Thursday, July 30, 2009

Setting The Tone For A Positive Learning Environment

Every teacher has a responsibility to provide a healthy learning environment for his or her students. Over the years, volumes of research have been conducted to help teachers determine what works best for the students. There is a wealth of methods and techniques that, through research, have been proven to improve the quality of the learning environment. Many different aspects of the learning environment should be considered.

A positive learning environment is one in which school staff, students, and parents build safe and peaceful environments where people feel accepted and respected and where learning is the main focus (Stratman, n.d.). Therefore, a positive school climate exists when all students feel comfortable, wanted, valued, accepted, and secure in an environment where they can interact with caring people they trust. A positive school climate affects everyone associated with the school, being the students, staff, parents, and the community. It is the belief system or culture that underlies the day-to-day operation of a school. Improved school climate is a goal to pursue. Educators need to constantly work toward improving their school climate, culture, and conditions so that student learning is improved (Noonan, 2004 p.64). How Teachers Can Set the Tone for a Positive Learning Environment

There are many things a teacher can do to make his or her classroom a safe and positive place for students to learn. First and foremost, a teacher needs to be enthusiastic about her or himself. They must come in with an energetic attitude. They must be positive because it radiates. How the teacher feels and appears it will affect the classroom. The teacher is the facilitator, the teacher sets an example, and the teacher is the role model. Attitude goes a long way.

When teachers come to work stressed-out, it can be damaging to the students. A study conducted by Yoon (2002) investigated whether or not teacher stress, negative affect, and self-efficacy would predict the quality of student-teacher relationships. Findings suggested, negative teacher-student relationships were predicted by teacher stress. Significant correlations were found among negative affect, teacher stress and negative relationships(p.486).
The teacher should also share with the students the importance of an education and the importance of being independent. So if they see a teacher enthused about learning and ideas are shared, then the students will feel the same as well. Teachers can also help create a positive environment by simply caring for the students and showing each of them that they are special. Furthermore, they should be taught to respect and care for each other.

Teachers should regularly conduct research to stay up-to-date on the best practices and methods to use in creating a positive learning environment. Freda Glatt, a retired teacher who firmly believes in the benefits of a positive learning environment has shared some tips on creating a positive learning environment through the Sandral Sensations website (2003):
Make sure each child knows that he is important to you as an individual. Give eye contact and a pleasant greeting to every child each morning. Look and sound enthusiastic when a child makes progress on a skill he is finding difficult. Anytime is a good time for a smile.

Teach students to help rather than to laugh. It takes a lot of bravery to participate when you are unsure of yourself. Bring that to your class' attention by doing some role-playing. Ask how they felt when their classmates laughed at them. Remind your pupils that everyone is human and makes mistakes...but that it is okay and expected. You do not want them to fear being ridiculed if they ask a question or answer incorrectly.

Take note of your students' strengths and let them help you throughout the year. Make a positive statement before giving a correction. Your reaction when a child gets an answer wrong is also important. A positive statement, followed by a negative one, helps to soften the blow and you remind students that you care (Burnett, 1999, p.3).

George Stratman of the San Diego County Office of Education (n.d.) has created a useful list of 10 Subtle Ways to Create a Positive Learning Environment, which can be a useful guide of elementary school teachers:

1. Begin your week by nesting. Students need time upon arrival to become familiar with and comfortable in their new surroundings. Take time during your first class to discuss the week and what they will be doing and to answer questions they may have.

2. Use the students names. They will feel that you know them and care about them.

3. Catch them being good. Praise the group and individuals when they do well. (Be careful not to over praise an individual. Telling the other students that they should behave just like Suzy can be counterproductiveand not necessarily appreciated by Suzy.)

4. Dignify wrong answers. If a child gives a wrong answer, give him or her credit for trying, and if possible, relate their answer to the subject matter. For example, if you are asking the students for an example of a decomposer and a student answers manzanita, you could respond by saying, the manzanita is a vital part of this ecosystem, so youre on the right track. However, Im looking for a living organism that would help break down the manzanita into soil after it dies.

5. Give students a second chance to answer correctly. You could follow-up on the situation above by giving all the students an opportunity to share with their neighbors some examples of decomposers. Once it is clear that everyone has an answer, tell the student (above) that you will give him/her another opportunity and then, after youve taken an answer or two from other students, call on that student again.

6. Dont zap students. If a student is misbehaving, try and redirect the behavior in subtle ways such as moving closer to that individual, utilizing his or her name in a sentence during instruction (such as lets say we were walking on the trail and Johnny came across a deer track), or a gentle hand on the shoulder. If you must address the child directly and aggressively, pull him/her away from the group. If you overtly discipline a child in front of the group, others may be afraid to participate for fear of the same treatment.

7. Phrase your questions in a manner that is non-threatening. It is better to ask, who would like to share with the group than to ask who knows the answer to as the latter implies that if you dont raise your hand, you dont know.

8. Allow for thinking time. After you ask a question or give instructions give the students time to process. If you give instructions and ask for questions but do not provide wait time, children who process slower than others may not understand and will feel lost once the activity starts. Students who are not given adequate time to consider when answering a question will similarly feel left out.

9. Dont repeat answers. When a student makes a comment, let his/her comment stand on its own. If you repeat the answer, the students will be trained to listen only to the teacher and you will steal some of the thunder away from the student. If you think the others did not hear, have the student repeat the answer. (Note: this technique may not work when addressing 200 people, but is very effective with a smaller group.)

10. Give the students choices. Make sure the choices you give are acceptable to you. For instance, you can say today we are going to climb Daredevil Hill, would you like to do that before or after lunch? Giving some choice in activities, or at least the order, gives the students some control and buy-in for their week.

How Parents Can Set the Tone for a Positive Learning Environment:

Parents can also play a part in creating a positive learning environment (Muijs, 2004). Teachers should expect parents to work with their child and school personnel to support the learning of their child and the learning environment of the school. The Canadian Education Act 1997) asserts certain expectations for parents. These are to: meet the basic needs of their child; ensure their child attends school; encourage their child to complete assigned homework; attend to their child's conduct while the child is at school and on the way to and from school; communicate reasonably with school personnel. (Canadian Education Act, 1997, p.1).

Just as the teachers attitude plays a role in establishing the positive environment, the parents attitudes also take effect (Ajzen, 1988, p.10). Parents can help by sending the child off to school on a positive note. If a parent smiles as he or she wishes the child a nice day and says I love you, the child is already approaching the day with a positive outlook and will be more receptive to learning (Ajzen, 1988, p.10).

In conclusion, with the support and dedication of the teachers, parents, and administration, any learning environment can and should be transformed into a positive learning environment. Clearly, everyone has a different role to play and a responsibility to fulfill in order to maintain the positive environment. There are many benefits to maintaining a positive learning environment. Positive learning environments in schools will maximize the learning of every student; Help children and youth become full participating citizens of society; Help to build a sense of community; Lead to cost savings and economic benefits as prevention is less expensive than incarceration (Positive Learning Environments in Schools, 2005).


Ajzen, I. (1988). Attitudes, personality, & behavior. Chicago: The Dorsey Press.
Burnett, P. (1999). The impact of teachers' praise on students' self-talk and self-concepts. New South Wales, Aus: Teaching and Teacher Education. Retrieved September 15, 2005, from ERIC database.

Canadian Education Act.(1997) Retrieved Sep. 14, 2005, from
DiGiulio, R. (2001). Educate, medicate, or litigate? what teachers, parents, and administrators must do about student behavior.. California, US: Educational Management. Retrieved September 15, 2005, from ERIC database.

Doctor, S. (1997). Creating a positive school climate. Towards Inclusion: Tapping Hidden Strengths, 3. Retrieved Sep 14, 2005, from

Glatt, F. J. (2003). Retrieved Sep. 14, 2005, from Reading is FUNdamental Web site:

Johnson, C., Templeton, R., & Guofang, W. (2000). Pathways to peace: promoting non-violent learning environments.. Chicago: Elementary and Early Childhood Education. Retrieved September 16, 2005, from ERIC database.

Muijs, D., Harris A., Chapman C., and Stoll, L. (2004). Improving schools in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas--a review of research evidence. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 15(2), 149-175.

