Saturday, May 2, 2009

Helping Employees Meet The Goals You Set For Them

Goals are vital to have in moving forward in the right direction- they can give a person guidance in their life personally and professionally. Goals can also serve to motivate a person, and help them be more productive.

If your employees have clearly defined goals, they will be more focused. They will be able to reach their accomplishments quicker. In turn, this will help your business.

Try working with your employees to help them define and create their goals. Work together on strategies that will help them them accomplish these goals. Apply this also to work assignments that you have given employees.

A backwards approach to reaching a goal is to set a goal, then start with the end result and work backwards. Knowing where you wish to end will help guide you through the path to reaching it. Don't leave your goals open-ended, as it is more likely to result in failure. Not only will you not know if you are progressing towards your goal, but you will find it difficult to know if you have reached it.

Design goal work sheets for your employees to help explain the power of goal setting. If you've similarly tracked your own goals over the past, consider sharing these with your employees- give them examples of goals you reached, as well as ones you didn't. Teach them what you learned from those experiences.

By sharing your setbacks with employees, you can teach them an important lesson, the lesson that not everyone will reach every goal. They will need to know how to handle missing a goal. For instance, do they keep working past the deadline, or do they give up and move forward on something else?

If you'd like to give your employees feedback, keep track of their progress on their goals. Remember to praise them when they achieve a goal, and help to give them the desire to accomplish the next one. With goals they've missed, try providing constructive criticism and support. Give them the resources they need to try again and reach the goal with success.

By helping boost their confidence and helping them feel empowered, they are able to achieve amazing things. You can help them better themselves, and also grow your business in the process- a win-win situation for everyone.

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