timeline Intuition

This is a great tool for learning to "map" your future by simply intuiting the past. It's a bit complex to describe in one short paragraph, but the essential theory is this: Our lives are, for the most part, pre-determined along a series or sequence of possible choices, and their consequential outcomes. Much of this is laid out as part and parcel of your "karma" so to speak, and the choices you make a long the path are fundamentally yours, and yours alone. (which lead to either soul development or regression) By looking back at your past choices, the IMPORTANT ones...you can map out a series of 7-10 important crossroads that you met, and you can track your current state of awareness (or life situation) DIRECTLY from which choice you made at each of those seemingly odd forks.

Future Extrapolation

You then take the very same thought process and apply it to the mapping of FUTURE forks that are upcoming (some schools teach that there are 21 major decisions we will each make in this lifetime) and by doing so, you are able to effectively intuit, or "see" (and feel) a very predictable future. It sounds harder than it is...trust me, it's not only a BLAST to do, it's very accurate, incredibly entertaining, and truly ILLUMINATING as a lens by which to look at your own higher purpose, and how to get there in a hurry! (even if it means BACKTRACKING a bit to get there..:-)

And of course there is SO much more....More that lies possible in YOUR life if you only open yourself up to the possibilities. Simply START by opening your mind, spirit & enhanced AWARENESS and ride the supernatural surfboard into the wild, wacky and wonderful world of the unknown..:-) It WILL rock Your WORLD...I promise..;-)

Who Else Wants to Experience Radical Inner Peace & Magnificent Well Being?

Read on...to discover how to experience almost MAGICAL psychic POWERS blissful meditation and SO much more.......quickly, easily and magically even if you are a complete novice and have no idea what you are doing!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Many Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is a way of life. It leads one to the path of health and peace.

Meditation is not easy. One needs a mental discipline and dedication. It requires perseverance just like those who are dedicated to their sports, art or other field of endeavour. Over time, their performance is enhanced through their dedication and discipline. There is much to gain from learning to embrace the practice of meditation. It is not as awkward and uncomfortable as some may think.

Meditation works through the brain circuitry. Meditative practice helps people achieve different levels of awareness. Through meditation. the brain waves get organized and mental activities like focus, memory, learning and awareness are sharpened. Benefits of meditation touches on the physical, psychological and spiritual level. Many medical practitioners believe in the benefits of meditation.


Stress reduction

Today's world is stressful. Negative emotions invade our everyday life. These manifest as disappointments, regrets, overwhelming responsibilities, relationship issues, failure, feelings of rejection and a lot of other issues. There are many physical conditions triggered by stress such as hypertension, cardio-vascular disorders, ulcers, skin rash and insomnia, just to name a few.

Calm down, relax. These are words we hear when stress starts to take over. Meditation offers the promise of a tranquil and calm mind. Meditation is not a review of what could have been and other thoughts of uncertainty. It is not a rehash of unpleasant events. Meditation is a way to relax the mind and focus on the present moment. A calmer mind is empowering. Issues are not threatening.

Levels of cortisol and lactate are lowered through meditation. These chemicals are linked with stress. During deep meditation, the metabolic rate and heart rate are reduced. It is a process of slowing down. This state will not be achieved quickly.With patience and dedication, a meditator will get to this state.


Meditation quietens the mind. This brings about coherence in the brain waves. When the brain wave activities are in harmony, this is associated with improved reasoning and greater creativity. The clutter in the mind is minimized.

Other psychological benefits are decreased anxiety, decreased depression and irritability. With a quieter mind, the power of concentration is improved, memory is enhanced, vigor and vitality is renewed, better emotional stability and self-awareness. A calmer person finds inner peace and happiness and projects this on the outside. Meditation makes one realize that problems people worry about are trivial.


Meditation is a way to connect with inner feelings. It guides one to feel calm, love and peace. Acknowledge negative feelings and let these go.The goals of meditation is to replace these with positive feelings. Meditation helps one to go deeper into one's being and appreciate what a relief it is to be able to surrender negative thoughts, let go all negative feelings that cloud judgment and reason.

Meditation ushers one into a different world. There is an experience of feeling peaceful and general well-being. Intuitive capabilities are enhanced with a feeling of assurance and "knowingness." One embraces unconditional love and psychic abilities are sharpened.


Breathing is very important in meditation. It is a way to calm down and quieten the clutter in the mind. Thoughts will come and go as one meditates, especially at the start. Don't let this discourage you. Even expert meditators experience fleeting thoughts that intrude into their meditation. Just let it go and continue meditating.

The proper way to breathe is to extend the stomach on inhale, and contract on exhale. The shoulders should not move. Focus on counting as you breathe in and out.

Sit in an upright position, on the floor, lotus or semi- lotus position or sit on a chair. It is important to be comfortable.

Focus on breathing and nothing else.

Start with count of four or five as you breathe in. Hold your breath

Count the same as you breathe out.

Thoughts will come and go, don't let this stop you, just keep counting and breathing.

As you practice, increase the count. Savor the calmness and relax. Slowly, you can adopt a mantra, this helps you to keep your focus. As you practise, you will be able to clear your mind of intrusive thoughts. As time moves on, so will you. Discover the surreal world of meditation. There is a lot of doors to open.

Bonnie Moss writes to inspire and to motivate her readers to explore the depths of their heart and soul and make a difference in this world. She draws from personal experience and her interest in spirituality.

Visit her website :


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reading Feng Shui Books

Quite simply, a different style of living. If you're the kind of person who eats the same food week after week, shops and the same stores and only socializes with a few people, feng shui is probably not something you're going to be interested in. However, if you're someone, who wants to try something different, the Chinese philosophy of feng shui could be something that you, just might be interested in.

Where can you find feng shui books? Of course we all know you can find them at your local bookstores like Barnes & Noble, Amazon and other online sources. Here's something that might be a little new age or something that most people often forget about, how about going down to your local public library. Public libraries are a great source for books and if you don't like them, you never had to pay for them.

Feng shui books have become popular in the last 20 to 40 years and seems to create an environment out of your home. The Chinese have been practicing this for over a thousand years and it almost has a mystical power to it. If you're tired of the same old house and would like a little change in your life, I would suggest using some of the simple methods, suggested in these books.

One $20 book on home building or feng shui, can save you lots of money, if you're willing to do a little research and the labor to complete almost any home building project.

By the way, if you're interested in learning how to repair a roof, build your own house, interior decorating, structural engineering, building a deck, gathering some more information about home painting or even remodeling your bathroom. Our online home building bookstore can save you money if you're willing to do the work.

You can learn a lot by reading feng shui books and I would suggest, that if you're interested in interior design or even spirituality, these books will provide you with the information, you need to create a little change in your life

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry

Ludwig Feuerbach

Solutions For Dealing With Know it Alls - Don't Let Anyone Push You Around Anymore

Over the years of dealing with people, at work or wherever I was, I have found some of these close minded people to be extremely hard headed and this often creates problems with anyone who doesn't agree with them. You probably know someone like this and they are often hard to relate to.

Some of these close minded people will offer their opinion on any subject at any time, whether you ask for it or not. I once had a man tell me something about my business that was wrong. I suggested that he contacted a government office to get the correct information, if he was even interested. He continued to tell me, that I didn't know what I was talking about and I should contact a government agency to verify his information. I believe he just wanted to argue.

This never has made any sense, if you have some facts and can show them the information and it actually makes sense, wouldn't this be a step in the right direction.

I've tried to figure out where these people were coming from and why they wouldn't take the time to gather factual information or at the least listen to what you had to say, sensibly, usually you have already listened to their opinion and when it's your turn to speak, they have no interest in what you have the say.

These people seem to live in a life of turmoil and confusion, while constantly trying to impress others of their intelligence and this often leads others to an impression of ignorance, not knowledge. While they are explaining to you something in your business or a subject in which you are what others would consider an expert in your field, they will spend hours trying to convince you that they are right and you don't know what you're talking about. Even though you have facts to back up your comments.

These people often create problems in your life and should be avoided if possible. I suggest you have fun with them and lead them to believe, what they truly desire in life and give them the illusion that you personally believes they are the smartest people in the universe.

I have done this more than once, to these hard headed geniuses and had a lot of fun with it. Most of them will talk about subjects they have no information about. Look something up in an encyclopedia or on the internet that you think most people wouldn't know anything about. Ornithology would be a good to have fun with.

