Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Choosing What To Create - Part One

Whether you have known about The Law of Attraction for many years or are just grasping the awesome ramifications that you really do create your own reality, there still remains the question of "What to Create."

We are creating every moment of our day - sleeping or waking - usually by default for most people - even those who know about this incredible power we all possess. The result is a life filled with various levels of frustrations, disappointments and semi-successes on the physical, emotional and mental levels. By semi-successes we do not mean that this does not include significant accumulations of material possessions, credentials, friends, accomplishments and various other 3-D manifestations.

Many people have attained these things by default, never knowing where the power came from to create them. Nevertheless, the complete picture must include an inner sense of satisfaction and peace of mind which in some way expands our awareness of all we are. This is truly rare - even for those that are consciously creating their reality every day. However, that is chang16B1ing quickly as more and more tens of thousands of people discover this innate power and its mind boggling implications.

This inner growth of awareness to our ultimate awakening comes through consciously and selectively choosing intentions to manifest from our deepest inner urges. But how do we tap into these inner urges? Other than the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing, there is a universe of possibilities that may or may not fill these inner urges for each and everyone of us.

Unless you are adept at tapping into your inner Self, perhaps through meditation or other means, the urges we get to manifest things are usually seductions from the material world tied to feelings of deficiency in some area of our life. And while we will definitely succeed in manifesting these urges if we use The Law of Attraction, the fulfillment of these lack-oriented desires will not satisfy us for long. That is the nature of the 3-D world of polarity where everything has its opposite.

We will discuss this further in the second half of this article.

By: Ananda and John Mcintosh

John & Ananda McIntosh are authors and teachers of A Course in Miracles and The Law of Attraction. The couple has ten published books to date related to these subjects and over 40 years of experience applying the principles they teach. To find links to their writings, books and Podcasts go to their web site: http://www.lawofattractioncenters.com or send an email to createmiracles@aol.com copyright 2007 by John & Ananda McIntosh

Believe youre highly creative
Game Of Life and How To Play

What Luck For Rulers That Men Do Not Think

Jesus said, "As a man thinketh, so is he." You may not be religious (I'm really not that religious, either...); but the truth does not stand or fall because of the reputation of the speaker. Truth is always truth. This saying isn't true because Jesus said it; Jesus was quoting when he said this -- these words appear in the Old Testament, and in every other religion on the planet. Buddha said, "What we think, we become," for example; and Gandhi (who was neither a Jew, Christian, nor a Buddhist) expressed the exact sentiment thusly, "A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes." What a gift this is! I wonder why so few use it...

It doesn't matter what we think; thoughts are the seeds and we need only think (plant) them in order for them to grow into something. And we reap in our bodies and lives the physical fruits of those thoughts we sow and cultivate in our minds. Unfortunately, most people simply don't think -- they memorize and repeat things. If your opinions, for instance, match those of a "talking head" on any national television news show, what makes you think those are your opinions? "Opinion," said John Erskine, "is that exercise of the human will which helps us to make a decision without information." H.L. Mencken wrote, in 1925, "The average man never really thinks from end to end of his life. The mental activity of such people is only a mouthing of cliches."

If you think for yourself, you can do anything; indeed, "all things are possible." Gandhi said, "Those who know how to think need no teachers." Could this have been what Jesus was referring to when He said, "I have access to all knowledge." He didn't say, "I know everything...;" He said that He had "access" -- He knew where and how to get it. Consider that prayer is focused thinking; and it is often used to ask questions from a higher power or source. Voltaire wrote, "No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking;" and, when asked how he discovered the Laws of Gravity, Sir Isaac Newton replied, "I thought about it all the time."

Of course, most people believe they are thinking. Alas, mentally reciting the thoughts and words of others is not thinking. When people think their own thoughts, they ca5B4n do anything; when people think the thoughts of another, they can be made to do anything. A king wrote, "Now the people are as one and nothing will be restrained from them that they seek to do." Later kings discovered that power could be harnessed by directing the thoughts of those "unified" people. Through laws, religions, and mass media, people are told what to think from cradle to grave -- people who do not find a way to think for themselves, that is.

And we believe what we are told for many reasons. People can be made to not kill each other, for instance, by telling them God said not to do it, or that something bad will happen to them if they do; and those same people can then be made to kill people by telling them it is their legal, moral, or patriotic obligation to do so. The common denominator: Being told what to do and believing you have to.

Wisdom teachings protect us from such traps -- if we have been taught, of course. Following the teaching to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," could keep you from "doing unto others what someone else told you to do to them." Listen to your heart; this is where true wisdom lives. Anthony De Mello once wrote, "People mistakenly assume that their thinking is done by their head; it is actually done by the heart which first dictates the conclusion, then commands the head to provide the reasoning that will defend it." Think for yourself an56Ad follow the guidance of your heart. Much of your stress and illness will disappear when you figure out how to do this.

When you think for yourself, you can easily discern your thoughts and desires from someone else's agenda and control. We all have the power to do this; our ability to choose our thoughts, in fact, is our only true free-will. This is our birthright and most people simply hand theirs over to those they perceive to be "smarter," or more powerful. When you can make a bunch of people believe what you say, you can direct a tremendous amount of energy. Buckminster Fuller said of belief, "Belief is when someone else does the thinking." Belief is actually an energy that people put into thoughts in order to make them happen. If you don't think for yourself, others can convince you to give them that greatest of all human powers -- your belief. "What luck for rulers," said Adolf Hitler, "that men do not think."

