Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Self Defense - How to Prevent an Assault

Here are some facts every parent of a college age child should know.

--One out of four women will be sexually assaulted on a college campus.

--One out of eight women will be raped while in college.

--84% of women who were raped knew their assa5B4ilant.

--57% of rapes occur on a date.

--75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in date rape had been drinking or using drugs.

These are the reported figures. There is a lot of data suggesting that most rapes go unreported. One study showed that only 5 % of victims of rape or attempted rape report it to college police.

But EVERY woman is a potential target of these perverted assailants. An assault occurs every 29 seconds. Most sexual assaults can be avoided by using some common sense and being armed with knowledge of what to avoid and armed with some non lethal self defense weapons.

Let's look at some things you should know to help prevent an assault .....

LOOK. Look around you and be aware of your surroundings-hiding places, people following you, etc. If confronted by an assailant look him straight in the eye so he knows for sure that you will remember what he looks like in a police lineup.

YELL. There are two things about a shout. One it attracts the attention of others. Second it deters assailants. They want an easy target not someone who is going to resist.

SHOW. If you are carrying a non lethal self defense weapon SHOW IT. Sometimes the sound of a discharging stun gun is enough to frighten them off. Try using a combination of SHOW and YELL. Try something like "back off or you'll get 900,000 volts."

PAIN. Learn where some key A20points for pain are and how to inflict as much pain as you can quickly. Eye gouges, pinch or bite under the arm or the upper inner thigh, or the groin areas are all sensitive and subject o maximum amounts of pain. A sharp blow across the bridge of an assailant's nose will stop him dead in his tracks. You want just enough time to escape. Consider using your elbow if you can-it is the strongest point on your body.

INSTINCTS. Always trust your INSTINCTS. Women are usually more insightful than men-use it to your advantage.

CARRY. Always carry some non lethal self defense weapons. A stun gun, taser, pepper spray, a telescopic baton are good examples. Each if used will afford you enough time to escape and get help.

These tips can help you prevent an assault on yourself or any woman you know. Used wisely they may save a life-maybe yours.

Please Note that even though pepper spray is legal in all 50 states, some states and cities have restrictions. Some states and cities have restrictions on stun guns. Check with your local police department. Literally thousands of police departments carry and use pepper spray and stun guns. Why wouldn't you?

Jack Krohn is the #1 author of Home Security Articles in the country. He owns SECURITY SOLUTIONS a one stop resource that provides solutions and answers for all your self defense and home security problems.

Take action TODAY and learn how to defend yourself. Purchase a PEPPERGEL


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