Not to change the subject, but there's a great story called the cookie thief story, it's one of my favorites and really puts close minded people into perspective.

Don't let these people control or ruined your lives, either have fun with them or explain to them that your tired of listening to their superior closed minded and hardheaded ignorance of useless information.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. If you have problems and would like to learn more about Achieving Your Ultimate Goals, visit our website today

Greg is currently working on a personal development and self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Wallace Wattles

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hindsight - Looking Forward

You know how "they" always say "hindsight is 20/20", meaning that it's easier to see the problems and pitfalls of your choices after they're over? Well, sometimes we spend a little too much time looking backwards at the choices we've made and the things we've done and we forget to look at the opportunities we have right now and in the near future; that or we see the current situations through the filters of our past.

With all the talk about the Secret and the Law of Attraction, it occurred to me that a whole lot of people are looking back at their lives so far and making their lists and affirmations about corrections to what they see as problems instead of creating opportunities for new lives and new experiences.

We don't want to attract more baggage from our past. Let me explain.

Ever notice that when you pack a bag for a trip, things never repack as neatly or compactly once you've started going through the contents? You could use this analogy for your memories and experiences, too. Once you begin rummaging around in the memory pile, things don't fit back neatly and you find errant thoughts and memories creeping into your daily lives like a staticky white sock that attached itself to the back of your good gray wool suit. And they don't match any better, either! Your past is just that, p-a-s-s-e-d. It's all over and done with, things happened and you cannot un-happen them. No matter how much effort and perspiration we put into it, we can't change things that happened 2 seconds ago yet we spend countless hours in contemplation, personal debriefings, should'ing all over our best selves and wishing we'd done something different at the time.

Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you didn't and that's that. You made the best choice possible at the time based on the information, experiences, gut instincts you had at your disposal and the situation you were in at the time. There's no backtracking for a do-over. Yet we spend so much time trying to relive less than optimum experiences so we can do better next time. It's not foresight or hindsight we need. We need sight, plain and simple. We need to see what is right in front of us.

I'm going to let you in on a little secret.... You can remember the experiences - I'm not trying to say forget everything that has happened to us- but we don't need to relive these things over and over. Once is enough to make an impression.

Sidney Madwed says... "How many of your judgments, when you made them, were you perfectly sure they were correct, would you want to change now with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight? Since every judgment is only an opinion based on the limited information at hand, filtered through one's personal value system, it might be safe to assume no two people will judge anything exactly the same. Even concepts of right and wrong, good or bad, good or bad morals and ethics are only opinions, for what may be good in one case may be a disaster in another. "

You may have heard this before, but you know, human beings are hard wired to be meaning making machines. We just HAVE to ascribe a meaning to everything that happens. We can't help ourselves. I've heard some people say the weather that is terrorizing the globe lately is a punishment for the world's evil ways, some blame it on global warming. Okay, that's fine, but what is happening is we are experiencing lousy weather. Period.

When we're faced with an opportunity,whether it's favorable or not it's still an opportunity, do we look at it through all the filters of what has gone before, or look at it for what it is?

Five days before my 45th birthday, my life as I expected it to be ended. My mother passed away and disinherited me for a reason known only to herself. I was evicted from her home by her executor with nowhere to go. I felt betrayed, alone, and all the other things loss brings about.

Now I could have wallowed in self-pity (which I did for about three weeks, I admit - it didn't do anything to get me out of the situation I was in), gotten angry, bitter, cynical or any other way of being, feeling put upon and sorry for myself. I could have dug out my violins and looked at the situation as an insurmountable barrier and just given up, thinking I was a terrible person for my own family to have thrown me away like that. I didn't.

I'd had a huge revelation. I was no longer anyone's daughter, no longer anyone's mother. The roles that had defined my life had suddenly dropped away and I had a very rare opportunity to totally change my life as well as my view of the world and everything in it. I knew I had to begin again. I had to sit down and figure out just what I wanted my new life to be. I could have struggled to find the meaning in what had happened to me.

I remember the events, but the emotional charge has gone. There's no anger, there's no wasted energy in blame and sadness. I've unpacked those bags and don't intend to fill them up again (In fact, I've thrown them away). One of the things that's so great about discovering the difference between what happened and what we make something mean is that once we know we give events and situations their meanings, we can make them mean anything we want!

Now what I'm getting at is this: As you go forward into 2009, 2010, and on and on, you can choose to see each opportunity as something brand new and exciting or a rerun of a boring, sad old tape. If the first thought that enters your mind when something occurs is, "oh, no, not again" or "here we go again", that's your signal that you're just replaying old tapes and digging through those old bags. Fluff all that old stuff up, expose it to some fresh air and sunshine and toss out what doesn't fit anymore. You don't need it, really. We've turned the corner on Winter and Spring is coming. Start your Spring Soul cleaning a little early.

DeBorah Beatty is the "Created Life" coach. She is a speaker/trainer and solopreneur expert. She speaks from experience having been an entrepreneur for almost as long as she's been alive (and that's a long time!). She offers tips and tricks on her blog, Opportunity's Knocking, Open the Door, on her radio show on BlogTalkRadio and in her newsletter, Living in Left Field. She is the creator of the upcoming Disconnect Your Oughta-Pilot Telecourse and is currently accepting coaching applications. For more information about DeBorah and to request a free report, "Are You Living On Oughta-Pilot?", visit her website

Walla Walla, WA 99362

Change Your Life Forever

Finding something you don't like about yourself is usually very easy for most people. Most of the time you don't even have to ask your family or friends because you have heard them complain about the same thing for years. How many times have you heard someone mention, I need to lose weight?

Here's a list of things people don't like about themselves. If you're one of those people that has a hard time finding something wrong with yourself, you could always ask one of your friends for some suggestions. I'm sure they would like that.

1. The need to lose weight. This of course is one of the worst problems with Americans. Most people need to lose weight and let's not forget there are some people that need to gain weight.

2. The need to stop gambling. As more Indian reservations are allowed to build gambling casinos and of course as the Internet gambling gets larger, I've noticed some people with gambling problems.

3. The need to stop drinking alcohol. The abuse of alcohol has been going on for many years. These people have an excuse for why they drink and most of the time it doesn't make sense.

4. The need to stop smoking. This could be one of the most difficult things I've ever seen my friends and family deal with.

5. The need to stop excessive behaviors. For example, gossiping, cruelty, bullying, lying, cheating, stealing, partying etc. You get the idea.

6. Don't forget the dreaded shopaholic. Most shopaholic's seem to have large credit card debt and can't seem to stop this vicious circle of buying and owing money to their creditors.

7. Working long hours or the workaholic. Sometimes this is a necessity but I would suggest that you change your lifestyle if possible. Reevaluate your reasons for working so hard.

8. Religious fundamentalists. People that spend too much time at their place of worship and soon find themselves feeling guilty if they're not doing something spiritual.

9. The need to be on time. This would include people that have problems giving themselves enough time to get ready for work or school.

10. The need to stop doing drugs. I thought by now, approaching my 50s, that drugs would no longer be a problem in the United States, but it is. It's one of the most damaging things people can do to their lives.

There are plenty of things that people would like to stop doing or start doing. If you're a smoker and you seem to shop excessively near the casinos, I would advise you to start with something small and work your way up to the big stuff.

What are you going to change today about your life? Make a list of things that you're not happy with about your life and start making the changes today that you need to create the life you deserve and desire.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development

Greg is currently working on a personal development video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Religious Views Based on Hoping

I was told by an advertising executive one day that all of your advertisements need to deliver some sort of hope for the people you're trying to persuade into buying your products. Funny, if you think about it, I got some and great advice about life from someone in the advertisement business.

Most people are looking for hope, in everything they do. Most of our daily activities revolve around hope and this gives our lives some sort of direction. If you believe in an almighty being and creator of the universe, often you will try to please him, ....or her, ....or it, in hopes of entering the kingdom of heaven or the promised land after you die.

Often our fears will increase our levels of hoping, the fear of doing something against your religion can often inspire you to become a more spiritual person, a good and moral person. Fear of making the wrong choices will inspire us to make better, moral choices, all for the sake of acquiring a ticket to Heaven or Nirvana. You're hoping, your good deeds on earth will earn you a place in heaven.

Most people are afraid of dying and leaving this world, for good. They don't know where they're going and that seems to scare most people. If we can offer someone a little hope, that they are going to a much better place than here, we can often ease the pain and suffering associated with death. I have to admit, most religions of the world promise another world, after we're done with this one.