Think about that.

Pete Koerner, author of The Belief Formula


Home Building Ideas For The Future
How To Think Outside The Box

3 Ways to Use the Secret in Your Life

The first thing everyone wants to know after watching the move the secret is, "How do I sue the Secret?" That's understandable because although the movie is good and it does introduce you to the law of attraction it does not quite tell you how 5A8to properly apply it to your life.

The First Step

One of the first things you can do in using the secret law of attraction in y our life is to educate yourself as much as possible on the subject of the law of attraction. Learn the very nature of the law of attraction and how it influences your life.

The core of the secret, are your thoughts which goes a lot deeper than negative verses positive thought. If you understood the truly nature of thought you would be a huge step above those who think they understand the law of attraction.

The Second Step

The second step to mastering the secret law of attraction is to get a journal and begin to write. Do you know most people have no clue what their predominant thought patters is, nor do they even know what it is that they want. When you get a journal you can begin to explore your feelings on a much deeper level. Seeing your feelings on paper clears it up from being cluttered in your mind.

The Third Step

The third step to using the secret law of attraction is to take small inspired action towards your goals. With your new law of attraction journal you can begin to track daily every action you take that is in alignment with your goals. Its very hard for most people to be aware of the way they spend their time. When you set a specific plan and track it in your journal you have a better change of seeing how your week has gone, your month 4B2and then your year.

Much time can pass with many of us taking the same tiresome actions that get us the same lousy results again and again. Then many people say that the law of attraction did

Do you know that there are ancient techniques that can increase your manifesting intentions and attract what you want even faster than ever? Visit http://www.cosmic-wealth.com/lawofattraction to learn more about these secrets teachings. Daniel Hinds is the author of the powerful ebook Magic Money.

Teaching For A Better Life
About That Dream

Monday, April 28, 2008

A Relaxed Mind And Body For Concentration

For an individual to stay calm and composed, it is important that mind control techniques are practiced. It is important for an individual to have a relaxed mind and body since it will help the person in the day to day activities especially when it comes to work related to profession and family. A cool mind and body, it is said, can achieve the improbable. That is the reason, why a lot of importance is being attached these days by all sectors, starting from the military personnel to corporate sector, to maintain a strong mind and body. A lot of stress is applied on the mind and body of an individual due to variety of reasons. They include stress on account of work, interpersonal relationships, family commitments and other factors. All these have to be overcome to make sure that the performance of the individual.

There are several techniques to provide relief from stress. The first and foremost of the techniques is meditation. It has been found that meditation if done everyday for at least thirty minutes or sixty minutes provides tremendous relief through out the day. A person who meditates every day routinely will not experience any fatigue or tiredness in any kind of mental or physical work. Meditation is one of the oldest forms adopted to seek relief from stress. There are various kinds of meditation. The basic form is to sit in a posture as prescribed, close eyes and concentrate on a focal point. At times, beginners, may be put to sleep easily while meditating, however, over a period of time, the sleepiness can be overcome. It will take some time to focus and concentrate while meditating. Meditate at least for an hour each day and it will raise the spirits significantly. The best time for meditation is mornings. Make it a habit to get up before sunrise. Meditate for an hour at least and focus on the events ahead of you in the day. Work out the schedule in mind and try to resolve any internal conflicts.

There is a second form of meditation, called transcendental meditation. Several pioneers of transcendental meditation are known to have achieved greater heights because of their approach towards life. A calm and composed mind can achieve many things by practicing meditation. It is an ancient tradition practiced in most of the eastern countries. It has been only in the last century that the western world has discovered the advantages of meditation.

The second way of relieving pressure is practicing Yoga, another form of mild exercise practiced in countries like India. A very old practice, Yoga is considered ideal for a variety of ailments. In fact, meditation is also part of yoga. The yoga sessi50Bon commences only after the people conclude one session of meditation. Yoga helps an individual in maintaining the mind, body and soul in one straight line. Register for the yoga classes with a guru in the neighborhood. It is better if yoga is practiced every day in the morning.

Article written by Cassaundra Flores, owner of skyfireproducts.com


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Creativity Test - Three Minutes That Could Help You Learn How Well You Think Outside Of The Box

Creative thought is effortless; so don't confuse it with analytical thinking. Creative thinking does not analyze right and wrong, or good and bad. In creative thinking, you let go of control and allow your thoughts to wander aimlessly from one idea to the next. Creative thinking can help you to locate information that your left-brain has misplaced. For example, have you ever struggled with a problem and analyzed it until your head hurt, only to find a solution pop in16DCto your mind while doing some mundane task? That source of inspiration was your right-brained creative thinker doing what it does best.

Creative thinking allows you to find new connections between things; connections that the analytical mind would never consider. Creative thinking takes what it already knows to be true and mixes it with concepts just discovered, usually discovering new connections, new solutions and new insights in the process. Creative thinking is what makes brainstorming possible. Reflective thinking is what caused Einstein to first envision his "general theory of relativity" while daydreaming about light. Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge, and I figure he should know.