Rebecca Schauffele: Teaching is my PASSION. I am fun-loving and really enjoy working with kids. Through my work, I hope to make a difference in the lives of youth and inspire them to dream big and work hard to reach their goals.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

History of Baking

Baking has been many cultures' favorite technique for creating snacks, desserts, and accompaniments to meals for many years. Now, it is very well-known as the method for creating sweets and all sorts of wondrous mouthwatering pastries. In ancient history, the first evidence of baking occurred when humans took wild grass grains, soaked it in water, and mixed everything together, mashing it into a kind of broth-like paste. Then, the paste was cooked by pouring it onto a flat, hot rock, resulting in a bread-like substance. Later, this paste was roasted on hot embers, which made bread-making easier, as it could now be made anytime fire was created. Around 2500 B.C., records show that the Egyptians already had bread, and may have actually learned the process from the Babylonians. The Greek Aristophanes, around 400 B.C., also recorded information that showed that tortes with patterns and honey flans existed in Greek cuisine. Dispyrus was also created by the Greeks around that time and widely popular; was a donut-like bread made from flour and honey and shaped in a ring; soaked in wine, it was eaten when hot.

In the Roman Empire, baking flourished widely. In about 300 B.C., the pastry cook became an occupation for Romans (known as the pastillarium). This became a very highly respected profession because pastries were considered decadent, and Romans loved festivity and celebration. Thus, pastries were often cooked especially for large banquets, and any pastry cook who could invent new types of tasty treats, unseen at any other banquet, was highly prized. Around 1 A.D., there were more than three hundred pastry chefs in Rome alone, and Cato wrote about how they created all sorts of diverse foods, and flourished because of those foods. Cato speaks of an enormous amount of breads; included amongst these are the libum (sacrificial cakes made with flour), placenta (groats and cress), spira (our modern day flour pretzels), scibilata (tortes), savaillum (sweet cake), and globus apherica (fritters). A great selection of these, with many different variations, different ingredients, and varied patterns, were often found at banquets and dining halls. To bake bread, the Romans used an oven with its own chimney and had grain mills to grind grain into flour.

Eventually, because of Rome, the art of baking became widely known throughout Europe, and eventually spread to the eastern parts of Asia. Bakers often baked goods at home and then sold them in the streets-children loved their goods. In fact, this scene was so common that Rembrandt illustrated a work that depicted a pastry chef selling pancakes in the streets of Germany, and young children surrounding him, clamoring to get a sample. In London, pastry chef sold their goods in handcarts, which were very convenient shops on wheels. This way, they developed a system of "delivery" baked goods to people's households, and the demand for baked goods increased greatly as a result. Finally, in Paris, the first open-air caf of baked goods was developed, and baking became an established art throughout the entire world.

Tim Tanis is an independent web publisher.
Also is a working Chef in North Carolina.
For more history visit.

Eckhart Tolle

Monday, July 27, 2009

Feng Shui and Symbols - What You Have in Your House Says a Lot About You

What does a broken statue of a rooster have to do with Feng Shui? Feng Shui teaches us that everything in our house is a reflection of what is in our mind. Symbolically speaking, your house and the things in it reflects your thoughts, feelings, and spirit.

So let's get back to that rooster. One of my clients had recently separated from her husband. I noticed that a statue of a large bird was directly facing her bed, so it was probably the first thing she saw when getting up in the morning. Upon closer examination, I noticed two things; first, one of the legs had previously been broken and was wrapped in what appeared to be a cast. Second, I realized that it was not a chicken; it was a rooster. Unfortunately, the coxcomb on the top of the head had broken off, probably in the same fall that broke the leg of the statue.

I examined this unfortunate art piece for a moment and then said to my client, "Do you realize that the first thing you see in the morning is a broken cock?"

After I picked her up from the floor (she was laughing so much she just collapsed), she gasped out, "You have no idea of how perfect that observation is." Not wanting to really know much more, I suggested we send out the broken rooster for repair. We then talked about what she really wanted to see first thing in the morning; it was her flute and music and a picture of her daughter.

Another client was having a hard time keeping relationships with men going. Visiting her apartment was like seeing a shrine to her daughter. Everywhere was a mother/daughter photograph. It felt like she was already in a relationship and there was no room for any other one to grow.

Everything that you choose to surround yourself with has symbolic meaning and reflects something about your life. Whether intentional or not, all those objects, pictures, photographs, and pieces of furniture resonate with information about you. Take a look around at your house. What is the first thing you see when you enter your home? When you get up in the morning? When you sit down to eat? Do those objects support you in living your best life? Observe what you have around you and then experiment. See how you feel swapping out the images that surround you for other ones that are a better reflection of who you are and where you want to go. I've seen this simple action do amazing things to improve people's lives.

Interested in learning more about Feng Shui and ways to improve the energy in your home or office? Get great tips and motivating messages by subscribing to the Empty Your Nest newsletter at

Dreaming And Outer Body Experien

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What Does God Really Look Like

Sometimes Your The Problem
Quit Waiting For Help

What Needs to Change to Become Your Authentic Self?

Becoming your Authentic Self is a process of deprogramming who you were trained to be and rebuilding your perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors to be in alignment with who you were born to be.

And this means change.

"Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die!"

There is good reason why humans resist change. The inborn survival instinct does not want to risk losing what it has in exchange for the uncertainty of change.

The dilemma for the person on the spiritual path is that you must change in order to grow. My Awakening Your Light Body teacher, Duane Packer, often shared this quote: "If you want to have what you've never had, you will need to do what you've never done."

The good news is that the more spiritually evolved you become, the more tools and skills you have for consciously creating your reality.

Although it is quite tempting to believe that if only the other person (or situation) would change all would be well in our world, at some point in our spiritual growth we come to accept that our outside reality is a reflection of our inner reality. It is said that we don't see the world as it is; we see the world as we are. It is a big leap forward in spiritual awakening to understand that what we experience in our outer life is a reflection of our inner life.

The great thing is we can change our mind any time we want and start focusing on how we want our life to be (instead of focusing on what we don't want and creating more of that!)

As Nelson Mandela has said: "We must become the change we want to see in the world."

A good question to ask when you are not liking a life situation:

"What belief, attitude, behavior, or perspective do I need to change so I can be joyful in this situation?"

Once we get past wanting to blame someone else for our unhappiness, it is not too hard to take the next step and ask what we need to change about ourselves.

Is it possible that something as simple as asking what we need to change in ourselves can turn around a seemingly impossible situation? Yes!

How do I know? Because I have done it. The hardest part is acknowledging that the unpleasant outside circumstance is a result of something inside of me. But as the saying goes, "do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?" At this point on my spiritual path I have found myself to be "wrong" so often that I am used to noticing my "faults" and owning what is true no matter how embarrassing, silly, stupid (all judgments, by the way) it is. I encourage you if you have a situation that is causing you unhappiness, use it as an opportunity to ask "What do I need to change in myself so this situation gets better?"

I know you will be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Jennifer T. Grainger, B.Msc.,Spiritual Growth Coach & Mentor, Founder of, an online resource center for people exploring their spirituality. Sign up now for a fr^ee membership and receive Jennifer's guided meditation:"Sitting in the Stillness". In this meditation you will connect with your Divine Self for guidance, inspiration and expanded consciousness. Sign Up Now!

Structuring Your 24 Hour Day

Solar Power Generator - Home Tips

The sun is by far the biggest energy resource that is known to man and available for use right now. The fact that we get most of our energy through the unsustainable mining and misuse of planetary fossil resources is unacceptable when you understand just how much energy is emitted by the sun and how easy it is to capture and turn into usable electrical energy for our homes. On an annual basis, enough solar energy reaches the surface of the earth to cover more than ten thousand times the annual global energy demand and reserves. It is more than time that we started to use this solar energy to its full potential and stopped the needless destruction of our planet.

There is a distinction that can be made between direct solar energy and indirect solar energy. If you are interested in building a solar generator for your home, then it is direct solar energy that can be converted into useful energy and used for electrical or heating purposes. Wind, rivers and plants are examples of indirect forms of solar energy and can be used to generate electrical energy as well, although that is another subject matter. These technologies all use direct solar energy in one way or another:

: solar thermal power plants.
: solar water heating systems.
: passive heating by solar.
: photovoltaics or solar cells that produce electricity.

All of these technologies are important in the overall scheme of renewable energy solutions for the planet, however, if you are interested in generating electricity for your home, it is the technologies relating to solar cells or photovoltaics that will be of interest to you. It is much easier to produce your own solar energy system than you would ever imagine, all it takes is a small initial investment and a little time and motivation.