If you're living a honest and moral life with the hopes of living a bountiful life in heaven, could you be wrong. What if you're seeking Hope in the wrong religion? If you're a Christian and the Hindus are right and you're wrong, do you get to enter there eternal kingdom.

Think about this question, I'm about to ask you. What if spend your whole life studying your religion and it's wrong? There is no heaven and when you die, that's the end of your existence

Have you ever wondered why you believe in your religion and someone in another country or even a couple of miles away believes in something entirely different.

Don't get mad at me or yourself, simply think about the question for a while, this question has transformed my life and put me on a wonderful spiritual path of learning.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, The Power of Intention

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence

Could We Be Wrong

Greek mythology is taught in most schools during some time of your education, if you grew up in the United States. I remember looking back at the Greeks and thinking, "I can't believe these people were that stupid, who believes that there is a God of the ocean or one for love." I couldn't believe as a young elementary school student, that these people got caught up in these beliefs.

I mean come on, I was a Christian at that time and there was only one God, how stupid can these people be or misinformed about the way things really and truly are. It's kind of sad, but all the people in the past that did not accept Jesus Christ as the one true God are all living in hell. Well, that's how I thought when I was a child.

Some of the mythological stories are about pain, love, happiness, plotting, scheming and power. Now we're talking about something that most people can understand. These gods were just like regular people, except some of them had extraordinary powers and if they used them poorly, they would have to answer to the gods god, Zeus.

At the time in history, that the Greeks believed and their gods, they were one of the most civilized groups of people on Earth. They had some of the best and brightest scholars around. The Roman Empire and some of the United States government was based on information provided by Greek scholars.

Have you ever thought about your religion as being wrong? If we now know that the Greek gods and goddesses do not exist, do you think our modern day beliefs can also be wrong. If we could go into the future 1000 years, could children be studying about Christianity, Islam or Buddhism, like modern day children study about Greek mythology and other beliefs that we view today as unbelievable or impossible.

The Greek gods and goddesses made sense to the citizens of Greece in the past. Do you think in the future that our modern day religions will be viewed in the same way as we now view Greek mythology.

Looking back at the past, often inspires me for a better future.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing, marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

George S Clason

Monday, March 23, 2009

Religious Freedom For Life

In the United States of America, we believe that we have this freedom, and it gives us the choice to belong to any religious organization in the country. We can even make up our own religions, if we want to. I have the right, in this country to start a new religious movement, without any persecution from the government. The government might choose not to persecute me but I would imagine, that other religious organizations will.

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Freedom of Religion, of Speech, of the Press, to Petition, and to Assemble.

This must have been very important to our founding fathers. A lot of people left England to come to America, before the United States Constitution was ever thought of. Before there was even a United States of America. People have been coming to the English colonies for over 150 years before the First Amendment was even signed. Often escaping religious persecution.

Religious freedom was very important to America's ancestors and founding fathers. We can only study history to find out how important religious freedom actually was. In the United States today, we really don't give it much thought. What religious freedom really means and the hardships and battles throughout history. They sacrificed, so that we could reap the benefits today.

Freedom of religion isn't the same today as it was 300 years ago. The country's leaders often dictated what religion you could belong to. This was the end of your religious freedom but today things are different. Organized religions have become extremely influential and powerful in today's world, often influencing governments and world leaders. When will these large religious organizations become powerful enough to take away our religious freedom. Do you honestly think things are getting better, or are we soon going to have one or even a few religions throughout the world.

How many Christians do you know that do most of their business with other Christians? How many Jewish people choose to do the same thing? I don't consider this religious freedom. In the State of Utah, it's well known, that if you're not part of the Mormon Church or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you're probably not going to prosper, unless you convert to their religion. This might sound like, something you would expect back in the stone ages, but it still goes on today.

Religious freedom is a lot more than just being able to choose your own religion. It's becoming a choice economically, politically and of course socially. At what point do you financially make a decision to become part of a large religious organization, out of necessity. The simple need to feed your family. I believe religion is going to become a bigger problem in the future than it ever was in the past as we see more financial and political power forming in these religious organizations.

I'm not trying to scare anyone, I'm simply suggesting that we start associating with people from other religions or spiritual beliefs. We could learn a lot if we just open our ears and close our mouth. Become part of the solution and not the problem.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended authors, Norman Vincent Peale Books

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

How to Create a Personal Leadership Development Plan

Many people think that management and leadership go hand in hand automatically. But just because you are a manager does not mean that you are a leader. Many management techniques are being thrown out the window in favor of leadership skills. But making the transition between manager and leader can be difficult for some. The best way to become an effective leader is by creating a personal leadership development plan.

The first thing that you need to do to create a personal leadership development plan is to understand the difference between management and leadership. While some do not see the difference, others cannot explain it. Quite simply, management is something that you do. It is a career. Leadership is having strength and courage in your convictions, and the ability to see those convictions manifest in reality.

So what are your convictions? You may think that you know what you believe in, but it is important to take a step back and actually list your beliefs and values. There are many assessments available that can help you do this. This important step in creating a personal leadership development plan will likely teach you things about yourself that you yourself did not realize were true. It may seem like a waste of time, but until you know what your convictions are, you cannot manifest them in reality through effective leadership.

Once you have a clear understanding of your convictions, you need to apply them to your organization. Do not look at numbers and people. Look at the overall purpose and mission of the company. Then, narrow your view to your team, and finally yourself. If you do not see your values and beliefs reflected in your actions, the actions of your team, and the actions of the company, then your work is cut out for you.

When creating your personal leadership development plan, first outline your beliefs, ethics, and values. Then, outline the ways that those beliefs, ethics, and values show in your actions within the organization. Are there ways that you need to improve? What support does your team need to obtain personal and organizational success that you have failed to give them? After all, their success is your success. Write down all of your thoughts and ideas for manifesting your convictions in the reality of your team and organization. This is the bare bones of your personal leadership development plan.

Next, do your homework. Talk to your employees, team members, customers, and suppliers to learn what more you can do or be that will assist you in manifesting your convictions and your personal leadership development plan. Sit back and listen to the ideas and feelings of others. This is the only way that you can learn from other perspectives what is needed for organizational or team success. Until you are aware of the changes that need to be made, you will not be able to make any changes for the common good of the organization and your employees.

Remember that while you may be able to affect change in your own small part of the world, the organization as a whole may not reflect your convictions any time soon. Change within large corporations is either very slow or nonexistent. Watch for signs that your personal leadership development plan is making a difference in your immediate environment.

Tracy Brinkmann is an goal setting and success coach. Through his company Success Atlas, he provides goal-setting, motivational & educational material, & training via live presentations as well as digital/audio products.

Sign up for his free e-Zine http://www.successatlas.com

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Individuals and of the Earth

Today, many people on the planet are in need of healing and are suffering through difficult times - some physically, some emotionally, some due to what appear to be external circumstances. In reality, the earth itself is undergoing a global purification which is causing many to experience an upsurge of both emotional and physical difficulties. We are not yet accustomed to thinking of everything that is physical as having a spiritual root, and yet this is what is taking place as purification advances upon the planet. Many nations, as well, are experiencing a similar kind of upheaval related to planetary purification. The purpose of this movement and, indeed, of this turbulence, is to free the self of formerly blocked negative energies and ultimately to create greater freedom for each self and for the planet as a whole.

The purification of the individual and of the planet operates according to similar principles and the healing that is made possible through both is the same. Light intensifies in its potency, creating a separation between energies of light and darkness. The darkness, once separated, moves from a dormant state into the light of awareness where it can be seen, and felt, and released into the infinite light of God. During this passage, things that were held in the body because they were too painful to feel things that may have manifested as longstanding physical or emotional symptoms may intensify in their level of activity while at the same time becoming available to our awareness again. On a planetary level also, things that were latent within human consciousness are now more readily acted out upon the world stage because what was hidden is now revealed, and what has become more conscious has a greater possibility for becoming active in its expression. The purification that is taking place in a general sense means that people will feel more that things will come up more frequently and with greater intensity on all levels in order to be healed. This is the result of the greater efficacy of light upon the earth, and though its immediate result may be disturbing in certain respects, it is simultaneously creating the possibility for greater freedom of people everywhere to live in love, in peace, and with a sense of unity with all of life.