Brainstorming is a process that helps people explore connections and release their creativity. Analytical thought stops the process of brainstorming. If you've ever experienced a good brainstorming session, you know that people usually have a number of bad ideas before inspiration strikes. When you analyze all your bad ideas to death, you never give your genius a chance to strike. The analyzer inside of us tends to reject the explorer's ideas before the explorer has had a chance to explore. In the end, we reject our only path to genius.

Let me show you an exercise that demonstrates what I mean:

1. Find a pen, a piece of paper, and a timer.

2. Get ready to set your timer for three minutes.

3. In a moment, I'm going to ask you to copy a link into your address bar and go to the link. Don't worry, you will not be added to any list, receive any pop up ads, or other advertisements. On that page, you will simply see an image. For three minutes, I want you to look at that image and make a list of everything that you think the image could represent. Keep adding to the list until the timer goes off.

4. Once you have completed the three minutes, hit the back button on your browser window to return to this article for your results. This exercise does work best if you complete it before reading the rest of the article.

5. Ready? Copy the following link into your address bar, click go, and begin.

Did you judge the image at first sight, and did your judgments contribute to the length of your list? Now that you have completed the exercise, count how many items you have on your list.

If you have five to eight items on your list, then you have the same average as most adults over 18 years of age. But teenagers usually average 10 to 15 items, while kindergartners average a list of 60 items or more.

Amazing, isn't it? The average adult struggles thirty-seconds to find just one new idea. While in that same thirty-seconds, a typical kindergartner effortlessly discovers ten.

We're all born with an incredible ability to imagine and brainstorm.

So where does that ability go?

Do you remember looking at the image during the exercise, and after your initial reaction, spending most of your time thinking mainly about everything it couldn't be? Do you remember spending most of your time rejecting your ideas?

Whenever I have my classes do this excise, my adult students typically stare at the image for the entire three minutes, their pencils hardly moving. They get an idea and their left-brain says, "No, not that." Then they get another idea, and again their left-brain says, "No, not that." Eventually, the right-brain stops offering ideas, and my students end up just staring at the image for the entire three minutes. They want a good idea to strike before they write anything down. But creativity doesn't work that way. If you focus all of your attention on "what the image isn't," you leave no room in your mind for inspiration to strike.

Try the same exercise. But this time, write down everything that pops into your mind, no matter how silly, or stupid you think it sounds. Keep your pen moving and don't let it stop. Pretty soon, the ideas that seem foolish will develop into ideas that make sense. Create a stream of consciousness. Play with sound and rhythm and rhyme. Cock your head to one side, or turn the image around in your mind so that you can see the image from a new angle. Allow your silliness to trigger new ideas. Don't let your left-brain interrupt your thoughts, offer judgments, or edit your creativity.

My guess is that your list will be much longer the second time, and much more fun. You might even find yourself giggling. Genius tends to hit us when we're having fun playing with our own amazing thoughts.

Cultivate your imagination. Make a point of asking questions, making up stories and playing with children. Try to keep the reflective, questing, playful part of your mind alive and happy. Without imagination, we are limited by what we have already experienced. Emerson once wrote, "We recognize in every act of genius, our own disregarded thoughts." So stop disregarding your thoughts. Stop disregarding your own genius...

From A River Worth Riding: Fourteen Rules for Navigating Life, by Lynn Marie Sager copyright 2005

You can find more about creativity, brainstorming, and redefining your life on Navigating Life's website. Simply go to http://www.navigatinglife.org, and visit Boarding for links to our full lessons on each.

Lynn Marie Sager has toured over two-dozen countries and worked on three continents. Author of A River Worth Riding: Fourteen Rules for Navigating Life, Lynn currently lives in California; where she fills her time with private coaching, public speaking, and teaching for the LACCD and Pi411erce College. She runs the Navigating Life website, where she offers free assistance to readers who wish to incorporate the rules of worthwhile living into their lives. To read more about how you can use these rules to improve your life, visit Lynn's website at http://www.navigatinglife.org

Superstition and Religion

The Hidden Meaning Behind Dreams

Carl Jung discovered the unique method of dream interpretation. I continued his research, discovered the meaning of more dream symbols and the existence of a wild and primitive conscience that causes craziness to our conscience.

If you learn how to interpret your dreams by using this scientific method, you will be able to penetrate the hidden world of the unconscious and anti-conscience, in addition to understanding how your human conscience works. What does this mean? This means that you will penetrate your mind and start understanding why you behave the way you do, why you think and feel the way you do and so on.

You will then start understanding your mistakes and to correct them and develop your conscience. This means that you become more intelligent because you start paying attention to other psychological functions that you have at your disposition. You can learn many things and better judge the world: these are the functions you never use because you are always dominated by only one fully developed psychological function, which you prefer, and another one that is only partially developed and only partly helps you.

In the beginning, your dreams will help you develop you conscience by showing you all the aspects of reality that you have to consider when you make your decisions or judge someone. For example, if you belong to a psychological type that is extroverted and based on sensations, you will care only for the way you feel, the food you eat, the clothes you wear and all the material pleasures you can have.

What can happen to you? A lot!

If you don't think logically or analyze your life seriously, you'll surely face many problems in your life. On the other hand, if you don't pay attention to your feelings but only care for the gratification of your senses, you may get involved with someone you don't really love but who can give you the material pleasure you desire...only to discover later that you cannot live with that person no matter how much money they may have.