Building a solar power generator is an interesting, fun and important project that can reduce your energy bills and help you to save the planet at the same time. There are some fantastic online guides out there that can provide step by step instructions to help you to become more energy efficient and carbon neutral than you probably thought was possible. By beginning to use the sun more for our electricity needs we can all benefit along with our planet - so get yourself a guide and start building your solar power generator today.

Greg Morgan is a professional writer and blogger who is passionate about green issues and DIY technology. Please visit this blog - Make Your Own Energy to learn how to get started on your path to generating your own electricity.

Ceiling Water Damage

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

All About Log Home Kits and Packages

Building a log home may sound difficult, but by using a log home kit, you'll have a much easier time. Here are some of the basics of log home kits:

What's Included

What's included in a log home kit can differ from one company to another, but they generally include the logs, pre-cut to your order specifications, a building plan to follow with instructions and shipping to your lot with support. Some companies may also offer assembly and finishing.

Pros and Cons

Detailed instructions are included with most kits, and this makes it easy for people to assemble the home themselves, with just basic carpentry and construction tools. One disadvantage is that it requires quite a bit of labor and muscle to assemble the logs and materials provided. Unless your project is a small one, like a single room cabin, the labor can be quite extensive and this can mean that anyone not in the best of shape or older people may not be able to assemble the structure themselves. Due to this, a contractor may be required for assembly, and this can incur a great expense. Often, your log home kit manufacturer can either point you to a contractor that has experience in assembling their homes or they may have people on staff that specialize in helping people assemble the home. This is usually a better option than going with an outside contractor.


A log home structure can have many uses, including myriad uses for camping cabins, vacation cabins, a hunting cabin, bathhouse, bunkhouse, all the way up to full size homes with multiple bedrooms, full kitchen and bathrooms and large living rooms. A log cabin home is also ideal for use as a second home, vacation home, ski lodge or your dream "cabin in the woods" for weekend getaways.


Many log home kit manufacturers carry a wide variety of home plans for you to choose from, however, many also offer completely custom home plan options, as well as customizations to their existing plans.

Types Available

One of the main variances in types of log home kits is the type of log used. Typical logs used may be rustic peeled, specially shaped, clapboard exterior and cottage style.


Log cabin kits can range from thousands of dollars for a very small cabin to tens of thousands of dollars for a larger cabin to six figures for a larger home with multiple rooms and modern features.

Who is it for?

Anyone who wants the rustic, natural look of a log home would be an ideal candidate for a log home kit.

Log Home Exchange is your source for log homes for sale and log cabins for sale in the US and Canada. Visit us at:

Installing Windows At A Eye Leve

Dream Walking - Where Do You Go To

Dream walking and astral travelling are very similar. Astral travelling tends to be something you do alone, where dream walking is a more conscious experience where you can choose who goes with you.

It is good to set your intentions when going to sleep. You can ask your Higher Self for help with a problem or you can consciously choose to go on an adventure, using your powers of visualization and imagination.

If you have friends who are open to spiritual experiences, you could chat with them in advance and invite them along on the adventure. Distance is no object, so you can even arrange this on Chat or by SMS messaging in advance.

When bedtime comes, go to bed in a relaxed and happy way and if you feel any tension in your body, just spend a few minutes releasing that consciously, becoming aware of the different parts of your body.

Breathe into these areas and relax and expand your consciousness. Feel the more subtle aspects of the physical body  the organs, the cells and molecules; and become aware of your Energy Body or Aura, which permeates throughout the physical body.

Allow the Electromagnetic Power in your Aura to expand and connect to more aspects of yourself by grounding yourself to the Earth, reaching up with your consciousness and feelings to the planets around the Sun in our solar system and feeling their influence, like archangels guiding one's destiny.

As you connect more and more with your Energy Body and the Energy Matrix of the Zero Point Field, which is talked about in Quantum Physics, feel your chakra centres activating and coming alive. Feel the multidimensional aspects of yourself opening up and connecting you with your spirit family, healing helpers and guides within and beyond the veil. You may feel your power increasing like a magnetic presence or charisma comes around you.

When the energies feel right, remember your intentions at the beginning of the process and who is coming with you. Reach out with your feelings and start a telepathic communication with the friends you would like to take with you. You do this deep in your heart with a faint starring in your feelings; it is more the intention to send the message than anything verbal.

If they are ready too, choose to slip out of your physical body into your Energy Body and choose to focus with your feelings on the images in your imagination. See yourself soaring through time and space. This is a process of transcending your physical body consciously becoming aware if the finer and finer aspects of Self, until you transcend the physical into your light body.

Remember that you do not really travel out of yourself: you just choose to make yourself bigger and move your awareness around inside of your Self, which truly is the whole universe. It is like moving your awareness from your head to your big toe, travel from your head to your toe; you just became aware of a different aspect of yourself. So choose to feel yourself as the Universe in this expanded transcendental awareness and then choose which aspect to be aware of.

It is all about focus of intention and what you choose to create; either alone or with the friends you have chosen to have this experience with you. Connect fully to the senses in your Energy or Light Body. This is like being aware of your senses in Sixth Sense Mode.

Feel your surroundings, the warmth of the sun, the wind in your hair; smell the flowers and the freshly cut grass in the hay meadows. Start a conversation with your friend and hear their voice in your ears. Feel their hand in yours as you walk along together. You are using your powers of visualization, imagination and mixing these with your passion and desire in a very subtle dream state.

Then fully open up your imagination and your Self to the multi-dimensions of experiences you can choose to create in this state of consciousness. Enjoy your Dream Walk. Remember you are only limited by your imagination, in this state of awareness all things are possible. Please focus on the good and life supporting aspects, which will help you and your friends, live a happier more fulfilled life.

When you are finished bring your Light Body/awareness back to the here and now, reconnect with your physical body again and enjoy the rest of your night's sleep. Thank all your friends who helped with this process and send them loving thoughts.

By George E. Lockett SSHA, IIHHT -- HealerGeorge(C) Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved. Tel: +44 (0)1286 882701 Visit HealerGeorge's web site to experience the power of Distant Healing or listen to HealerGeorge Radio giving Questions and Answer advice mixed with Spiritual Music. You can also enjoy many free benefits on HealerGeorge, like listening to Free Guided Meditations. Why not order HealerGeorge's Latest book entitled "A Journey into The Self - The Multi-dimensional Nature of Being Human" By George E Lockett. It is all available off the web site. HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing, and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers.

Creating A Habit

How to Know You've Got It

How can you know when you are-or are not-tapping into the Conquering Force in your life?

When You Don't Have It

When you are not tapping into the Conquering Force, you'll feel as if you're drifting like a stick in a river. Life will take you wherever it wants instead of you controlling where your life goes. You will set goals but never reach them, and you'll feel that life is ruling you. Maybe you'll even decide to accept the status quo, thinking you can't do anything about it. You may believe that you don't have any choices and end up accepting that you'll never achieve what you want in your life. Worse still, you may view your situation as hopeless-dying emotionally or spiritually because of your limiting paradigms. If any of these things are happening in your life, you haven't yet discovered that you do, indeed, have choices and can make changes. You were not born for mediocrity or unhappiness. Because of your ability to choose, you can control a lot more than you think.

When You Do

You will know the moment when you have tapped into your Conquering Force because you'll feel alert, alive, excited about your life, and you'll know you're in charge of what you're doing. You will be enjoying the path you are on. You can find a way to do what needs doing and get results. You'll go out and make things happen for yourself. Your indomitable spirit comes from your Conquering Force. You'll have a feeling of well-being and a sense of accomplishment. You'll be happy, even through the tough times. As you accomplish what you set out to do, you will be surrounded by both tangible and intangible evidence that you have unleashed your Conquering Force to achieve your Core Desires.


Once you have discovered your Core Desires and unleashed the Conquering Force, ten other internal forces come into play: enthusiasm, joy, creativity, focus, drive, commitment, discipline, stamina, talent, and other resources.

Like cousins in a family, these forces are all closely related. Working together, they become synergistic and dynamic. Once you identify something you want badly enough, your mind automatically becomes more creative. You become enthusiastic, focused, committed, disciplined, and dedicated, and you make better use of your talents and other resources.

Tragically, most people don't know how to employ these forces. Through my own experience-and the vicarious experiences of countless others who have overcome difficulties, past histories, and seemingly insurmountable problems-I know that the ability to learn and perform is greatly enhanced when Core Desires trigger your Conquering Force.