The increased possibility for dealing with formerly concealed or dormant energies that are now making themselves known, creates entirely new possibilities for healing at this time. This can include physical, mental, and emotional difficulties that are acute, or those that may have troubled us for years. The power of light that is now more available on the planet is already infusing our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Through understanding the process and through working with it in a conscious way in a way that focuses on the incorporation of greater light into the body and consciousness - greater healing of pain and suffering that relate to the time we are in can take place, and discomfort and distress can be alleviated.

There are many avenues of working with light for purposes of healing and purification, some more powerful than others. Some take place through meditation; some through participation in the synergy of light-filled groups; some through being in nature, and some through spiritual practices which focus more directly on alignment and on breathing in light for the purpose of healing painful areas of life, whether physical, emotional, or any other variety. Commitment to such a practice can go a long way toward concentrating light in the body for purposes of healing. It can also create a heightened awareness, simultaneously, of our deeper identity as spiritual beings.

For additional writings by Julie Redstone see Pathways of Light. For a deeper understanding of healing through light as it relates to pain and suffering, see the Calendar of Healing.

The Power of Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are powerful tools to help you manifest what you desire into your life. This is not a new concept but now that science has documented a new energy field, simply called The Field, that they say is the primary component of all things, positive affirmations have new and powerful meanings.

Everything that exists is made up of energy in the form of radiating wavelengths. The denser the form, a rock for example, the lower the energy levels, at the other end of the spectrum there exists things that have high levels of energy. These high energy level forms are things like light, colors, and thoughts.

Yes, thoughts!

You see, the things we think about are sent from us as energy and permeate the things and people around us. Everything starts as a thought! Ford motor company started as a thought in the head of Henry Ford, it was his idea of bringing the automobile to the masses that created the Ford Empire we know today. The skyscrapers that line our beautiful cities, at one time, were thoughts in an architects mind.

In order to understand the power of positive affirmations we need to better understand the power of our thoughts. The things we think about continuously will materialize in time. Therefore, it is important to always think positive thoughts. When you spend your time thinking about what you lack in life, all you will ever have is lacking. In order to acquire all that you wish for you must focus on it with laser accuracy and put a plan in place to achieve it. Affirmations give us this focus and keep us going in the right direction.

Thoughts, when focused on and combined with passion, in time, are manifested into reality. That is the power of positive affirmation, it is the repeated reading of a statement or thought that gets into the sub-conscious mind and radiates from us to attract the necessary means to bring forth that thought into reality.

It is the absolute knowing, with the absence of doubt, that you will acquire what it is you desire. It doesnt matter if it is a material possession, love, or spirituality; we become the things that we think about. Unfortunately, if all we focus on is negative things or wishes all we will ever have is negativity and mere wishes.

By using positive affirmations and repeating our desires and goals daily in our thoughts we begin to manifest them into reality. Suddenly, changes begin to happen in our lives that begin to bring forth our desires. If we want more financial freedom and use affirmations aimed at acquiring more wealth then, almost miraculously, we get the promotion we wanted or our business takes a turn for the better providing the added income we desire.

This must be done in the sense that what it is you desire has already manifested itself. Do not use an affirmation that is stated as a want or desire. A good example in the case of financial freedom would be:

Wealth flows into my life like the water of the streams and rivers to the oceans. I have plenty of income to meet my needs, with lots left over to help my fellow man.

You notice that there is no asking for wealth or money it is stated as if you already have it. By sending this message out into the universal intelligence, the field, it will attract like energies and manifest itself into reality. Things that we perceive as miracles are the fruition of thoughts that have manifested themselves into reality. That is the power of prayer and meditation, God gives us what we ask for, good or bad!

Use this simple guide to let the power of positive affirmations help you in your life.

1. Write down on paper what it is you desire. It is best to keep this personal, sharing it with others only allows negativity into your mind. Society, family, and friends like to tell us that things cant be done. They mean well but you do not want to let those thoughts enter your mind. Memorize the affirmation and remember to keep it in the sense that you already have what it is you desire.

2. In the morning when you have time to yourself repeat the affirmation 20 times. Make sure that it is stated with emotion and passion, not just stated out loud. Envision yourself with your desire and how you will be once it becomes reality. Repeat the process before you go to bed at night.

3. Any time you feel yourself doubting your desire or any negative thoughts enter your mind, clear your mind and repeat your positive affirmation. Do not let negative thoughts or setbacks deter your focus from achieving your desire.

4. Lastly, stay focused and be receptive to opportunities when they present themselves. The path to your desires may not come in the form that you envision! So pay attention and be alert to opportunity.

I hope this article has helped you see the potential in yourself and the power you have when you use positive affirmations. I promise, that if you will use these simple steps as outlined above you will see great changes in your life. It is important to understand that what we think about becomes our realities in life, so be careful what you think about.

Good Luck on your Journey!

There is unlimited power with Positive Affirmation Mark Williams has a web site that is full of Motivational Quotes and Personal Development Strategies that can help you reach your full potential.

Why You Need to Be Flexible With Your Tarot Card Definitions

Tarot Card Definitions

Tarot card definitions can seem to be a bit hazy to those just starting out learning the tarot. But, while it can leave you a little frustrated at not being able to find plain and concise instructions, this is actually the beauty of this ancient art. If you were to be totally literal in your interpretations of the tarot card definitions, your readings would actually become jumbled and nonsensical.

How can this be so? Because tarot card definitions are not just isolated nuggets of information but instead are fluid and flexible in order to absorb the wisdom of the cards surrounding them in your reading. To use an analogy - words have meanings by themselves but these meanings change within sentences or by context. You simply need to learn to 'talk' the language of the tarot.

Here are two examples. Firstly, let's take a popular spread, the Celtic Cross. In this spread, the cards will be placed in a particular order and this assigns them a specific function. Card number 1 details your present, card number 2 tells you what your immediate challenges are, and so forth.

Let's look at how we might treat the Seven of Swords in both of those positions. If I were to see this card come up as the querent's present, I would immediately think that s/he is involved in plan making and wishes for the future, but I would also feel that these might be flaky and lack substance. If I were to see this card in position number 2, the immediate challenges, then I would ask if there might be someone around the querent who is encouraging them with big ideas and that they need to reign in their plans a little, perhaps take more responsibility for themselves.

You can see the similar characteristics of the card at work, but their meanings take on a slightly different flavour.

Example number two - I'm going to look at different tarot card definitions for a Major and then Minor Arcana card. First, let's look at a card that usually puts a smile on people's faces - The Lovers. Now, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, so let me say that if you've asked a question regarding love then this is almost always going to be favourable for you. However, it can have other meanings too. Are you too deeply involved with someone or a situation? Are you lacking in enthusiasm for something that really needs you to put your all in? This card might be asking you to inject the energy, that love usually inspires, into it.

Another confusing set of tarot card definitions can be seen in the Eight of Cups. This card often indicates that you have drawn a line under things and have decided to move on. But can you be so sure that you have done this or are you kidding yourself? This card can sometimes be there give you a bit of a kick up the backside!

As mentioned above you will also need to look closely at the surrounding cards for your answers. The tarot card definitions will be modified by the presence of other cards. This will be even more true if you see patterns, such as a high number of a particular suit come up.

So, now let's look at the general themes of the minor Arcana:

Wands represent thoughts and notions. Is there something that you need to work out? If you see a high number of these cards come up, you should take note and maybe take some time out to think.

Cups mean emotions. If you see a high incidence of these cards, it's likely that you are going through a difficult time or that there is a lot of change around you.

Swords stand for activity. If you see lots of these cards then expect things to start happening or ask yourself if you should start to make them happen.

Pentacles mean that things are starting to take shape. But as with the swords, the cards may actually be telling you that you need some of the pentacle's energy in your life so it's time to get motivated.

As for the tarot card definitions of the Major Arcana? These cards carry more authority in your readings so when you see these, it's time to sit up and take notice as they are more likely to mean major changes, either psychical, emotional or in attitude. In fact, these cards are so influential, some experts recommend that beginners use only the Major Arcana for their readings but I am of the opinion that you might as well get stuck in!

In summary - harmonize. Yes it's important to understand the meanings of each the cards. But try to get to know the cards as rich and complex characters, rather than just seeking the precise tarot card definitions. They're not to be used as a Q&A session. The answers will be reaching far deeper than that. As with all great disciplines, you will have to persevere to achieve the wisdom.

