Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Choosing What To Create - Part One

Whether you have known about The Law of Attraction for many years or are just grasping the awesome ramifications that you really do create your own reality, there still remains the question of "What to Create."

We are creating every moment of our day - sleeping or waking - usually by default for most people - even those who know about this incredible power we all possess. The result is a life filled with various levels of frustrations, disappointments and semi-successes on the physical, emotional and mental levels. By semi-successes we do not mean that this does not include significant accumulations of material possessions, credentials, friends, accomplishments and various other 3-D manifestations.

Many people have attained these things by default, never knowing where the power came from to create them. Nevertheless, the complete picture must include an inner sense of satisfaction and peace of mind which in some way expands our awareness of all we are. This is truly rare - even for those that are consciously creating their reality every day. However, that is chang16B1ing quickly as more and more tens of thousands of people discover this innate power and its mind boggling implications.

This inner growth of awareness to our ultimate awakening comes through consciously and selectively choosing intentions to manifest from our deepest inner urges. But how do we tap into these inner urges? Other than the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing, there is a universe of possibilities that may or may not fill these inner urges for each and everyone of us.

Unless you are adept at tapping into your inner Self, perhaps through meditation or other means, the urges we get to manifest things are usually seductions from the material world tied to feelings of deficiency in some area of our life. And while we will definitely succeed in manifesting these urges if we use The Law of Attraction, the fulfillment of these lack-oriented desires will not satisfy us for long. That is the nature of the 3-D world of polarity where everything has its opposite.

We will discuss this further in the second half of this article.

By: Ananda and John Mcintosh

John & Ananda McIntosh are authors and teachers of A Course in Miracles and The Law of Attraction. The couple has ten published books to date related to these subjects and over 40 years of experience applying the principles they teach. To find links to their writings, books and Podcasts go to their web site: http://www.lawofattractioncenters.com or send an email to createmiracles@aol.com copyright 2007 by John & Ananda McIntosh

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