If you put a l00-watt light bulb into a lamp, obviously you'll get more light than with a 25-watt bulb. So it is with the Conquering Force. Getting up in the morning and going to work may only be a 25 on the Core Desire Scale. However, you may come home at night and work at a furious pace until midnight to complete the boat you are building; this effort is at 100. It's an effort you enjoy, no matter how late the hour.

How can you judge how much power you're deriving from the Conquering Force? Use this "Power Meter" to rate yourself in each of these forces.

There can still be some achievement even when the Conquering Force is seemingly dormant, because you always have some degree of desire. But if the Conquering Force is engaged at a very low level, you may never get out of bed. If the Conquering Force is engaged at a moderate level, you will do your duties-assigned tasks, shopping, and other items on the routine of your to-do list, if these are things you have to do. But when the forces of your heart, mind, and will are engaged at high levels, you will tap into amazing energy, passion, and power.

Moreover, other people can tap into the power of your Conquering Force for their own personal benefit-especially when their Core Desires are closely aligned with yours. In these instances, you will become a leader or mentor to those who want to follow your example, pursuing a similar path to progress in their lives and careers.

By Jack M. Zufelt
"Mentor To Millions

Jack M. Zufelt is a bestselling author and has achieved worldwide recognition for teaching people the true cause of all achievement. His life's mission is to impart the truth about-and dispel the myths surrounding-success and achievement.

Want to achieve better results?

How about live a fuller life with more happiness, joy, and satisfaction? Discover Jack's DNA of Success and live the life you've always wanted... Click Here ->

Long Dryer Vent Problems

Psychic Readings - What is Psychic See-er?

When people talk about psychic abilities, then very imaginative ideas pop up in the minds of general population. Some reckon psychic is some one who can talk to people who have departed this transition, and some others think psychics are God gifted and are able to actually talk to God. Throughout the ages there were see-ers who could see the heart of the matter also communicate with spiritual dimension, getting guidance also predicting and anticipating up coming events.

In our recorded history we come to see the importance of spirituality to all lost civilizations. Example: Aztecs of South America, or ancient Egyptian cultures which really evolved their entire existence around a belief that life is of spiritual nature. Ancient Egyptian society had a very rich spiritual belief system. They have built marvelous temple tombs for their journeys for after life. And not just Egyptian but almost all civilizations throughout ages believed in spiritual realms and try to communicate with those dimensions. When we study history we come to see cave painting which date back to 10000 years before time, where we get to see the rock art in detail, showing shamanic rituals being performed. Shamanic cultures still exists in remotes part of our globe. Still living and practicing spiritual traditions their ancestors left for successive generations. Also spirituality touches nearly every heart in one form or another.

Spiritual beliefs and practices vary for different cultures and societies. And almost all cultures have a spiritual psychic who they consult on regular basis. Psychics are not a new invention in our modern busy lives. They can be seen almost in every culture, making their spiritual journeys to higher consciousness to receive psychic answers, and spiritual guidance. In eastern part of our world these spiritually attuned psychics are named as see-ers. They have the unique ability to intuitively see the heart of the matter in question. Psychic clairvoyants in our modern world are becoming in demand and proving to be very popular amongst spiritually minded people. They provide psychic readings, also some are able to read divination as well, divination is not simply a fortune telling event, as alleged in Hollywood movies, it is more than that, it is being able to see insights of a person or events.

We need to understand the difference between psychic readings and divination readings. They are both completely different subjects altogether, yet they will both prove to be insightful also accurate, if received from a genuine source. Our history has seen psychics, soothsayers, magicians, astrology prediction given by astrologers who study the position of stars, clairvoyant, rune stones readers, psychic - mediums who make the spiritual journeys between spirit world and our normal world, divination kumalak readers and many other spiritual forms of divination and seeing.

As science evolved so did knowledge of our universe, science answers many questions, and without the efforts of science we could not make so many new discoveries we find to be useful for us. And scientific communities will disagree with psychic ability being real, as most scientific scholars do not believe in the existence of soul - spirit nature. Everybody is entitled to their theories in life, which is the basis for advancement, to have theories. Yet the spiritual communities know the accuracy and usefulness of consulting a psychic, and getting psychic readings from them. Genuine psychic advice has and will continue to provide a useful option to those who live their lives believing in the existence of spiritual forms thus receiving guidance from these dimensions. Question should not be as to, are psychics real? Rather the question should be how can I utilize the dedication of these spiritually attuned souls? "Psychics"

We are human beings whether we live in Asia or America, and there were psychics thousands of years ago, and some are genuine psychic clairvoyants today also. Have you ever had genuine psychic readings before? If you have, then your theories about them will be positive in nature. And if you never had genuine psychic readings before, then perhaps you may like to test your theories about them, by getting genuine real psychic readings online, today.

Tolga Savas Dedicated and Trusted genuine psychic clairvoyant, is now offering psychic readings, one of worlds best dream analysis free, psychic chat online, kumalak readings, spiritual guidance and spiritual healing, Kumalak the Mirror of Destiny - Only the Calm Waters will Reflect the Stars

30 Days To Creating Super Habits

Monday, July 20, 2009

Modular Homes - Total Cost of Construction

So you are looking at property and have decided to build a modular home. You may have even decided to act as your own general contractor. You are now putting together a budget. It is fairly easy to get the prices for the land and the modular home, but it is not as cut and dry to piece together everything else that will be needed at your job site.

I built a modular home about two years ago and went through the same process. I had a difficult time finding ballpark figures for many things when trying to budget my project. Below is a list of things to keep in mind when putting together your budget:

1. Utility hooks ups and your distance from existing utilities (electric, natural gas, propane, water)
2. Excavation for foundation/basement
3. Foundation and basement
4. Driveway costs
5. Electrician to wire up basement
6. Plumber to do rough plumbing under basement floor prior to setting house
7. Concrete flatwork (basement floor)
8. Plumber to do finish plumbing (hook home to rough plumbing)
9. Electrician to hook house to utilities
10. Plumber and electrician for a septic tank (if needed)
11. Carpenters for a deck
12. Contractor for a patio

It is important to get multiple bids when costing your project. Another thing to keep in mind is that you should not necessarily choose your contractors because they are the cheapest. You must check with references, view previous work they have done, verify that they are insured and licensed to work in your city. I met with my foundation contractor at a job site he was working on and was so impressed that I chose him even though he was the highest of my three bidders. I could have saved a couple of thousand dollars with someone else but I doubt it would have been worth it.

If you do not feel that you have the time or expertise to manage the contractors involved, many modular home builders will act as your general contractor for a fee. This may be the route to choose if you do not have time to meet with all of your contractors at the job site.

Tim Montey is a modular home enthusiast who built his first modular home two years ago and detailed that experience, lessons learned and costs at

Find more detailed information on the total cost of a modular home at the above link on the Financing page.

Concrete Patio Gofer Damage

The Missing Years of Jesus Resolved

Shrouded in mystery, fable and legend, nevertheless the Bible recorded the birth of Jesus Christ and follows His life up to about 12 years old.

To this day Jewish male children undergo Bar Mitzvah at the age of 13. This was not recorded by the Evangelists. Indeed, the life of Jesus is not considered again till the age of 30.

To accept that Jesus was just at home with His family is a plausible explanation, but not in keeping with the Gospels that say at the age of 12, Jesus was at the Temple, and the people marveled to hear Him.

Certainly, after His Bar Mitzvah, He would have been technically a man and no longer a boy, and would naturally continue to marvel the people. It would have been His right to speak in the Temple. There is no such record.

There is much speculation, but a lot of recorded incidents and connections. One very important one is Joseph (Saint) of Arimathea. Certain he was a rich man, and certainly he was able to speak (in Greek and /or Latin) to the Roman governor at a very sensitive moment, so he was certainly influential.

He gave his own tomb for the burial of Jesus, and paid for all the necessary burial formalities. There is no question he was close to Jesus, and as a member of the Sanhedrin, would have defended him in that assembly. There were more connections, and many very plausible.

Joseph of Arimathea was certainly wealthy, but how did he amass his wealth? Arimathea, is not a town or district at all, but a Greek compound word meaning Harima Theo (by the Grace of God).

He most likely came from Ramle or another town. He was said to be in the trade of metals; tin precisely. This would have theoretically put him in contact with England, where tin was mined and sent throughout the Roman Empire.

More speculation has Joseph related to Jesus directly. It is been written by early Church fathers that Joseph was the uncle of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Certainly the Gospel has them familiar as when Joseph was burying Jesus in his tomb, he was accompanied by Mary (the mother of Jesus), and Mary Magdalena.