For tarot cards, new age gifts and Wiccan supplies, please visit our online store at http://www.destinycharms.co.uk

For more info on tarot and all other mystical areas, try our blog http://destinycharms.blogspot.com/

Francesca xx

When Preparation Meets Opportunity - Creating Good Habits

You must be ready when an opportunity comes before you, opportunity often comes in the form of work and that's why most people seem to miss it. Most people are too busy looking for the easy path through life. They seem to lay around waiting for the opportunity of a lifetime,... to simply fall at your feet.

Why would you want to spend so much time complaining about something, or someone? Other people can help you along the way, if you let them, but it's up to you, ultimately, to become the most you can possibly be. I have had plenty of opportunities in my life and have took advantage of some, while letting most of them pass by.

I'm no different than most people but now seem to be aware of my surrounding opportunities, all the time.

How many times do you wish for an opportunity to come along? It's probably one that you missed already, at some point during your life. Are you going to be prepared for the next opportunity when it comes along? These opportunities seem to repeat themselves throughout our lives and if we're not in the right state of mind, we often overlook them and let them pass by, time and time again.

You need to prepare yourself in advance for the next opportunity. If you are prepared and have your eyes open, you will be able to see the next opportunity that comes your way. Preparation will increase your chances for success and good fortune always.

Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes. Be on the lookout, when you're walking to the grocery store, taking a break at work, reading the newspaper, talking to your neighbor, walking down the street or even while you are sitting alone, letting your mind wander away. Your chances for success could come while your in your quiet places, or relaxing. Be prepared.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Take the Job Then Do it Right

If you have an older home there's a good chance you have one by six diagonal floor sheeting and some of the knots have fallen out by now. Some of these large knots can create safety hazards for your home. Performing major remodels or whole house renovations on older homes you can run into quite a few problems with these kinds of wood floors.

One of the first things I do is remove the carpeting and padding. This exposes the floor sheeting for further examination. By the time I am done with all the plumbing and electrical repairs underneath the subfloor it seems that some of the 1 x 6 has been damaged. Your first thought of course is just to replace the 1 x 6 that is damaged and be done with it.

This is one way to approach the problem, another is to repair the 1 x 6 that was damaged and install half inch plywood over the existing floor sheeting. Please make sure the floor is level and has no humps or dips in it before you start installing the new plywood over the existing floor sheeting.

I ran into a problem like this on one job where the contractor was in a hurry to finish the flooring and chose to go right over the existing floor that was out of level. The bad part about this is when the homeowner chose to go with expensive wood flooring throughout his home. When you walked in to the front of his house you felt like you were going out to a small wheelchair ramp for about 10 feet and then of course it felt like you were going down for another 6 feet.

In order to repair this properly it would've taken the other contractor about 24 hours to repair the floor. In this case the homeowner would have been glad to pay for the repair after the fact. Sometimes when contractors mention a potential problem down the road and how much it will cost to repair that problem, most homeowners cannot see the value in the contractor's opinion at that time.

I felt sorry for the homeowner because this was not what he wanted and he was upset with the contractor but the job was done. This is my warning to any contractor, handyman or home repair specialists. When installing a new plywood floor over an existing floor to strengthen it up, use some common sense and repair the floor correctly or don't do the job at all.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes in Home Remodeling

Meeting Your Partners Parents Ti

Thursday, March 19, 2009

War Losers Are Criminals - Military Leadership and Something to Think About

How many wars have been fought over different beliefs and religions? I've been alive for less than 50 years and through the span of history this is a very small amount time but yet I noticed certain patterns by studying history and being part of it.

Why do we accept war as a necessity or a need to acquire something or instill a certain belief into someone else? Is it because we know, we are absolutely right and we know for a fact 100% that our way of living is better than theirs? What makes the winner of the war right and the looser wrong?

I was watching a movie that Robert McNamara made called The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara. I never really put two and two together but he mentioned something in the movie that got me thinking. His superior officer mentioned to him one day," You Do Realize Robert, If We Lose the War, We Are Going to Be Tried As War Criminals."

I never really thought that just because we were right and they were wrong, our military leaders could be executed. But were right aren't we and their wrong, isn't this why we were fighting World War II. The Germans and Japanese were wrong in doing horrible things. We tried their military leaders and found them guilty. After they lost the war of course.

I guess when I was a kid playing baseball and my coach told me "That the winner takes all." This also applies to real life, war, beliefs, society and what were forced to belief. If you study the wars throughout history, you will notice that most of the winning sides acquired benefits from the losers and sometimes even property. Makes sense doesn't it, winner takes all.

Losing a war doesn't make you a criminal, if you're trained as a superior leader, doesn't this involve killing people or are there specific guidelines that military leaders should follow. Are there specific rules and did the Americans and English follow these rules during World War II. Sometimes we need to study leadership books to gain knowledge and skills to become a better leader.

The concept of creating war criminals because they have killed others during the war, will probably never make sense to me. War is a horrible and cruel thing to bestowed on any country and with it comes many acts of horror, it's war and there's only one objective and that's to win, at all costs. If were going to put the losing side on trial, shouldn't we also find out more about the crimes the winning side committed during the war.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. If you've never heard Ernest Shackleton, I recommend you read the book Shackleton's Way it will give you a new perspective on leadership

Greg is currently working on a skill development library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Moving Objects With Your Mind

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Happens When What You Hold on to is Gone?


Something that most of us have in common despite of our race, religion, gender, age, background, status, etc. It can be tangible or intangible. But whatever it is, it has this invisible glue that holds it well together with our identity, with or without our knowing.

What are the most obvious forms of attachments we can observe?

- Lovers who can't be torn apart.
- A strong belief to an idea.
- A sense of belonging to any material things.
- A job we have
- A status we have earned
- A reputation we have tried to build
- Etc

But what happens when it's lost? Will you lose yourself in the process of losing "it"? Or will you be liberated as nothing will hold you back any longer? Will you give up on life or will you move on and find new meanings from other things?

It was the teaching of Buddha to be detached from stuffs (including living beings) to be able to reach nirvana but for us who have been brainwashed to the concept of ownership, this habit dies hard. It's not easy. And the fact is between attachment and detachment, there lies a very fine, fine line. How do we cross over to each side depends on our own sheer will power and self control.

I used to be so detached with the hatred I have towards the riots that happened to me in 1998 (during the Asian Financial crisis). It was a horrible experience where I was in the house which windows were stoned to pieces by the natives. I carried my hatred for at least a year and every time I saw a race that resembles to those who have ruined my belongings, I detested them. I didn't know this "attachment" to the feeling of hatred had made me so weary. And what do I gain for having this attitude? NOTHING! Not only I stained one race just because of few rotten apples, I was so delusional that I thought my hallucinations were my reality.

In fact I lost more. I didn't notice the beauty of possible opportunities should I have let go earlier. Yes, the event was horrible, but it doesn't mean I have to be a horrible person because of it. I've learned to embrace the diversity of opinions and perspectives and indeed there is not one way as the right way. If there is only one right theory for everything then till now we should believe that the sun is revolving our earth. Oh, how silly will that be?

I know the example that I've given above may not be similar with what you are holding to now. You may be holding on tightly to your loved one/s in which without them you feel empty. It's time to think for yourself, if they are really gone from the surface of earth, will you really be empty? Can you feel the void again with something else? Won't you loved one/s want you to move on and be a better person rather than grieving about them for lives and actually given up life just because of their departure?

When something is lost along the way, it's very normal to grieve and cry your heart out. But don't take too long. Give your heart and soul a break. If it's not for your own sanity sake, do give your loved one/s a break too. Don't you think he/she/they/it will feel the pain knowing that you can't let go of the attachment that is of no existence? Don't you think you deserve to be happy?

When you lose something you can't live without, you should not lose yourself. You should feel liberated not in the sense that you've been imprisoned all these while and it's the time you claim your freedom. But you should feel liberated because you are a better person than before. You are liberated from the old experiences and new things will come your way.

Take your time to sob but don't forget you deserve to be on top of your life. All will be well again and remember to smile because it has happened in your life.

Donna Daritan is a life learner and sharer. Constantly picking up lessons in life even in her own bathroom. She has a not-so-secret fetish on quotes and phrases that speak to her heart and religiously sharing it on her blog http://www.dd-discovers-quotes.blogspot.com You can find out more about her wacky side too at http://www.donnadaritan.com

Gerald Smith

Success Starting Today

You're going to find it hard to believe, but very seldom does an individual peak with creativity until they reach the age of 40. The average individual usually makes the most money between the age of 40 and 60. This doesn't have anything to do with retirement. Most highly creative people keep producing until they die.

