Thursday, April 23, 2009

What Will I Be

Think back to your younger years, what was your response to the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Now, look at what you are doing today. Are you doing what you once hoped to do? Are you following your passion?

If you are following your passion, congratulations! You are one of the few. Unfortunately many people get stuck in a comfort zone and don't want to take any risks. So they end up working just for money rather than working because they love what they are doing.

There is a big difference in the quality of your life when you work at something you love to do, compared to when you just work for money. Success doesn't come from making the most money. Success comes from being fulfilled and satisfied with what you are contributing. I am sure you have heard the saying, "If you do what you love you'll never work a day in your life". That is so true. How can I be sure of that you may ask? Well, for many years I worked at climbing the corporate ladder. And, yes, I made lots of money, but there was always something missing. While I enjoyed what I was doing, and the money was great, there was that part of me that was not satisfied. So, I took a big risk. I left my comfort zone, and the security of that weekly paycheck. And, it was a bit scary, I must admit. But, I had a passion, a dream, and, most importantly a goal.

That goal was to be self-employed. I remember thinking, if I put in as much energy and time in my own business as I did my corporate job surely my business would be a success. Now five years later, I am living what was once only a goal. The goal now a reality; I am self-employed, running my own business.

To be perfectly honest, over the course of the five years there were days when I wondered if I would make it. And, there were a few occasions where I missed having the weekly paycheck. But, I persevered and never lost my belief. And, today I do feel like I know what success is. I love what I do. I share my passion with others. And, now that something that was previously missing is now fulfilled.

It is never to late too live your dreams. Set your goals, work towards doing what you love to do. Believe me, it is worth it!

Visit Unique Handcrafted Jewelry to see what was once a dream now a reality. Purchase a one of a kind fused glass pendant for yourself or for a gift!

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