Jesus Himself was familiar with Alexandria in Egypt (where He grew up) and as a major center of learning (the Library was there), Jesus would have also spoken Egyptian.

Since where there is so much smoke there must be fire, the story of the young Jesus being accompanied by Joseph, his uncle, on a journey to England is certainly possible.

The legend records the journey home, but with a diversion to Greece, and then into Asia Minor. There it is said that Jesus and Joseph departed, with Jesus joining another wealthy traveler with his son.

At the time, there were Buddhist missionaries all over Asia Minor, and indeed as far as Rome and Egypt. It is plausible Jesus had encountered one or more, and thus found His interest and way to India.

There are many records from early travelers to India having been shown or heard about Jesus time there.

The famous James Churchward in his major work Mu the Lost Continent describes such an encounter. There have been many others including Notovitch in 1888.

Aside from the fantastic speculation, many of the diversions from classic Judaism appear to be oriental in nature, and very specifically Vedic in nature.

Where the Jews were waiting for a Messiah, the Hindus have their belief in Avatars which are human incarnations of God.

So the missing years perhaps saw a journey from the Holy Land to Egypt, to England, passing central Europe into Greece, Asia Minor, and the Hindu Kush all the way to the Himalayas.

There, Jesus would have found the perfect environment to slowly become the world Avatar that He has indeed become.

There is no Hindu which does not accept Him as a divine incarnation.

Here is William Blakes poem Jerusalem which alludes to such a visit

And did those feet in ancient time

Walk upon Englands mountains green?

And was the holy Lamb of God

On Englands pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine

Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

And was Jerusalem builded here

Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;

Bring me my Arrows of Desire;

Bring me my Spear; O clouds unfold!

Bring me my Chariot of Fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,

Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand,

Till we have built Jerusalem

In Englands green and pleasant Land.

There have been many theories on Jesus the missing years and we hope you find our view thought provoking.

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Stopped Losing Your Car Keys

Remodel Bathroom Ideas - A Self-Help Guide

The idea to remodel your bathroom can come as an idea to augment your house value or simply to make it into the haven you have always wanted. Whichever reason is yours, to make everything you do to implement your remodel bathroom ideas fully realizable, you should look to these inexpensive and easy-to-install ideas.

When you remodel a bathroom, you can change aspects from lighting to fixtures. In the bathroom you want to have adequate lighting. Some ideas would be changing harsh lighting with staged lighting, or even lights at the vanity and near the bathtub. Changing lighting won't break your budget, as a lot of fixtures can be inexpensive. You can also save money by doing it yourself. Yet, know when to hire outside help, such as a local remodeling contractor. You can check yellow pages, and online to find one near you. All you need to do is Google "local city remodeling" and see what comes up.

When remodeling a bathroom you should always listen to the advice of your contractor on what type would be best suited for your project. You are paying a remodeling contractor to do the work, he/she should have the best knowledge of what will look the best with the decor and usage of such things as shower heads, faucets, lighting and other fixtures. Chances are he/she may also be able to get better quality and pricing on all fixtures especially if he/she is well established. Not to mention the contractor will also know what types will really increase the value of your home.

Buy more tiles than you believe you will need in order to line the floor, if not the walls. It will be far more costly and time-consuming to locate tiles that even come close to a replica of yours if you search for them years after buying the initial batch. For the duration of your homeownership, you'll probably require spare tiles if single ones are damaged. Also, excess tiles may be transformed into accent items for your bathroom, such as decorations by the light switches, bathroom tissue dispensers, mirrors, and even towel racks. Once again, the local remodeling contractors are experienced and will attend to these pre-planning items for you.

To gain more space in the bathroom replace your big vanity with a small pedestal sink. You can add more shelves in other parts of the room. A pedestal sink will take up less space and make your bathroom look bigger than before. Avoid filling up expanded space with items you will not use. Do you really need that many different shampoos? You should only need a small amount of space for these products like the top of the toilet or built in shelves.

With the knowledge of various remodeling bathroom ideas from luxury developer Pendleton Homes out of Mclean Virginia you can re exam your own ideas and learn how to create your own remodel bathroom ideas. Pendleton Homes has great advice to help you with remodel bathroom ideas, these ideas also include pictures in which you may want to mix up a couple to make it look as if you were the one who had ther great remodel bathroom idea. Just learning a little might even make your new bathroom the envy of many and your sanctuary of pleasure.

As you consider remodel bathroom ideas, make sure that the lighting is appropriate. If you're thinking about upgrading your bathroom, something as simple as installing new steel fixtures, such as showerheads and faucets, can breathe new life into your old restroom. Start by finding a reliable agent, who will be able to assist you in completing the project. The luxury developer Pendleton Homes have great ideas to help you with remodeling options, these ideas also include pictures in which you may want to mix up a couple to make it look as if you were the one who had the great remodel bathroom idea.

Moisture Against Gravity Destroy

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Home Improvement Contractor - Is He Qualified

I am a general contractor in the state of Michigan. In other words I fix, build, or remodel anything pertaining to residential homes. The purpose of this article is to inform home owners about a growing problem in the construction/remodeling industry. That problem is the increasing numbers of unqualified individuals that are entering the field.

Due to the struggling economy and recent lay offs, many conversations around the kitchen table go something like this: What are we going to do now Jane? Well John, you helped my brother roof his house that one time and you fixed the door on our shed and you like working around the house...why dont you put an ad in the paper as a roofer or a carpenter? Hey Jane, thats a great idea. I can get business by offering a really low price. Yea, that's what Ill do!

Now I feel for a guy that is out of work. I really do. But when an unqualified individual decides "hey I'll be a contractor", all to often this results in nothing but trouble for the customer. What happens if John falls off the roof or drops his hammer on the hood of your brand new car? Is he insured?

What about warranties? If he says I will guarantee this roof wont leak for 5 years, and then it does, will he still be in business? Statistics say no. As a matter of fact, most of the people entering into business today will not be in business 1 year from now, much less 5 years from now.

Of course there is the most important question: does he know what hes doing? Does the fact that John helped his brother roof a house make him a qualified roofer?

There are insurance considerations as well. For example, lets say a home owner hires an individual that is not licensed to install a new furnace in his home. If the furnace starts a fire and burns the house down, some insurance companies will deny the claim. The reason is since there is no record of a permit(which there would not be as an unlicensed individual can not obtain a permit) they assume that the furnace could have been installed incorrectly. Now a home owner is left with a huge loss and all because they wanted to save a few bucks on the installation.

Do yourself a favor and stick with a pro. If you conduct a proper contractor interview, then you know that you are going to get a quality job by a licensed and insured individual who offers a warranty..and honors it. If you are not sure how to conduct a proper contractor interview, you can find information on this and other subjects at my web site.

My name is R. Paul Phillips. I am a co owner of Tanner-Phillips Properties, which is a new construction/remodeling business in Lansing, Mi. I have a free home improvement information website located at While my site is tailored for the Lansing area, the majority of the information is useful to anyone interested in home improvement tips, product reviews, how to screen contractors......etc. I also have a contact page so you can ask questions specific to your project.

Oh God The Contractor From Hell

Ramadan - Fasting in 2009

Ramadan is the time of the year when Muslims must obey one of the five pillars of Islam, fasting. Fasting is an important step all Muslims must take.

What time does fasting begin and what time does fasting ends depends on the rising of the sun and setting of the sun. You can find out what day Ramadan begins and the last day. It is customary to open you fast with dates, which are very inexpensive and can be bought from many shops, if not than something sweet will do, such as fruits etc.

When a Muslim man or woman fast they are learning how precious life is and how we should be grateful for what we have and feel as others less fortunate then we are.

Tips for fasting. There shouldn't really be any tips on Ramadan or fasting as that would perhaps defy the whole point God found Muslims to complete this task every year. But there are some things Muslims can do. Drink plenty of water before starting your fast to avoid dehydration as you are not permitted any foods or liquids of any kind while fasting.

For all of you who want quick facts about fasting than here goes, Please remember these are guidelines.

1. No eating or drinking during fasting times

2. No smoking or taking of illegal drugs

3. No sexual activities

4. No behaviors which are considered harmful

5. Fasting is not allowed during menstrual periods.

6. Medical conditions which would require you to break your fast is allowed.

Remember this is a fast of not just food but also of the soul, of our daily luxuries.

This is the time of contemplation and spirituality.

Shazia Shah is a practicing Muslim and has been a driving force behind the Muslim Matrimonials website and With Muslim Members from all over the UK and rest of the world.