If you're 55 years old and looking for a new career or can't seem to find a job in the profession you have worked at your whole life, don't be alarmed or fearful. Do you think you could start your own business? Is there something, you have always wanted to do but have put it off until retirement, or until you had enough time to do it?

Why wait, if you can't find a job in a business you never truly enjoyed, maybe you can find a new job doing something you love.

I have worked in construction for 30 years and at 44 years old started to pursue a career in writing and plan to create award winning websites and best selling books, for the rest of my life. This doesn't mean, I won't work in construction ever again, but I will become a best selling author within the next 20 years.

Most people don't take the time required to learn a new profession. If you're sincerely interested in another career, and you're 50 years old, there is plenty of people out there to give you hope and inspiration.

If you would like some proof, here's a couple successful American businessman who succeeded after the age of 40. Henry Ford is probably one of the most popular and became extremely successful after the age of 40. Andrew Carnegie, an American industrialists who transformed the steel business and did not start reaping the rewards of his efforts until he was well past the age of 40.

I gathered this information from the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. There is a section in the book where he talks about people after the age of 40 with phenomenal success. Anyone who's interested in gaining wealth through spirituality or finances should read this book.

I've often heard the statement, "People Often Over Estimate What They Can Do in a Year and Often Underestimate What They Can Do in a Decade." If you want to accomplish something after the age of 40, I would advise you to start with a plan and then put that plan and the action. Your plan could take five to 15 years to achieve or longer but think about the rewards, whether spiritual or financial.

Gregory Vanden Berge is working to promote personal development ideas and spiritual reform. He has started a web site for videos and articles based on current information about subject he is very familiar with.

"Education has freed me, to pursue other ideas and release me from the bondage and fear of organized religion."

Gregory Vanden Berge

My Parents Influence On Me

Become a Dreamer!

Cool Facts: Walt Disney went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland and was fired by a newspaper editor for lack of ideas.

Henry Ford failed and went broke 5 times before he finally succeeded.

After realizing what Walt and Henry went through to achieve their dreams, I began to realize a few things; achieving your dream is as much about persistence and determination as it is talent. I started to ask myself these questions: What dreams have I given up? How many times did I tried to achieve them first? What moments, big and small, make me smile even now after so many years?

I that just as important as the dream itself, is the feeling you get after achieving whatever you were striving for. The confidence you felt then can be recreated to apply to new areas where you now want to challenge yourself and succeed.

We all have times when we want to accomplish a dream, but fail to find the motivation. Without this motivation to overcome obstacles we are often stopped short of our dreams. I would like to invite you to embrace any one of the following ten ways to inspire yourself into action:

1. Smile! Humor boosts your immune system, is conductive to each healing process, is a great method for reducing stress and can help you relax.

2. Breathe slow and steady, take deep breaths to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

3. Clean your house or office space. While doing your chores, imagine you are cleaning out the negative things in your life, working out your problems, and scrubbing away your frustrations.

4. Give someone a gift. One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is the gift of listening. No interrupting, no interjections, just pure listening.

5. Help a friend. Do you know someone who is having a difficult time managing to keep a positive outlook on life? Encourage them! Cheer them on.

6. Find a quiet room first thing in the morning or late at night. Believe me, silence works miracles.

7. Trust yourself. One of the most powerful assets anyone can harness is the ability to trust their own instincts. It allows us to become more aware of ourselves, as well as others around us.

8. Exercise. A routine of regular exercise has been proven to reduce anxiety and stress.

9. Revolutionize Yourself. Make radical changes in your eating habits in a positive way.

10. Forgive someone, for your sake, not the other persons. However, you will surprise yourself with what it will do for you.

End today or start tomorrow like never before. Do not wait until Monday or December 31, to take action.

Like my friend, Alan would say, there is nothing to it; but to do it!

P.S. I have created an Affirmation Demo track download it and burn it on CD and listen to it first thing in the morning. Do it for 21 days. It will change your life. Make it a point to share it with others. If you have problems creating your CD, write me or next time you see the BOE tour vehicle stop us for a FREE copy.

The American Dream, it's more than just an archetype, a symbol, or a mere idea. It's a journey. For Bert Oliva , that journey began when his mother, a single parent, brought him to the United States from Cuba when he was just 11 months old. She dreamed of a better life for him. Though being raised in a poverty stricken neighborhood did not offer Bert much opportunity for success, he knew early on that there had to be a better life, and he set out to find it.

As Bert got older, he went to work, immersing himself with educational materials and reading as many motivational and self-help books he could get his hands on. In doing so, he discovered the limitless opportunities available to those who were willing to actively seek them. His hard work and determination led him to Xerox University in Leesburg, Virginia. He has received extensive sales training through countless workshops, seminars, and training programs, all of which have helped him in honing his craft.

Throughout his career, Bert has been recognized as an excellent communicator, having highly developed presentational

Daniel Quinn

Monday, March 16, 2009

10 Ways to Deal With Negative Thinking, Panic and Paralyzing Fears

I recently heard from a friend who had been laid off at the newspaper she worked at because of the faltering economy. She didn't have many job leads and her motivation was at an all-time low. She felt that there was nothing more frightening than being a writer in an uncertain job market.

Panic and fear quickly took over; where would she go from go from there?

How would she pay her bills?

How would she cope with uncertainty?

Her mind was plagued with self-doubting, self-defeating thoughts and she began to spiral out of control, right into a dangerous state of anxiety that threatened to paralyze her into stagnant ground forever.

As she began to realize what a toll her predicament was leaving her in, it became clear to her that she needed to take action and do something to get herself out of the hole she was in.

Once she sat down and began to reflect on things, working through the paralyzing fear and the negativity that came along with the devastation of losing her dream job and having to start over from the beginning, everything started to make sense and she was on a roll!

Sometimes it takes a moment of crisis to help us refocus our thoughts and energies into what we want our professional and personal goals to be and what we need to accomplish.

The following points will help you focus and concentrate on the positive rather than dwell on the negative, motivating you to move forward into action rather than leaving you stuck in a rut.

Reading through them should help you gain some perspective into your particular situation:

1. Allow yourself to be upset and grieve if things have gone wrong

Sometimes you suffer from start-up inertia because you're having to make a new start and you're stubbornly holding on to the way things were.

It is perfectly normal to feel panicked, upset, angry, sad, even outraged; you wouldn't be human if you didn't feel that way.

Take some time to get in touch with those feelings.

The night my friend got laid off she drove home, fell into bed and literally could not move for 45 minutes.

Then she called me.

I got her to get up, take a long shower, change into some comfortable clothes, and then she spent some time sat in front of the television watching 'Friends'.

Give your mind and body time to settle into the initial shock of change, whatever it may be. But focus primarily on how you feel and let those feelings out.

2. Take a DEEP BREATH!

Your mind deserves it, your body deserves it, your lungs deserve it.

Taking deep breaths improves circulation, calms anxiety and helps you focus.

Once you're done moping, take a deep breath and start to move.

3. Organize your home, organize your life

Is your house a mess? What about your room or your home office? Can you not see yourself going through the piles of papers on top of your desk? Have you looked at your bills lately and seen what you have?

If you haven't done any of these things, now is the time to do it.

There is nothing more stressful when we are in a state of panic than a living space that has no room for us to live in it.

So tackle the mess; wash those clothes, clean out that pantry, throw out the clutter, get those bills out of the way.

You'll be surprised how much more motivated you will be when you surround yourself with cleanliness and order.

4. Surround yourself with positive people

Now would be a good time to reconnect with friends that you haven't spoken to in a while, or even with the friends that you talked to just yesterday, those friends that always have an encouraging word, who are helpful and positive.

Do yourself a favor and avoid people who are always down in the dumps, or who always have something negative to say.


5. Don't confuse negativity with constructive criticism

Some friends may seem like they're helping but they're just feeding the cynicism. Conversely, friends that may appear to be negative are actually offering ways to help by sharing your experiences and showing you a better way to focus.

Listen to the people that are there for you, take what you can use, and dismiss those things that you don't want to use or that you can't use. Don't allow yourself to be brought down by it.

Take charge of your life again.