If you don't pay attention to what you "can guess" about each person, to the impression and the feeling they give you, you are ignoring a very important psychological function whose functionalism is a mystery-intuition. This psychological function is in fact the ability to predict the future without any logical explanation besides the impressions that you obtain about someone or something. This psychological function when completely developed can help you actually guess, for instance, the person who will buy your products and who will never do that. You can understand from the beginning who is the right person for you and immediately decide the next actions to take.

When this psychological function is not well developed, you receive no help in your decisions. You cannot guess anything about what you are trying to examine.

Therefore, when you completely develop your conscience through dream interpretation, you start discovering the hidden meaning of reality that you could not see before because you were too ignorant and based on only one entire and one partial psychological function each.

On the other hand, when you completely develop your conscience and eliminate the dangerous influence of the wild and primitive anti-conscience, you discover how reality is prepared and how you can transform it according to what will bring you good results.

You acquire a "third eye" that can read and decipher the symbols existent not only in dreams but also everywhere else, and you will be guided to solve all the problems of your life.

When you reach this level, you will learn the meaning of many other things that you now ignore. You will learn how to think according to another system of logic that is completely different from the selfish logic that you use now, in addition to understanding the meaning of life and death.

You can learn all that you wish by interpreting your dreams, and you can interpret everything that happens to you in your daily life just as you interpret dreams, and thus have more information about reality, other people and the future.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere. Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com and http://www.booksirecommend.com

Click here and download your copy of the Free ebook

Beating Depression and Craziness


Things A Guy Should Do To Attract Girls

What are the things a guy should do to attract girls? Most men that consulted a dating consultant were asked the same question that is, "what are the things a guy should do to attract girls?"

It is just not the men who go to consultants who get asked this questB68ion. All men at some point in their lives have asked themselves the same question. It is really simple. To attract a women to you show her something about yourself that she will be irresistibly attracted to.

What men forget that if they are like every other common man a women meets then why would she be with you and not someone else? Look out for that certain quality that you have that the next 10 guys standing next you do not possess.

What can you give a woman that is rare? It should be some thing that she won't find with another guy easily. That is, in a way of speaking, your trump card. Once you have that trump card in your hand, attracting women would no longer be a problem for you. You would be able to attract them to you easily and successfully.

Here are some points that you should look into for in most cases these points will help you find or create you trump card to attracting women to you.

Your self esteem:

Men often comment that women are attracted to men who have fame and money in their pockets. It is not always because they are treasure hunters. It is also about something else.

Have you ever noticed how men with fame and money carry themselves? It is definitely different from an average guy on the street. Fame and money gives you something that sets you apart from the crowd. This something is a high self esteem and confidence about yourself that draws people to you. It creates an aura of power and position. These men carry themselves with absolute confidence. This is what attracts women to them like bees to a bonnet.

This is the kind confidence in yourself you need to attract women. If you can achieve this you will be shocked to find that women you never dreamed of approaching on your own because you thought that they were so out of your league, will approach you. So are you ready?

Doting on good looking women:

The one thing that most men do wrong is that they treat the good looking women like they are goddesses who have blessed us all by being among us. There is a difference in making a girl feel special and about spoiling her so much that she would start looking down on others. If you make her feel that she is doing you a favor by giving you her attention then you are yourself asking her to look down on you.

Make a girl understand that she is special enough for you to like her but she is not the queen of the world. Treat her like a normal person and you will have her attention. She will be attracted to you because you don't treat her like everyone else does.

Rich J Carter is an Expert Pickup Artist who show Men on how to Approach, Attract, Seduce and Date Any Women that you want and skyrocket your Sex Life. Download you2DEr FREE Exclusive Copy Of "The Art Of PickUp Any Women You Want And Have Them Beg You to Date And Sleep With" Report by visiting http://www.FlirtJerk.com


Do You Know The Secret?

The Secret movie has recently helped to increase the popularity of the law of attraction and the Science of Getting rich, which was originally a book written by WallacBD7e Wattles in 1910. The principles behind this movie and the original book are explained in the article below.

The Secret Is That There Is a Science to Getting to Rich

The Science of Getting Rich was originally written by Wallace Wattles in 1910 and in it he explained that there is a science to getting rich, and really to attracting anything that you want into your life. If you know the science then you can start attracting wealth and other dreams into your life.

The Science of Getting Rich Begins with Visualizing and Dreaming

The principles behind this movie and the book was that in order to get rich you need to be able to dream, visualize and picture the life you want clearly. In order to get anywhere you need to know where you are going and so you need to be able to picture yourself wealthy in order to make money.

Taking Action

There is really no magic to this secret, it is simply a means of putting yourself in the right frame of mind to start working on your goals and taking action. The reason we often do not accomplish anything is because we are not actually working on getting there and that is because we have not visualized what life would be like if we actually had what we wanted.

Be Grateful for What You Have

Another principle behind the Science of Getting Rich and the Law of Attraction is to be grateful for what you do have. A negative frame of mind is not beneficial to goal achievement and so it is important to focus on the positive and learn to be thankful for all that comes our way.

The Secret is that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve, be that getting rich, breaking bad habits or achieving other important goals if you learn to visualize what you want to achieve, set and work on goals and be thankful for the things you experience and have.