Getting Up Earlier

Life Made Easy With Home Automation Products

Home automation has proved to be a boon to our busy lives. The hi tech world where every work gets accomplished super fast and smoothly is now no more a figment of imagination but it has become a reality. Imagine the entire home and all its appliances under complete control right from the TV screen to the blinds of the window, sprinklers in the lawn, the audio system, your PC, your TV remote control, etc. The complete range of home security, home automation and home entertainment systems can now be bunched together and used with complete ease and peace of mind.

So it will soon turn out that the users TV is his dashboard for controlling everything in the house right from audio, video, movies, television, to security, lightings, sprinklers, room temperature, etc. The users will be able to manage every aspect of their house with the help of a remote control. An electronic remote control will help them open the garage at the press of a button, shut it down, decrease or increase the room temperature, pull the blinds of the window, turn on the sprinklers in the lawn, adjust the lights in each room of the house and many more.

The home security is also entirely automated with hidden surveillance placed at strategic locations of the house, which will monitor every nook and corner of the house all round the clock. Hence now the user will be at complete ease because each of his loved ones may it be children, pets, elderly relatives or valuables, everyone and everything is protected and safe. It will now be possible to pause Live TV, to record shows and movies, plan a complete home theatre experience. The users can manage their entire music collection, watch all their DVDs, and maintain their entire movie collection in an organized way. Completely automated homes such as these where the houses security, automation and entertainment needs are covered in the best possible way will be known as intelligent homes. They will take care of the complete needs of the house occupants and that too with complete efficiency.

Copyrights protected article written by Andrew Stratton for More articles and information about the home automation and security products can be viewed easily altogether at this location Please be free to explore the website for more information on every surveillance products and their features.

Please be free to copy and paste the article in your website with resource box.

Note: Do not use the article without resource box.

Concrete Patio Gofer Damage

Saturday, July 18, 2009

How Do We Know If it is Spiritual Love Or Just Physical Pleasure?

Love is spirituality along with the actual realistic knowledge of knowing there is someone other than oneself in the picture. Spiritually as if your heart is not in your own body, it inhabits the space in the heart of the person you love, with that person's heart inhabiting the space in your own, as if indistinguishable who is who, and it does not matter. Physically there are two, though spiritually there is only one, and that one is love, body, mind, and spirit. It can not be broken, ever, period, at least if it is absolute love from the infinite timelessness of our spiritual being, in the present body.

Simple, yes if it is realized that our nature is love and our spirits are free of complications or delusional illusions of what someone else may tell us. In other words when we listen to anyone other than ourselves in the realm of our own spirituality in consideration of love we give up our truth and become as deluded as the ones telling us what to do or who to love. Delusion is rampant in to-days so called intelligent society because of the ego of the experts (supposedly experts) who give out guidance as if there were no tomorrow, even though they may say they are not orders it is implied that if you do not follow their guidance you will be left out. Our media circus is great at that one, and unfortunately many seem to be unable to reject or ignore the zoo keepers. It is akin to actors in Hollywood, or anywhere for that matter, being the character in real life as well as the part they play, so they really are confused as to who they are for the most part. Hence all the idiocy we see coming from so called celebrity status.

What is the circus selling? Pure and simply sex in all the glory it has. Glorification though of sex is like being blissfully ignorant, even though most buy it, or so it seems when we look at statistics of who watches what and what movies sell the most tickets. No there is nothing wrong with sex, or even liking it, and obviously it is a beautiful aspect of life, though it is perhaps the least understood in all that we aspire to understand. Difficulty is the fact that spirituality and sex go together, while sex can be apart from spirituality nothing comes from just sex by itself. Our deficit in spirituality leads to a loss of value to the human condition as well as some of what we see going on in the economy right now, greed for only pleasure/money/sex with no actual work being done.

Pleasure is not a bad thing, though sexual pleasure just for the sake of pleasure is what tears at the very foundations of our human existence, especially in the way of our spiritual realm. Spiritually we have occupied many bodies, we do not know how many, though the fact of our spirit remembering minute, less than perhaps molecular pieces of our past memories is why we behave the way we do, along with of course the cause and effect of our present surrounding. If from childhood we live without any trauma whatsoever we may grow up with full faculty of our own spiritual being, truly knowing who we are all the while not needing any type of mind altering substance or wanting to be altered. Rare indeed, and yet that in itself does not mean the spirit is ready for enlightenment, or love, though perhaps it may help, for example in the area of sex, it is known instinctively, no matter male or female, what is means to be attracted to the opposite sex and why as spiritual purity enables such innocent attraction to manifest with an intimacy which has nothing to do with the physical nature of the body. Of course one will know something is there, though with again the innocence of love. If there is a beginning to true or absolute love it is here in the innocence.

Just for the sake of looking at things from perhaps what some may call a rather different perspective, think of making love as something that everyone sees, not only those involved, hopefully a male and female who actually love one and other, in what we will say is in the spiritual realm. We will leave religious dogma out of the equation for now. When we leave the body at death of the body our consciousness or spirit searches for a womb, unless it has become as god consciousness or enlightened, in order to have a new body to house the spirit. How many spirits are watching when those in love are making love? Choose the womb carefully from Tibetan Buddhism is the relevancy of how and why spirituality is the most important factor in life, as in we are responsible for our own choices. In other words if we are not making love, we are not in love and sex is the only factor, the spirits who are ignorant may end up in a womb they are not meant to actually be in at that time (hence birth control, as in take away responsibility) and may need to start the search all over shortly thereafter, how ever unfortunate it is. Choose the womb carefully.

Sex for sale, narcissus, egotistical, sociopathic exhibitionism and or voyeurism are some of the factors of the spiritual deficit in the world, there is no love or spirituality in this scene. Like it our not religion is meant to be a structural support of love and spirituality, as human beings have always needed some kind of structure to help in behavior, which is why we are not still beating each other with sticks, hopefully. Our spirit is the foundation with love being the transporter which allows life in the physical body to exist, and why spirituality is the actual basis for the foundation. Point is this, the unrestricted sexual behavior of a non-spiritual nature confuses our own consciousness along with all the other spirits involved with our personal behavior.

Depression, irritability, anger, frustration, anti-social behavior all are part of the consequence of our behavior of any type in the realm of sex, be it physical or mental. Drugs, which by the way alcohol is one, are the emotional strength to delude the body and mind that all is just great. Our spirit knows, yet our mind and body pay no attention to the signs and leaves the spirit in the dirt. Of course this is why when it comes to the sex trade, no matter what is happening, drugs are a necessity to keep girls, boys, women, men in the game to profit from, another words exploit without spiritual consequences.

No consequences, is just a lie or delusion that goes with the behavior, even for those who may not actually partake to the extent of some and seem to keep their senses for the most part. It is like standing at the edge of a cliff thinking you are able to fly when you jump. Deviant behavior of a sexual nature must stop before any type of spiritual awakening is enabled. Love making is not deviant behavior, even though it may not be spiritual, though when it is done for an audience other than the female and male involved it turns into deviance, known or not. Usually this type of sexual behavior is not done without the help of some type of uninhibited mind altering substance, which bears repeating, or just plain delusion that there is nothing wrong with it.

In a free society such as ours here in America we must not try to control any-ones' behavior other than those who break the law. Our constitution was and is written in order to allow freedom of all people here in the United States. Behavior is something which is ones' own responsibility, owning up to it is another story perhaps, and spirituality does not necessarily need to be a part of any-ones behavior at least consciously, although it is always there waiting in the background to let us know when we have screwed up, ignored or not.

If love is based on spirituality it will be known to anyone involved as intimacy and innocence will allow the female and the male to actually get to know each other before any physical contact of a sexual nature takes place. When the time comes the female will let the male know what is going to happen or not, or how much, which is completely normal when all is right with the relationship. Meaning it is the female who controls the situation, yet this does not mean or imply she is somehow to blame when things may not go right. Problem is man, usually is the one who pushes or forces something which is not totally wanted, though interestingly younger boys, or young adults will respect the wishes of the girl before an older man will, which again is normal as the spirit is not yet pushed aside in the young man who realizes there is something more at play here than just sex. Point here is man will at times use force to control the woman, and this is and has been and most likely will remain the problem as long as man deludes himself into thinking that he is the one in control of woman. It is kind of a paradox as most men know this already though do not want to admit it because they want to think they are the boss though they know they are not, which ignorantly is why they continue with the stupidity. Of course not all men are stupid, which is why so many people are happily married and do have spirituality in there lives, mainly though because of and through the spiritual nature of woman, as she instinctively knows what is love and what is not because she has the womb the spirits keep wanting to enter.