6. Have someone objective to talk to

When possible, sometimes having an objective third party to talk to and run ideas by can be tremendously helpful.

In some cases, a therapist can be of vital importance in your growth process towards finding yourself and focusing on your career and life goals. They can provide you with a perspective that is sound, rational and unbiased, while still keeping your best interests in mind.

7. Keep a journal of your progress

Write your ideas and your thoughts down and read over them the day after. You will gain some valuable perspective and insight into your own growth and where you are at.

8. Get out of the house!

Take your laptop or notebook to the local coffee shop or park, somewhere with some interaction and get out into the world! This will give you a chance to get out of the house and possibly meet some people, network and create some opportunities towards accomplishing your goals.

9. Actively look for opportunities to do the things that you love most and turn them into opportunities for you

Do you enjoy attending art shows? Love doing volunteer work? Do you like fishing with friends or going to the library or attending meetings for local organizations?

These are all things that would not only satisfy the craving for you to do something that you enjoy, but it would also present you with opportunities to network, meet people that could help you get ahead, and spend time taking care of yourself and your mental and emotional health.

10. Finally, SMILE and BELIEVE!

Easier said than done, I know. Believe me, nothing about my friend's situation warranted a smile and some faith. But had she not kept herself smiling, it would have been so much harder to be positive and pull out of that state of anxiety.

Believe in yourself and the things that you have accomplished and remember that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to do.

So get your coat, get your shoes, get your smile and go out into the world!

Taking heed of these valuable insights will help you create and maintain a positive energy source in your life and keep inertia at bay. You will feel better, be more motivated and definitely more at peace.

All it takes is for you to make that first move. Don't let panic paralyze you into inertia. Anything is possible; it's up to you to make it happen!

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: stay motivated

Daniel Quinn

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Law of Attraction - Let it Give You the Good Life!

The Universe is nothing but energy, the only differences are in the vibrations. The Law works on the principle of vibration and these vibrations create energy, then the generation of energy attracts energy that is in turn generated by an equal amount of vibration. The Law Of Attraction requires that we remain concentrated in whatever we want. So for example, if you want a brand new car, then concentrate your feelings, thoughts, emotions, vibrations and energy on a brand new car. If you concentrate on the same car you have now, then that's what you will get, more of your old run down car! You can ultimately create your world and the world around you.

Every person, every object and everything generates some kind of energy. The entire idea about being focused on positive things is to concentrate the energy so that it stays in your mind so to speak. The less power in your mind, the less energy, the less strength you have over things. When you bother to appreciate things in your life, even the small things, it appreciates and grows in value. When you are unappreciative, things start to lose their value. The point is, is to try to concentrate on the positive things in life. Even if things aren't positive, make them seem positive, turn them, twist them, tie them, it doesn't matter, just make it so your life is positive. Positive thinking, feeling, vibes, energy, etc. This will bring good things to you!

The Law Of Attraction is based upon creativity. The Law teaches you how to create the power of thought. The intellect possesses your constructive imaginations and attributes. It establishes your identity as a being. You are always in a state of vibration when the law of attraction works. This manifests your creative desires as if they are already present. This vibrational resonance is your mentality, which has all the constructive attributes.

Your emotions, play a huge role in creating what you want in life. As the law states; the energy present in your emotions will always pull you towards things that you always wanted. Both your thoughts and feelings are so incredibly powerful that they can actually make things fall apart despite all the effort of the other forces trying to keep them together. If you feel hatred toward someone, or if you feel sadness because you don't have this or you don't have that, all those negative feelings are going to result in is a lot of turmoil. You have got to change the way your thinking and feeling, it's the first giant step!

This author is a HUGE fan of http://www.envisionfreedom.net

You become what you think about most. Change your intention, change your results. I recommend http://www.envisionfreedom.net


The Law of Attraction - Let it Give You the Good Life!

The Universe is nothing but energy, the only differences are in the vibrations. The Law works on the principle of vibration and these vibrations create energy, then the generation of energy attracts energy that is in turn generated by an equal amount of vibration. The Law Of Attraction requires that we remain concentrated in whatever we want. So for example, if you want a brand new car, then concentrate your feelings, thoughts, emotions, vibrations and energy on a brand new car. If you concentrate on the same car you have now, then that's what you will get, more of your old run down car! You can ultimately create your world and the world around you.

Every person, every object and everything generates some kind of energy. The entire idea about being focused on positive things is to concentrate the energy so that it stays in your mind so to speak. The less power in your mind, the less energy, the less strength you have over things. When you bother to appreciate things in your life, even the small things, it appreciates and grows in value. When you are unappreciative, things start to lose their value. The point is, is to try to concentrate on the positive things in life. Even if things aren't positive, make them seem positive, turn them, twist them, tie them, it doesn't matter, just make it so your life is positive. Positive thinking, feeling, vibes, energy, etc. This will bring good things to you!

The Law Of Attraction is based upon creativity. The Law teaches you how to create the power of thought. The intellect possesses your constructive imaginations and attributes. It establishes your identity as a being. You are always in a state of vibration when the law of attraction works. This manifests your creative desires as if they are already present. This vibrational resonance is your mentality, which has all the constructive attributes.

Your emotions, play a huge role in creating what you want in life. As the law states; the energy present in your emotions will always pull you towards things that you always wanted. Both your thoughts and feelings are so incredibly powerful that they can actually make things fall apart despite all the effort of the other forces trying to keep them together. If you feel hatred toward someone, or if you feel sadness because you don't have this or you don't have that, all those negative feelings are going to result in is a lot of turmoil. You have got to change the way your thinking and feeling, it's the first giant step!

This author is a HUGE fan of http://www.envisionfreedom.net

You become what you think about most. Change your intention, change your results. I recommend http://www.envisionfreedom.net

Council Of Nicaea Conclusion

Friday, March 13, 2009

Character is Learned by "Imprinting"

Psychological theory espouses imprinting: the phenomenon of young birds and animals to copy the first moving object near them, which is normally the mother. It was Konrad Lorenz (1937, 1950) who pioneered the theory when he observed newly hatched goslings, having them imprint on him as the object. I posit that our characters are somehow quite intrinsically affected by something like imprinting.

A generation or two back certain Christian denominations would take their young people through a doctrine called the Catechism. Students would be drilled in it and would learn the gospels as well as the law almost by rote; they could quote it and would know all the biblical stories backwards. Unfortunately, however, the methods used were often devoid of love. The teachers and instructors of the Catechism would often use a method best described as tough love. Discipline was driven into these young people and enough of it to incite fear.

One should not wonder why these young people, who're now in their fifties and sixties, would begin to see Christianity as a con and ministers as hypocrites. They had inept models of Christ with which to imprint to. (To be fair to these ministers, they would've been trapped by the era and the mandate of the denomination.) We see here that the delivery of the Catechism without a comprehensive godly character to back it up is only half the message of God's love and truth. It's the words of God devoid of the power of God.

What a difference it would have made if these young people had have had caring, kind, patient, tough-at-times, tender-hearted, yet courageous ministers and lay persons with which to imprint from. We see here that modelling (so far I've used the word 'imprinting') the right behaviour inspires young people. Young people can only admire, and seek to emulate, the Christ-like youth leader; in fact, most people find leaders who are charismatic and winsome in the best possible humble Christian way quite irresistible.

So, character cannot simply be studied; it must be seen and observed in models who are respected and admired for it to be 'installed' as a personal quality. When we think of our positive models, those we imprinted certain characteristics from, we reminisce with a particular fondness, don't we? Good character is slowly but steadily 'transferred' from one generation to the next by a process of something like imprinting. If we lead people we're models for them who will soon lead others.

Copyright 2008, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc) and a qualified lay Christian minister (GradDipDiv). His key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Be Glad the Hard Times Are Upon Us!

If you ever had a hard-driving athletic coach, these and other phrases will probably bring back memories and might even summon his screaming face back into view:

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going!"

"Show me someone who loses and laughs, and I'll show you a loser!"

Vince Lombardi, legendary Green Bay Packers coach, said there's something in "good men" that loves a struggle. You're being beaten up on the playing field, bruised and bloodied, but you give the game all you have, exhausted as it ends, but you WIN!

Or, you may have heard it this way: "Winning isn't everything; It's the ONLY thing!"

I summon these quotes because they're designed to have what psychologists refer to as, "sleeper" effects. Like messages in bottles, they're cast across our consciousness from the land of our youth, and they're intended to wash up and be read some time later, on a distant shore of adulthood.