This article was written by Mandy Buchanan. To learn more about the Science of Getting Rich visit M Buchanan Recommends the Science of Getting Rich or for more self-help articles visit Moms Working at Home

Anthony De Mello
Hale Dwoskin

Saturday, April 26, 2008

When There is Strong Desire, There is a Way

Before I go any further with a new story, I'd like to share with you my newly overhauled website that now has a couple of videos on it. This gives everyone a chance to see and hear me in action. Here is the website: www.sjhopson.com

Okay, now let's get on with my latest story, shall we? Most of you already know I am an inspirational speaker and that this is how I make my living. Well, since I am still in the process of building my speaking career, I am occasionally called to give a free speech here and there in an effort to get my name out there and sharpen my presentation skills. I always go to these freebies with the attitude that you never know what will occur because the most amazing and unexpected miracles do and can happen.

The Zonta International Group in Akron, Ohio invited me to give a presentation to their club earlier this month. The topic that night was "The Jordan Factor," one of my favorite stories about the impact my fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Jordan, made on my life so many years ago. You can see a description of the speech here: http://www.sjhopson.com/speaking-titles.htm

At one point during the speech, I mentioned how everyone comes together for a specific and divine purpose to help one another at just the right time. I related to them that was what my fifth grade teacher did for me so many years ago. A lot of heads were bobbing up and down - they seemed to understand.

Then came time for questions and answers. A lady in the far corner of the room raised her hand and asked that I tell them about my writing endeavors. I had no idea who she was but apparently she had read my biography from my website and I was grateful for the reminder.

So I proceeded to tell them about some of my short stories that were published in books like "Chicken Soup for the College Soul" and others. Then I shared the experience of how I finally landed a prominent literary agent in 2000 after many rejections (he once represented Mother Teresa). We ended up signing a contract and together we worked diligently for several months on a proposal for my first manuscript. After he and I were satisfied with our work, he went shopping among the nation's top publishers.

Despite all the hard work that went into the book proposal, all of them turned us down!

The agent eventually suggested that perhaps the timing was off and that we part ways. Crestfallen but not crushed, I shelved the book project. I was operating under the assumption that it was just a matter of timing, having patience and faith - lots of it.

"That was 7 years ago," I told the attentive audience. "Even though the project with that literary agent didn't work out, I firmly believe it wasn't an accident. Perhaps the universe was 5B4preparing me for something down the road through that experience."

I ended the speech with, "everything happens for a reason."

Little did I know this would trigger a series of amazing events that has taken place since that moment.

The same lady in the far corner immediately raised her hand again and said she would be happy to help in any way she could with my publishing aspirations. I thought that was sweet and thought nothing more of it.

I still had no idea who she was. She didn't look familiar nor did I recognize her name when we business exchanged cards. Her parting word were, "I can't promise anything but I'd be happy to help if I can." I thought to myself, "Okay cool. Whatever happens, happens."

As soon as I got home, I looked her up on the Internet and what I saw shocked me beyond comprehension.

Would you believe that this humble lady whose face and name I never recognized, is the author of twenty five books?!?!?! What's more, she is also represented by one of the most successful literary agencies in New York City - an agency that represents celebrities like Brittany Spears, Kareem Abudl-Jabbar, Larry Bird, Terry Bradshaw, Donna Karan (famous designer), Ed McMahon (Johnny Carson's sidekick), Michael Reagan, etc.!

Who knew such a miraculous encounter would ever happen in a small sleepy town of Akron, Ohio? Discovering someone like her is like finding a needle in a haystack that you could ne5B4ver expect find unless you happened upon it by chance!

I later learned that when she was just getting started, she had no money, no prospect for self-publishing (because she couldn't afford it) but someone came into her life and helped her get started. She was put in touch with a well established literary agent (the same one she is affliated with now) and the rest was history. She is now letting the circle complete itself by reaching out to someone like me.

She is helping me whip in shape a book proposal for my newly revised and updated manuscript aptly entitled "That's Right Stephen!" She thinks some pretty powerful people in the literary and entertainment world just might be interested in doing something with my story and my manuscript.

Think about it. If I hadn't accepted that freebie speech, none of this would have transpired. I'll tell you one thing - I never fail to be in awe of the incredible power of the universe! And the funny thing is, we're just getting started on this new adventure!

Food for Thought: There is always hope. When there is a strong desire, there is always a way.

Profoundly deaf since birth, Stephen Hopson is a former award-winning stockbroker turned motivational speaker, author and pilot. He works with organizations that are ready to explore and overcome adversity because no o4E5ne is immune from it - adversity does not discriminate. His professional speaking services, Obstacle Illusions, include fun and passionate presentations, especially the story of how his fifth grade teacher forever changed his young life with THAT'S RIGHT STEPHEN!

You can view his newly re-designed website at http://www.sjhopson.com

Stephen also maintains a blog called "Adversity University" at http://adversityuniversity.blogspot.com/

Do You Know The Secret?

The Secret movie has recently helped to increase the popularity of the law of attraction and the Science of Getting rich, which was originally a book written by WallacBD7e Wattles in 1910. The principles behind this movie and the original book are explained in the article below.

The Secret Is That There Is a Science to Getting to Rich

The Science of Getting Rich was originally written by Wallace Wattles in 1910 and in it he explained that there is a science to getting rich, and really to attracting anything that you want into your life. If you know the science then you can start attracting wealth and other dreams into your life.

The Science of Getting Rich Begins with Visualizing and Dreaming

The principles behind this movie and the book was that in order to get rich you need to be able to dream, visualize and picture the life you want clearly. In order to get anywhere you need to know where you are going and so you need to be able to picture yourself wealthy in order to make money.