What can be perhaps the most significant in importance is when there is a true spiritual connection between the female and male there will never be any force what so ever in any part of the relationship. Force is not needed at any time in the union of the female and male, it is the force of nature which is absolutely the way the universe intended in the realm of physical intimacy between the female and the male, as nature is what does and or has brought anyone together in a spiritual union. Fact is we may at times think this will not happen, though with a spiritual nature kept solid through discipline and will we do find we are brought together with someone to love in a spiritual way, which is one reason why they say, and it is true, patience is a virtue. Physical pleasure, or just sex will not happen under those conditions, the spiritual universe will not allow narcissus, egotistical, or a sociopaths behavior to exist in those conditions. Love, absolute spiritual love, is what the universe allows, period.

George Merritt is a Certified General Contractor, Welder, Writer, Machinist always learning something new, and never gives up hope on the love of life and the human condition in the quest for truth, love, peace, and joy among other things.

Backup Plans Feel Good

General Contractor For Your Project - Remodels

Admit it-you may do the home remodeling or the room addition on your own, but if you want to have perfect home renovations, you'd certainly look for a general contractor. He doesn't only have the skills, but he also possesses the experience to make sure that the project is going to be successful. But how do you exactly look for one, especially online?

1. Check out different general contractor websites. There are a variety of general contractor sites that you can find in the World Wide Web. Members are usually professionals who have experience in home renovations and home construction.

2. Sign up for membership. There are some sites that may require your membership first before you can fully make use of their list of general contractors. Normally, they don't require any upfront fee, so you can definitely sign up. Make sure that every mandatory field is filled out and that the information are all true. They will be used to communicate with your prospective general contractors.

3. Post your project. Whether it's a kitchen remodel or a bath remodel, post your projects. This way, you will be able to attract the attention of the right general contractor. Now, it's very important that you will screen every applicant. They may all have the experience and the technical skills, but there will always be one or two will qualify or satisfy your preference and your need.

4. Ask for portfolio, if they have any. When you're looking for credentials, make sure that you can include their portfolio, as well as references. You need them to confirm the information they have included in their profile.

When you have chosen the right general contractor for your home remodeling, make sure that you can keep all communication lines open. As a matter of fact, make it a habit to personally meet them and tour them to your home.

Do you want to save a lot of money on your general contractor for your home remodeling? You can look for the best handyman, home builder, or other professional for a home construction, or just a kitchen remodel or a room addition right at

You don't need to pay for anything when posting your project. Furthermore, you can specify the job site and the category of your project, making it also easier for professionals to search for the right project for them. is another construction resource that has construction, home remodeling and bathroom categories. It is more concentrated in Programming, Web Design and SEO.

Need Help Remodeling In Carlsbad

For the Best Spiritual T-shirts - Full of Faith T-shirt Expressing How You Feel About Jesus

This started about 4 years ago when I was at church hearing the preacher say when God is with you all things are possible no matter how it looked. that word started stirring me up on the inside. I know I wanted to started my own business but what. I know I had drawing talent but I did not know how I was going to put it to good use. I prayed about it everyday asking God I wanted to your my talent to glorify you. it took awhile it did t happen over night.

It was about 3 years later. One night God puta vision of a logo in my heart; I quickly woke up and drew it on a sheet of paper. Still I did not know what it meant at first because I still wanted to use my drawing talent for God. Then it hit me I seen alot of t-shirts but very few that Christian can wear that would express how they felt about God. Then I know I was on to something very special. I took my drawing talent and started making design for the christian to show how much they love God using my talents to focus on Jesus in a way that never been do before.this t-shirts are a powerful witness tool for christian of all ages. there is a t-shirt that will please everyone. but for the most part I just one of many trying to do my part in getting the word out that Jesus is here now and forever more.

My Name is Thomas Gathers born in Brooklyn New York now living Lynchburg, Virginia, with my wife of 14 year Gwendolyn and my 2 year old daughter Brookelyn. I am one out of seven children. My life was not easy, but my parent Annie & Ancil done their better to make sure that we had everything we needed. I had friend but sometime they were up to no good. But when I met my wife for the first time there was something different about her. She had Jesus in her life something I really didn't know about. But the more time I spend with her the more I wanted what she had. Joy, peace, happiness. then that special day on 11/21/01 when I accepted Jesus Christ and the rest is history. My life was changed forever I never know life can be so wonderful with Jesus in it.

Finding Something You Don

How Water Restoration Services Can Help Your Home

Water damage can be found anywhere in your home and not only can it cause a lot of frustration, it can also cost money to get it repaired and restored. Some people think that all it takes is to get a wet vac and suck up the water and dampness.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. You will find out that there are other hazards that come from water damage which can affect you and your property.

You may not be able to see all of the damage, but it's there. A lot of times, it may just be too much for one or two people to deal with. If you're dealing with a leak that was ongoing or a severe inclement weather, then rest assured you will need to have professional help.

If it's due to severe inclement weather, you may have to deal with more than just water seeping into your home. Along with the water comes mud and debris piled up together. In this case, there's no doubt that you will need the services of a professional company that specializes in water damage restoration.

Some people don't realize what kind of damage that water on its own can cause. Carpets can be soaked, items can be soaked or damaged, and the water damage level can reach an unprecedented level. The material used for the home, such as drywall or wood, can be damaged. Once the water seeps in and makes contact, it's crucial that the water is removed as soon as possible.

Another thing that you can be faced with is the presence of mold. Mold is toxic and can cause allergies to trigger and even cause the onset of asthma. A lot of companies that specialize in water damage restoration know the perils of having mold in a home. They work very quickly to remove the affected material so that it won't spread. They also try to remove it prior to it starting up.

If it gets to the point where mold has made contact with items in the house, then they are no longer salvageable. They use special equipment to get rid of the mold that is already growing inside of the home.

They also work to get rid of any water and dampness that is still there. The technicians work to fend off mildew, which can leave a horrible smell. They use a special cleaning solution and deodorizer to make it look and smell fresh.

The water restoration company is also in the business of restoring and repairing parts of your home that were damaged. Of course, your house has to be livable in order for this to happen. When looking for a water restoration company, look for one that has experience in all areas of water damage. They should be reputable and willing to do what it takes to get you back on track.

Leo Nov is an editorial staff member of, a leading service provider for water damage cleanups. To learn more about Water Damage Cleanup New York and Water Damage Restoration New York, visit

What To Do If Your Home Floods

Friday, July 17, 2009

Psychics and Psychic Readings - The Higher Level

When people research or debate also talk about psychic clairvoyants or precognitions, and try to expand their knowledge about this phenomenon, and when people try to find facts about this subject using known theories, this in itself becomes a conflicting challenge about their personal theories, and not many people would like the fact that their theories are challenged.

There are many people who experience events and somehow feel that it is more than coincidence, through out our life of human history. Psychic intuition skills have helped us whether we were aware or not. To glimpse in to the future sounds out of this world, but as we know, we live in a very complex world indeed. And the advancements of modern science answer many unknown facts about our existence. Example being; we now know that our beautiful planet is round instead of flat. Yet also, ancient cultures without such scientific advancement have astounded us with their marvelous creations such as the Pyramids of Giza. They have placed high regard, rather evolved around the concept of spirituality for their spiritual masters. We can all agree we are far from really understanding our true nature.

Also we must place high respect for science and their findings as well, especially the science of consciousness. Many research and energy is being put towards subjects of psychics clairvoyants extra sensory perception telepathy just a name a few. As you maybe aware that psychic readings give insights to events and situations. Psychic readings and psychics ability to accurately advice people, on matters that concern them has forever been within our human history. Also we all have seen movies where in past history, when people who practiced or explored different beliefs or concepts have been tied to a tree and prosecuted. Thank goodness that is in our unintelligent past, as freedom of speech and choice of belief, is the most important factor, rather a sacred treasure, we must all uphold.

Psychic intuition is built in us to protect us from danger, guide us to our true nature (spiritual) just like a little new born turtle hatched and knows to swim straight to the ocean. We too are drawn to spirituality, almost all the people around this complex planet believe in spirituality. And almost all the cultures have a psychic to consult when faced with spiritually unfamiliar waters. The ocean of emotions in every heart thirsts for spiritual reason, guidance and spiritual answers. And only the calm waters will reflect the stars. When we expand our beings then calmness can become part of our hearts ocean.

