Louise Hay is known as one of the founders of the Self Help movement and is the head of Hay House, a successful publishing company. Louise Hay is an internationally renowned lecturer, and the bestselling author of over a dozen books, including "You Can Heal Your Life", "Empowering Women", and "101 Ways to Happiness". She is one of those rare people who radiates peace and seems to make time stand still.
Louise Hay is a teacher and best seller who has pioneered the field of using your own creative powers for personal growth and more specifically, self healing. She is an icon in the world of metaphysics-science of mind, new age thought living. Louise Hay is famous for helping people heal there life with affirmations, and She is really the one who made the power of affirmations widely known1467.
Louise Hay is dedicated to "creating a world where it is safe to love each other, and is the original creator of the mind-body connection. Louise Hay is truly a great pioneer in this effort to enlighten us. Yes, Louise Hay is a visionary and pioneer.
The work of Louise Hay is the basis on which many of today's self help books have been written and one to one sessions using her methods are the stepping stones from which you will take an amazing leap forward allowing yourself to accept change and what is more important, to love yourself just the way you are.
Since beginning her career as a Science of Mind minister in 1981, Louise has assisted hundreds of thousands of people in discovering and using their full potential for personal growth and self-healing. She began traveling throughout the United States, lecturing and facilitating workshops on loving ourselves and healing our lives, and Louise's healing message has also been the subject of many newspapers and magazine articles.
We may not know how to forgive, and we may not want to forgive; but the very fact we say we are willing to forgive begins the healing practice. Allow the love that is deep within you to permeate your entire being and do its healing work on transforming your consciousness, and this can become be a strong, positive step for you in understanding and healing yourself. Hay develops a philosophy of healing that rests on a few of these core principles, and builds on these themes and shares stories of healing from her own life and those whom she has worked with over the years.
One of Louise Hay's healing your body tools are her very popular affirmation card decks. Affirmations are statements that are spoken, written, or thought repeatedly. Affirmations are like little reminder notes to the inner-self, and are always positive and harness the power of positive thinking to keep the inner self on track, and also are among the most powerful tools that encourage people to expedite their personal growth process.
Louise Hay affirmations have helped a tremendous amount of people; and you can let her help you toward a more positive thought process, as well. She has a movie out on her book "You Can Heal Your Life" and Oprah asked her how could most people experiencing bad situations be able to use The Secret of "Ask and Receive", she said by just applying daily affirmations, its like planting seeds and that this is one place that a person would need to start.
Too often we think in negative affirmations. Negative affirmations only create more of what you say you don?t want. Louise Hay believes that we create our own lives, and in her teachings, she presents exercises and affirmations intended to help the reader grow and to discard the limiting ideas and attitudes that can affect one's mental and physical health.
This book of simple, upbeat affirmations, exercises, and wisdom suggested that a healthy state of mind (and positive thinking) could bring about profound physical and emotional healing. Her work encompasses many well established disciplines including meditation,positive affirmations and the development of self approval. The affirmations, alone, are worth buying the book for.
Louise Hay's publishing company, has published some of my most favorite authors like Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Gregg Braden, Denise Linn, Joan Borysenko and more. Louise Hay is a born brilliant writer, and I thank God to have read her book "You can heal your life. She is one of my favorite teachers and one thing she is really good at teaching is, how to LOVE YOURSELF. Louise Hay is just wonderful, I highly recommend anything by her, she has both books and CDs, and at least one video. Louise Hay is, in my opinion, the mother of metaphysical thinking.
Louise Hay is an amazingly positive person and by the time you finish her book, she'll have you saying, "I can do it," too. Everyone has certain books in their bookshelves that they can't live without, and for me "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay is one of them. "Heart Thoughts" by Louise Hay is also an excellent read and a great gift.
Louise Hay is one of the most respected personal development teachers, counselors, authors and lecturers in the world, and the timeless wisdom shared by Louise Hay is as meaningful today as it was when written.
Article Written By J. Foley
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