Taking Action

There is really no magic to this secret, it is simply a means of putting yourself in the right frame of mind to start working on your goals and taking action. The reason we often do not accomplish anything is because we are not actually working on getting there and that is because we have not visualized what life would be like if we actually had what we wanted.

Be Grateful for What You Have

Another principle behind the Science of Getting Rich and the Law of Attraction is to be grateful for what you do have. A negative frame of mind is not beneficial to goal achievement and so it is important to focus on the positive and learn to be thankful for all that comes our way.

The Secret is that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve, be that getting rich, breaking bad habits or achieving other important goals if you learn to visualize what you want to achieve, set and work on goals and be thankful for the things you experience and have.

This article was written by Mandy Buchanan. To learn more about the Science of Getting Rich visit M Buchanan Recommends the Science of Getting Rich or for more self-help articles visit Moms Working at Home

The Law of Attraction - Rule #5

Glorify God

As mentioned in the first article of the series, every law has a certain set of rules that governs it. Just like the road speed law, the Law of Attraction was created to benefit us. However the misuse or disobedience to any rule holds certain consequences. Many times these consequences only come much later. We don't have to obey these rules, in fact there are many benefits if we decide to disobey the rules (like getting to your destination faster), but with this decision comes responsibility; the responsibility to be willing enough to bear the consequences it holds.

"And whatever you may ask in My name, that I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son." Joh 14:13

The fifth and last rule is to glorify God in all the things you have asked for and have received. This rule is more like a golden thread running through all the other rules. It links to all four rules and acts as a channel for all the positive energy contained in the principles to flow through to every rule. In the end it is principles that make us succeed to apply every rule and it is the positive energy in these principles that inspires us to keep on applying them.

To glorify God means, among other, to be grateful for what you have received and haven't received yet, to be faithful and to be patient; particularly in the times where you are waiting for things you cannot see yet, to happen.

When you have asked for a car, there is normally a period wherein you have to wait for it to become a reality. In this period, your attitude of gratitude towards your current car and your patience and faithfulness for it to come into fulfillment acts a channel for you to stay positive and it is these very principles that glorify God.

All five rules come down to one very important thing: what source do you focus on? What you focus on is what you attract towards yourself. You can either focus on yourself or you can focus on God as the source of all principles.

It is true that the law of attraction is applicable on every person, whether they believe in it or not but it is also true that it can only have one creator (which I believe is God). Whether people believe in Him or not, He has set the rules as well as the consequences of this law. The law of attraction is applicable on everybody, whether they believe in Him or not. It is only the consequences that change.

The law of attraction is a very powerful law and influence people in a negative and a positive way depending on how they use it. The moment people use all 5 rules, it is impossible for the law of attraction to influence anyone in a negative way. Imagine if people follow the rules.

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Steyn Viljoen
Professional Certified Coach
Cog Coaching


The Gray Area Within the Law of Attraction

We all use them. Gray words, that is. Can just changing a few words be enough to change your life when applying the Law of Attraction intentionally? The words themselves aren't the problem, it's the emotions and attitudes attached to the words that you think and speak that ultimately make the difference.

Here's an example. So you say, "Can I try to help you?" When you offer help and it comes from a wonderful thought, the word try isn't an issue because the emotion and attitude that is connected to the thoughts are pure.

How about this one, "I am trying to get my business off the ground." In this case, the word trying has emotion and attitude attached to maybe you will get your business off the ground. Maybe and try are the same meaning in the Law of Att5B4raction when it is attached with feelings of "it might work" which in fact is saying that you don't want to commit to feelings of trust and expectation from the Universe. Using the words maybe or try is the 'gray area' of the black or white equation; the gray area of yes or no, and the gray area of want or don't want. When maybe or try are used within your thought processes and are attached to the feelings of the non committal or pre failure then you are going to want to change your way of thought and feeling.

By consciously making a decision to check on what your true feelings are when using certain words, you can trample the gray area roadblocks that can totally get in the way of obtaining what it is that you desire.

After you have consciously checked your true feelings and have corrected them, begin to use a whole new vocabulary that reflects your new positive self. Replace the word try with the word can. I can get my business off the ground. I can find that perfect relationship for myself. I can lose the weight. By just changing that one little word, you are changing what you are putting out to the Universe.

You quickly sound like a more confident person that trusts and expects the Universe to bring what you have asked for. When you begin to feel the can is when you really start things in motion.

Be aware of the words that have emotion attached to them. Try is just one example of a word that sits in 5B4the gray area of want and don't want.

Keep a gray word log for the day and find out how many times you tell the Universe that you think and feel that maybe you trust and expect. Also keep a log of what would be an alternate thought and feeling to replace that gray word with. By doing this, you will be able to change your thought and emotional patterns and break through any barriers that you may have unintentionally put up.

The Universe is here for you, and for every living thing on this planet. By learning how to apply the Law of Attraction intentionally, life will go much smoother for you and your family.

The Universe can be trusted through the Law of Attraction. Give the Universe the chance to bring you the life you truly want to live.