It is possible to glimpse also anticipate near future events, this requires an art, art of seeing; whether one likes to label such visions as predictions or perception. To have a real psychic ability, one must attend life from a view point of purity of heart, and when a spiritual psychic advances in wisdom through proper guidance and learning for many many years, will develop an intuitive psychic ability. Every human is equipped with this psychic ability; it's just only select few choose to explore the boundaries. And just like any chosen subject, the more we attend the more we learn of it. Also when we debate a subject of reality, then this becomes a personal matter. As what is real for some might not be real for others. Yet if we were to draw a straight line _______ and we both at the same time see this line. We will both see and agree that it is a straight line. The truth cannot be bent. And the truth of the matter is, within the garden of every spiritual heart, there is a rose that is blossoming silently, which is called YOU.

Tolga Savas
International psychic clairvoyant answering all your metaphysical questions, and offers real psychic readings, dream analysis, psychic chat online, Kumalak the Mirror of Destiny, See the Future that is Now

You Have To Start Somewhere

Home Security Monitoring

Infrared security cameras are the perfect choice for areas with low light, or even where there is no light at all!

These types of cameras have infrared LED's (light emitting diodes) encircling the lens, that produce a type of light invisible to the human eye, but that creates conditions suitable for your cameras to record, even in the dark!

Where there is some light, but not enough for a conventional camera, these little cameras will compensate, and the image you get will be the same quality you'd get from a conventional camera in daylight, but even in complete darkness, you'll get a serviceable image.

The main difference is that during the day, these cameras will capture color images, but at night, or when lighting is poor, the cameras switch to IR, and you'll get black and white images, although considering that the camera still needs no light to produce that, it's really quite amazing!

Consider the applications. A dark corner of your warehouse, or maybe in an area of your home or garden where you need surveillance footage, but can't install lighting.

Many security estates are turning to infrared or day/night cameras for their perimeter security, since they are generally cheaper than installing a camera and lighting.

When choosing a camera, the viewing and capturing distance capabilities will play a part in your choice. If it's only a few feet you need to cover, a smaller, cheaper unit can be installed. These cameras, sometimes called bullet cameras are small, lightweight and easy to install.

Longer viewing and capturing range may require a more expensive, higher tech option, such as a dome camera. These cameras can come with swivel, pan and tilt capabilities, which can be remote controlled, so you have a camera that can see in the dark, and move to "look" at whatever you want to see. Sounds a bit like a spy movie, but it's true!

Whatever your requirements, there is a infrared camera that can meet your security camera needs, even in the dark, and while prices may vary considerably, depending on what you need, its always best to make a choice based on the image quality, range and ease of installation you need first, as well as the quality, warranty and after sales service availability, rather than price alone.

Any good supplier or security contractor should be able to recommend an infrared camera system that meets your needs, and your budget, so don't be afraid to ask the experts!

Click these links to learn more about Infrared Security Cameras and Night Vision CCTV Systems.

Toilet Paper Under The Bathroom

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ways to Handle Your Property - Home Repair Tips

Owning your own home comes with several advantages. Aside from having the wonderful feeling of living in your own property, there's no rent to worry about and you're free to do as you please with it. Homeowners have their share of headaches of course- property taxes, insurance, the normal problems of aging of building materials and everyday wear and tear.

Maintaining one's home in order to keep its original looks and value takes dedication and a bit of money. A lot of folks get caught up in the daily grind and overlook the responsibility of home maintenance. A lot of beautiful homes have been lost after incurring irreparable damage due to neglect.

The more common forms of time-related problems are issues with the roof, plumbing and cracks in the walls. Missing or damaged shingles should be checked every six months along with possible leaks in gutters and downspouts. Holes in the roof should be patched up right away to prevent them from getting bigger and avoid water damage to your furniture and appliances.

Walls, bricks and woodwork should also be checked for deterioration. Cracks in walls are pretty normal due to earthquakes or settling in old homes. To ensure historical integrity, the materials used in repairing old homes should be the same as the original. Plaster is usually used for walling in homes with some age. Aside from settling, plaster gets cracked because of deterioration due to poor quality and water damage also.

The first step in repairing cracks in walls of plaster is clearing them up and making sure dust and loose chunks of plaster are cleaned out. This can be done easily with a carpenter's 5-way scraping tool specially designed for this task. There are two steps to applying new plaster to cracks in old walls. Applying the base coat plaster to bind and fill-up the cracks, and the top coat finish for a smooth finish. In preparing the new plaster, make sure to follow instructions by the manufacturer to prevent back-jobs which can cause significant waste of time and money.

Another common and usually recurring problem in homes is the toilet bowl. Since these have a fair amount of moving parts, the necessity to do minor troubleshooting is quite expected. When the handle for the flush becomes tight or sticky, it's just a matter of cleaning the mounting nut (after accessing it by removing the tank cover, of course). A handle that is loose or one that doesn't flush means the chain is either too slack or has been broken. Remedy this by adjusting the chain, using different hole or replacing it in case of breakage.

When the toilet becomes clogged and a plunger won't help, it's time to call in the big guns. A "snake" otherwise known as an auger can reach inside the drainage deeper and unclog whatever is blocking the water and waste from being flushed.

A leaking toilet if left unchecked will inevitably flood your floor and cause expensive damage to your subfloor and woodwork. It could just be a problem with the bolts or couplings around and inside the tank. If after checking you can't find any problem with those, most likely the sealant around the base has to be replaced or worse, there's crack somewhere and you'd have to replace the whole thing.

If you encounter problems or remodeling issues that you think is way beyond anything you've experienced or read in those DIY manuals and videos, it might be a good move to look around for a good contractor. House and building contractors although more costly, can save you loads of time and effort as well as take care of issues with permits and such.

Jo is a writer for 'EBL Group Limited' (, a family managed, recognized and accepted house insurance repairs outworker stationed in Runcorn Cheshire. If you need home insurance repairs because of storm, flood, fire, malevolent or accidental damage or any other reasons or if you have house and commercial buildings upgrading needs then you should check out EBL Group.

Installing Windows At A Eye Leve

Spirituality - 3 Questions to Develop Your Personal Spiritual Relationship With Your Higher Power

Women often find themselves searching for deeper meaning in life.

We all know a woman who seems to be at complete peace with her divine relationship. She is serene, has confidence and her life works.

  • Maybe she grew up in a spiritually rich environment and has always felt guided and protected by her Higher Power.
  • Maybe she grew up without a spiritual foundation at all and has developed her Divine Relationship on her own.
  • Maybe she had to reinvent her relationship with her Creator for various reasons.

Whatever her path, a woman in an intimate relationship with her Higher Power is a beautiful being indeed.

So, what about you?

You intuitively know that you are intricately connected to something greater than yourself but if you don't have an established spiritual belief in place, where do you start?

Start here.

Ask yourself these 3 Important Questions designed to help you develop your own deeply personal and satisfying relationship with a Divine Power, however you choose to understand that Power.

#1 What is your current understanding of a Higher Power?

  • You may or may not have had any religious or spiritual instruction growing up. Some of what you did receive may no longer fit what you truly believe. Maybe you have gleaned bits and pieces from various sources and haven't taken the opportunity to put it all together. It doesn't matter really, you are who you are, and you are enough.

#2 How would you like to feel about your relationship with your Higher Power?

  • This may seem like an unusual question. By answering it you will understand what you need from your Divine Relationship. Everyone will want something different.

#3 What questions would you like to find your answers to?

  • You undoubtedly have some questions about spirituality. Gather them up and go looking for answers that feel right.

In the end, all paths lead to the same place.

There are no right or wrong answers. There are so many aspects of spirituality in the world. With a bit of insight you will find the path that feels right for you. You will know when it is a good fit. It will feel like you have "come home".

Caution: Some of us have been wounded spiritually at some point in our lives. If this applies to you, please give yourself the gift of finding a support system. This journey is supposed to feel good, you are supposed to feel connected and loved. Anything less than that is unacceptable. Ask someone for help.

Wishing you Peace & Abundance... Joyce Lee "Your Life Empowerment Coach"


Are you ready for more opportunities to explore and reflect? Go to for your special gift of "20 Profound and Provocative Journal Prompts" designed to help you focus on your life with a spirit of peace.

Joyce Lee is a certified Life Empowerment Coach, Personal Growth Facilitator and Law of Attraction Practitioner, specializes in helping women understand the Law of Attraction and deliberately creating the life they really want.

Spending 15 Minutes Each Day