Sunday, March 22, 2009

Why You Need to Be Flexible With Your Tarot Card Definitions

Tarot Card Definitions

Tarot card definitions can seem to be a bit hazy to those just starting out learning the tarot. But, while it can leave you a little frustrated at not being able to find plain and concise instructions, this is actually the beauty of this ancient art. If you were to be totally literal in your interpretations of the tarot card definitions, your readings would actually become jumbled and nonsensical.

How can this be so? Because tarot card definitions are not just isolated nuggets of information but instead are fluid and flexible in order to absorb the wisdom of the cards surrounding them in your reading. To use an analogy - words have meanings by themselves but these meanings change within sentences or by context. You simply need to learn to 'talk' the language of the tarot.

Here are two examples. Firstly, let's take a popular spread, the Celtic Cross. In this spread, the cards will be placed in a particular order and this assigns them a specific function. Card number 1 details your present, card number 2 tells you what your immediate challenges are, and so forth.

Let's look at how we might treat the Seven of Swords in both of those positions. If I were to see this card come up as the querent's present, I would immediately think that s/he is involved in plan making and wishes for the future, but I would also feel that these might be flaky and lack substance. If I were to see this card in position number 2, the immediate challenges, then I would ask if there might be someone around the querent who is encouraging them with big ideas and that they need to reign in their plans a little, perhaps take more responsibility for themselves.

You can see the similar characteristics of the card at work, but their meanings take on a slightly different flavour.

Example number two - I'm going to look at different tarot card definitions for a Major and then Minor Arcana card. First, let's look at a card that usually puts a smile on people's faces - The Lovers. Now, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, so let me say that if you've asked a question regarding love then this is almost always going to be favourable for you. However, it can have other meanings too. Are you too deeply involved with someone or a situation? Are you lacking in enthusiasm for something that really needs you to put your all in? This card might be asking you to inject the energy, that love usually inspires, into it.

Another confusing set of tarot card definitions can be seen in the Eight of Cups. This card often indicates that you have drawn a line under things and have decided to move on. But can you be so sure that you have done this or are you kidding yourself? This card can sometimes be there give you a bit of a kick up the backside!

As mentioned above you will also need to look closely at the surrounding cards for your answers. The tarot card definitions will be modified by the presence of other cards. This will be even more true if you see patterns, such as a high number of a particular suit come up.

So, now let's look at the general themes of the minor Arcana:

Wands represent thoughts and notions. Is there something that you need to work out? If you see a high number of these cards come up, you should take note and maybe take some time out to think.

Cups mean emotions. If you see a high incidence of these cards, it's likely that you are going through a difficult time or that there is a lot of change around you.

Swords stand for activity. If you see lots of these cards then expect things to start happening or ask yourself if you should start to make them happen.

Pentacles mean that things are starting to take shape. But as with the swords, the cards may actually be telling you that you need some of the pentacle's energy in your life so it's time to get motivated.

As for the tarot card definitions of the Major Arcana? These cards carry more authority in your readings so when you see these, it's time to sit up and take notice as they are more likely to mean major changes, either psychical, emotional or in attitude. In fact, these cards are so influential, some experts recommend that beginners use only the Major Arcana for their readings but I am of the opinion that you might as well get stuck in!

In summary - harmonize. Yes it's important to understand the meanings of each the cards. But try to get to know the cards as rich and complex characters, rather than just seeking the precise tarot card definitions. They're not to be used as a Q&A session. The answers will be reaching far deeper than that. As with all great disciplines, you will have to persevere to achieve the wisdom.

For tarot cards, new age gifts and Wiccan supplies, please visit our online store at

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Francesca xx

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