Beth and Lee McCain are full time instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction, or better known as the Secret, in your life to attain whatever you desire. They have a great radio show on Youtube that is both entertaining as well as informative on the subject of the Law of Attraction. For more information of products and services, please visit: Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Web Site


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How To Stay Positive All Year Long

Ever wonder how 'they' do it? You know the ones, they are positive, always see the glass as half full, and no matter what the situation, they can always find a positive thing to pull from it. How do they do it? What is different in their day to day thinking that allows them to see the good in all?

I have watched, spoken to, listened to, and studied many leaders, who seem to stay positive, and professionals who make it their business to keep in the right frame of mind. I have pulled some bits of advice and information that is free to implement, and some may even save you some money.

One of the most giving things we can do for ourselves is to discover different ways to stay positive throughout the year. I know there are times when I just feel the weight of the world on my shoulders and, I'll be honest with you, last year was probably one of the most challenging years I've ever experienced. But having these outlets really serves to remind me that, in the long run, things are ok.

So, when I started thinking about this topic, the old saying by Timothy Leary came to mind. "Turn On, Tune In, And Drop Out".

By doing these three things in a variety of ways you really can change your thinking and, truly, your life. I'm going to kind of go out of order with the saying so, Mr. Leary, where ever you are, please forgive me.

I'd like to start with Tuning In:

Now the brain is amazing, and even though we don't consciously register everything that is being presented to the brain in the way of sights, sounds, etc, our subconscious does register it. Some things we're just so used to doing we don't even register what we are doing, and that allows some pretty negative messages to get through.

So let's start by tuning in to what messages ARE around us, and what we are receiving. Here are a few examples:

Do you watch the news? Lots of good, happy stuff with that, isn't there? Do you read the paper? More good news, on every page. What do you watch on tv? Crime shows? Reality shows? What are your casual conversations like? What about the magazines you read?

Now, starting immediately, I invite you to go through the day and really pay attention to your actions. How do you talk to yourself? Others? How do you think about others, or yourself? What shows do you watch every night? What is the last thing you read or listen to or watch before going to bed?

Take some time, be aware. That alone may change your life. Once we actually tune in and become aware of where we need to work on staying positive, then we can!

Drop Out:

Now most of you may very well have done a quick once over of your day in those past few moments as you read those examples, looking to see where the weak spots are. Here are the big ones and some of the hardest ones to let go.

1. Stop watching the news. I'm not saying never ever watch the news anymore, but really, in the morning, and evening, every day is really unnecessary, as well as reading the paper, and check on the internet, and so on. Once a week or so is probably more than enough. It's been a proven fact that bad news sells, so it's what is focused on. Almost every expert I have come across who is involved in attitude adjustment, time management, and so on have made this the number one change to make, and to make it immediately. Stop watching.

If you feel you absolutely need to get a dose of daily news, a great website I found recently is www.goodnewsnetwork.org It's news that you won't read in the newspaper for the most part because it's good news, but it's such a breath of fresh air, and helps you to realize there are good things happening in the world.

Along those same lines..

2. Get rid of cable. Better yet, get rid of your television altogether. Now for those who just shut down at that thought, take a deep breath and stay with me here. Trust me, I understand the want for the entertainment. I really do. But for the most part, the programming is unnecessary and a waste of time if it dominates your entire evening. Get rid of it. Think of the money you'll save.

If you can't handle totally getting rid of the television, then just get rid of the cable. At least drop down to basic cable, and I mean basic cable, not the option of 75 channels or more. I know, it will be rough at first, you will more than likely go through withdrawals, I know I did when I couldn't watch some of the programs I had adjusted to watching on a regular basis, but you really will feel the cobwebs clear out of your head after a while. If nothing else, you can sign up for something like Netflix or Blockbuster and get movies in the mail and online.

3. Steer clear of negative conversations, including the ones you have with yourself. If you find the conversation drifting towards being catty, or constant complaining, and we've all done it, stop yourself. These are habits that need to be broken, and a great way to help stop the habit is to wear a rubber band around your wrist. Whenever, you feel the conversation heading in that direction, or you are hard on yourself, snap that band. It will remind you that you are someone who wants to grow in a positive manner and those conversations that tear down someone else or yourself are not allowed anymore.

I've discovered these days that if I do start becoming involved in a negative conversation, I can actually feel a sense of poisoning 5B4and discomfort in myself during the conversation. I know then that it's time to check the conversation and adjust accordingly.

This leads us right into..

4. Keep your distance from dreamstealers, and crazymakers. We all know who they are in our live. They are the ones who say, 'that sounds too hard to do.' Or, 'Why would you want to do that??' Now, you don't have to disown them, just distance yourself a little. Your dreams, goals, and ambitions are important to you and to others in this world. You absolutely do not need someone who is threatened by your ambition to be constantly attempting to quietly sabotage your efforts, whether their intentions are well meaning or not. They are, hands down, the quickest reason we give up our dreams and goals. Tell your dreams and goals to people who will support them, not tear them down.

After the cleansing, the out with the bad, we want to fill the space with good things. Things that will lift us up, and take us higher. This brings us to the final part...turning on. This is my favorite part, because replacing all the icky stuff in your head and heart with the good stuff just feels so nice.