We might have goofed about them privately, outside of earshot of our coaches. But if these proclamations didn't rouse us and help us to perform in the games at hand, that grouchy leader with the whistle or clipboard knew these admonitions wouldn't be forgotten, completely.

Some day, circumstances would arrange themselves so we would feel deeply dejected, helpless and hopeless before seemingly overwhelming odds, and a small voice would echo in our mind:

"Winners never quit and quitters never win!"

And like Rocky Balboa, we'd struggle to our feet and miraculously knock out anything or anyone standing in our way.

Well, looking at our economy and world events, it seems like a fine time to deliberately awaken these sleeper messages, and to put them to work.

If you have ever played sports or striven in any competitive environment, you already have what it takes to respond to adversity. Recall all of the steps you took to achieve in those arenas.

Remember as well, the self-doubts you overcame. Because now, we have a chance to prove, yet again, what we're made of, who we are, and what we can do when we want to, and need to.

Someday, when these difficulties are overcome, you'll look back and realize times were hard, "But YOU DID IT HARD," as motivational speaker Les Brown would say.

Dr. Gary S. Goodman is a top speaker, sales, customer service and negotiation trainer, best-selling author, and TV and radio commentator. He conducts seminars and convention presentations around the world and can be reached at: gary@customersatisfaction.com. His profile can be read at: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/0/a91/833.

Osborne Phillips

Seven Great Benefits of Reading

I read something the other day that was extremely disturbing. Apple founder Steve Jobs was quoted as saying...

"It doesn't matter how good or bad the product is, people don't read anymore. Forty percent of people in the U.S read one book(1) or less last year."

To me, this is a VERY SAD statistic. Personally, I can think of nothing more important , and ,of more value than reading.

Alarming? I'd say so. If the adults aren't reading , do you think the kids will grow up as readers? We all know that kids mimic our actions and not our words.

Here are 7 Great Benefits of Reading I came up with....

1. Great Vocabulary Builder.
2. Stress buster, and relaxer.
3. Great for learning and education.
4. Keeps your mind sharp and fresh.
5. Sets a good example for kids.
6. Helps with your Spelling.
7. Helps form a common bond with others.

Writer, former pro football player and Fox Sports analyst Tim Green once said.... "Everyone likes to read. They just need to finds something that is of interest to them." Some like the sports page, some like a good mystery, others like self help, and still others like People or Star magazine.

Here is a great challenge offered by our friends at Shelfari.com:

They basically ask the reader to attempt to read 50 books in the next coming year. If that's too many, then set your own goal of 40,30, or even 20 books. You'll be glad you did.

What are your thoughts/what benefits do you get from reading?

About the author::

TA Smith is the founder and creator of Smile-Therapy.com
A graduate of UMASS, Amherst.
A former Dale Carnegie graduate.
Smith loves to golf, ski, read, walk his chocolate labs, and listen to jazz and country music.
Smith's motto: Work hard, have fun, help others and make people SMILE.

Eldon Taylor

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Perceptions of Self - How You See and Treat Yourself is Expressed in Your Reality - Part 1

Many individuals do not recognise that their self-esteem or self-worth needs improving. As long as they have the personal good looks, status and material needs they think that is all that they need for success and no one else is the wiser to what is going on in their inner world! It goes deeper than an outer faade. Self-esteem and self-image is an outer reflection on their inner level of self-love and self-worth. Their level of worth is expressed in their quality of life, within their experiences and what is happening in their reality.

Human self-esteem problems, issues and challenges can be broken down into four primary categories:

1. Recognise and address your issue
2. Acknowledge and respect yourself
3. Stand your ground with assertion and empowerment
4. Release disempowering events, things and people

Let's take a look at each individual category:

1. Recognise and address your issue. The most important factor for you to be able to raise your self-esteem is for you to uncover the issue that is giving you a low self-worth in the first place. Nobody and nothing outside of you can do it for you. Dressing well and living in a nice environment only addresses a perception of your worth on the outside - it is a faade, if you have imbalances within you, or conflicts with those you live and work with, you are just covering up an unfinished business. Even if you are successful at your work, your life's experiences, your health and the quality of your relationships will tell you how much self-love, self-worth and self-acceptance you have. Once you realise that you have a low self-worth you must be ready and willing to do something about it.

2. Acknowledge and respect yourself. You need to be aware that you attract to you what you are within. You need to acknowledge yourself, accept yourself, love yourself, honour all of your experiences and choices without regrets and to have compassion for yourself etc. Eg. If you do not respect yourself, you will attract others to you who will treat you in a very disrespectful manner. You were born with 100% worth and that is up to you to claim your worth. A lower self-esteem or worth is due to allowing others to belittle you, to influence you into thinking that you are not 'good enough' or you do not deserve to be, do or have something. You have taken on their old truths as your own. You now believe that you are unworthy, it is an old truth and that is how people will treat you. If you feel that you don't deserve, or are unworthy or you do not love yourself in anyway - it is a truth that you have formed, your masquerade story, which is now your lie. It is only your perception on how you see yourself and therefore how you treat yourself either with belittlement emotionally or physically. How you see and treat yourself is reflected back to you as 'like attracts like' scenario in your health, relationships and abundance aspects.

3. Stand your ground with assertion and empowerment. Once you make a conscious choice to raise your self-esteem and self-worth - be alert to sabotage or you will retreat from exploring this empowering journey fully. The level of your self-worth also relates to the level of your assertion and empowerment. Once you begin to practice self-worth strategies you will soon develop more assertion and empowerment qualities. You will not be so timid in standing your ground towards others manipulations. Once you begin to stand your ground, your family, friends and workmates may dislike it as your personality-identity changes. The sabotage is: when you have a low self-worth, people usually walk all over you and when you hold high regard for yourself and honour yourself and stand in your power, you will not allow them to wipe their feet on your worthy doormat. This can create a conflict in your relationships and you are in danger of retreating if you are not prepared to get out of your comfort zone and 'stand alone'. Change may cause a conflict in the beginning, but if there is unconditional love present with that relationship they will come around to support you, otherwise they will leave your life, because they cannot get what they want from you. If you give up on continuing to raising your level of worth due to family or social challenges, you can retreat back into appeasement, obligation and compromise. If you are not prepared to release anything and anyone who is feeding off you or stealing your energy in order to support their self-absorbed needs you may stop trying to improve your perception of self. That means, if anyone who cannot support you and allow you to choose your own journey, those who do not respect you for who you are and who you can become or those who try to control you through their agendas to get what they want - let them go, they don't serve you in an empowering way. That is conditional love.

4. Release disempowering events, things and people. The greatest gift anyone can give to you whilst you are choosing to raise your self-worth and your consciousness is their love and support - with compassion but without judgement and agendas - no matter what you choose to do, even if it seems a silly or wrong choice for them. Whatever path you choose to walk down is appropriate for you, for that is what you need to experience to develop your growth and awareness.

True compassion is not just about sadness and pity - it is allowing you to choose your journey without others trying to control you, without others trying to change you or to enforce their righteous ways upon you. Having an agenda or expectation of trying to enforce and change you or what they think you should be, do or have, places limitations and controls onto you. They will disempower you if you allow others to control you, which will result in you retreating into submission or resisting and rebelling with conflicting drama games. Any self-absorbed limitation combined with conditional love suffocates relationships - causing conflict and breakdowns within relationships, as well as your health and abundance levels. This also means that you need true compassion for yourself for all the choices and experiences that you have had. To be able to raise your self-esteem is to release anything or anyone who does not serve your growth.

As you let go of things or people who do not serve you, you may feel that you are left stranded or alone with only a few to support you. As you stand in your power, you will attract other people into your life who will respect you for who you are, you will attract new relationships based on unconditional love into your life and you will attract more abundant opportunities.

Pamela's new revolutionary Self-Help Personal Development Review is a unique and complete report that reveals new insights, perceptions, direction and empowerment for personal or business problems, issues and challenges. It reveals new ways to address and solve problems, to expand the understanding of self-love and self-worth, the attraction of new relationships, the manifestations of abundance of all kinds, empowerment and self-awareness concepts. It provides new refreshing 'out of the mind' information that gives greater awareness, clarity, wisdom, acceptance and understanding to inspire and expand consciousness. Please visit http://www.self-help-on-line.com to discover new 'out of the box' insights about Self-Help Personal Developments Reviews.