1. Be grateful. Not just at dinner during grace, not just at bedtime during prayer, but all day. Allow thanskgiving to be more than just one day out of the year in your life. A great exercise I do, which is from the book Ask & It is Given by Esther & Jerry Hicks, is called the "Rampage of5B4 Gratitude", and here is how it works:

At any point, but especially during an upset moment, take a quick look around where you immediately are, and find something you are thankful for at that moment. It can be the wedding band on your finger, it can be the shoes on your feet, the car you are driving, the baby you're holding, etc. Recognize why you appreciate it and give thanks. Here's an example:

The other night I was sitting in bed and having an especially rough night. I won't go into details, but let's just say it was one of those nights where you just want to hide. As I sat in bed I remembered the exercise. I looked around the room, and then I thought, 'I love my bed. It's big, it's soft and warm, and is such a heavenly retreat. I am so grateful to have this bed.'

It's as simple as that. Soon, you'll find yourself noticing all sorts of little things to be grateful for, without even thinking about it.

2. Listen to music. It is scientifically proven that music has an effect on your mood. There is a great book called, 'This is Your Brain On Music' that writes about the physical reaction our body has when it comes to music. Music can enhance your mood. Get yourself an I-pod, an mp3, a cd player, whatever, and burn some of your absolutely favorite uplifting songs that you have and listen to it. Regularly.

Now with this, you need to remember the 'tuning in' rule of be mindful of what you are listening to. 5B4If the lyrical content is that of a negative origin, it kind of defeats the purpose. Remember, you want to lift yourself up, not bring yourself down.

Find what fills your heart and soul, musically, and listen to it on a regular basis. Play it loudly and dance. Belt that song out! Let those endorphins rush around!

3. Subscribe to positive daily messages. Let the first things you see when you log into your email is an uplifting message, or thought provoking message that puts you on the right track for the day.

Now there are so many different ones you can subscribe to, but some of my favorites are Bob Proctor, Abraham-Hicks, and Brian Tracy. One of my absolute favorite ones is from Mike Dooley, and he writes them from the perspective of the Universe. I print out quite a few of these and post them. That website it www.tut.com and it's called 'notes from the universe.' I also subscribe to one called the Daily Word, which is on a more spiritual plane.

It's so nice to be able to go to my email in the morning and the first emails I see are those that remind me how great things are.

4. Associate with people who are where you want to be. You Want to be a high up in your networking company? Find your highest upline and get to know them. I remember when someone gave me this challenge last year They said, 'To you want to be successful? Then go find a success story in your town and call that person up.' So I did. I cB68alled him up, and chatted with him for a while. I'm not kidding. I wanted to know what was important to him, how he got to where he is, and so on. It's as easy as that. You'll discover these people these people are always willing to help.

Associating with people who are where you want to be helps you expand your mind and grow. You are able to see a different perspective from people who have done what you want to do. Again, this doesn't mean you have to get rid of all your current friends, family, etc. You never know when you might find your mentor among those new friends.

5. Go to what fills you, spiritually. For some that can be church, for others meditation, it's your life, only you can make that connection. And here's what I mean by that. I'm a trail runner, and years ago I used to live by a trail that I would run on regularly that would take me right by a church. I remember running by the church on Sunday, seeing all the parishioners filing into the church, and thinking, 'that's their church, this is mine.' Being outdoors on those crisp mornings, on the trail with the long blades of grass, drinking in the fresh air was what connected me to my source and allowed me to come alive and be in the moment.

These days, I have discovered a spiritual community that gives me the same feeling. I encourage you to do the same. Doing this really helps lift you on those hard days.

6. Help others. Now, perhaps you just had an immediate thought of, 'I work full time! I have children! Where do you expect me to carve out time to volunteer?!' Well, take a deep breath. How much you time you donate is up to you. It can be 10 hours, 10 minutes or 10 seconds. You will be surprised the impact only a few moments can make.

The other day, the high temps for the day was only about 20 degrees. I was driving home from the store and passed a woman with a young girl, no more than five years old, standing at the bus stop with bags of groceries waiting for the bus. I knew it was going to be a while for the bus to come. After driving down the street I turned around and went back. I picked them up and drove them home. I found out the woman had gone to the store in order to get some medicine for her son who had the flu.

I can't tell you the feeling I had after I had dropped them off and made sure they made it safely into the house. So if you don't feel you have time to volunteer at the local shelter, I invite you to go through your day and as you do, see who you can help even if it's just with a re-assuring smile, or a simple, 'can I help you in any way?'

It will change your mood immensely.

6. Read a book. Find a feel good book! The library is full of books that offer other tips on how to improve on thinking positively, autobiographies about people who overcame the odds, and so on.

One of the books I refer to when I'm feeling a bit down is an58Eything by Jack Canfield. His writings are so uplifting and don't allow for excuses. Perfect! Some of the other books I read when I'm feeling a bit down, Marianne Williamson's 'A Return to Love', Andy Andrew's book, 'The Traveler's Gifts'. Feed your head with the good stuff.

And that's it! It require taking a seminar, or a huge investment, this is one of those things that you can accomplish with just a few changes.

It was mentioned to me recently that many people don't even try to do anything because it just seems too daunting and extreme to try to do it all, but as the experts explained, you don't have to do EVERYthing. By changing just one little thing, you can create a profound effect on your outlook and life. Then when you are comfortable with that small change, you can make another small change, and so on. After a while, you look back on all the small changes you've made and it really adds up.

The goal is to be aware...tune in, find where small changes can be made, and make them. Trust me, you will feel pounds lighter, stand inches taller, and make you smile that much easily.

Jhanna Dawson
Mia Bella's Diamond Team Leader