Saturday, May 24, 2008

Inner Peace

Finding inner peace can be difficult. We meditate, do yoga, read books, go to workshops, learn mantras, hang affirmations on our refrigerators and yet we remain troubled. What are we missing? Is it just that we are not sufficiently spiritual? Are we not doing it right? That is how it feels much of the time.

Years ago I learned about spirituality through Zen meditation. I sat morning and evening, religiously (if you will pardon the pun), seven days a week, at least twice a day. I got calm, my breathing deepened and the world slowed down as I began to focus on what was really important in life. My friends noticed the changes occurring in me. I went deep. I touched a place of inner peace and calm I had no idea even existed.

Bliss? Hardly. It scared the hell out of me! I had to quit for a while. I had never known that level of openness and feeling that vulnerable shook me to my core. It would be some time before I had the courage to go that deeply or feel that vulnerable again. Fortunately, the experience planted something so deep and powerful in me that I could not ignore it. I had to pursue it. So here I am, 30 years later, eternally grateful for an experience that literally scared the daylights out of me. But the fear I experienced then is the same fear that keeps most people from finding inner peace today.

In order for the transformation to the God Space to occur, the self must surrender to the vastness that is the universe. This presents the ego with its greatest fear: the loss of self. The ego, based in your beliefs, stands in opposition to the God Space. It seeks completely different ends.

Beliefs and the ego function through the creation of difference. You are this, I am that. You are attractive, I am overweight - that sort of thing. Being able to separate, even though it means putting ourselves down, gives us a sense of control and the illusion of safety. If I am different from you, then I can separate from you and pull up my drawbridge if I get into trouble. It gives me a way to hide.

Where the ego operates through separation, the God Space operates through unity and harmony. In the God Space there is nothing to restrict the flow of information or energy. There is no separation. There are no drawbridges to pull up. There are no beliefs and no values. There is no good or bad, things just are.

Since energy flows freely in the God Space, there is awareness of everything, instead of the limited perspective we hold in waking reality. In the God Space there is no me, there is no you, as we know them here. There is only compassion, which is our natural state. Therefore there can be no fear, for there is nothing to fear. Fear can only live in the shadow that is the unknown.

In the God Space there is no thinking, for there is nothing to think about! There is an old clich that goes, God does not have to think. When you have total awareness, you just do what needs to be done. You dont have to think about it. This concept can be difficult for Westerners to accept because we are heavily conditioned to depend on our thinking and logic. We have been taught that this is one of mans greatest attributes. After all, it is what separates us from the dumb animals and the ignorant savages.

To an ego accustomed to living in a world of separation, the seeming chaos of the God Space is very threatening. In waking reality, the mind controls everything. In the God Space it controls nothing. In the God Space, the ego ceases to function because it is irrelevant! It is the threat of losing these defenses that frightens us. We are asked to give up that which we think has given us shelter from the hurts and bruises of life. It is a lot like asking an ostrich to give up the sand it hides its head in. To an outsider, the ostrichs behavior makes little sense, but to the ostrich, that sand is pretty important.

There is also an incredible irony here. In giving up the small self, one gains a vast, intimate knowledge and connection with the rest of the universe. Letting go of the small self is a minuscule sacrifice measured against an incredible gain. It is like putting quarters into a slot machine and hitting the jackpot every time! Yes, you spend your quarters, but look at what you gain! The wonderful thing about the God Space is that there is no risk. The outcome is guaranteed before you even make the commitment!

But what if I wont be able to do it? the ego says. Im afraid I wont measure up. We fear that our petition to be loved will be rejected and that we will be left standing naked in the awful truth that we are lacking. This is a fascinating part of the process of transformation. Even though almost every human fears failing the test, it is impossible for us to fail! We are a part of the God Consciousness and the outcome is pre-ordained.

In our past lives the ego dominated our behavior and destined our lives to turn out badly. Near the end, facing destruction, we finally turned to God for rescue. But the dominance of our egos left little room for anything other than me, my pain, my misery. There was little God could or would do because we had closed the door to real help. And we were going to need this painful experience to eventually motivate us to change. But, as a result, we felt abandoned. The residue of those old wounds can make surrender to the God Space difficult today. After all, what would you do if the Creator told you that you werent worth His time or trouble?

Spiritual dilemmas are unique in that they have only one outcome. There is only one destination, one Truth. No matter what circuitous route you take, you must eventually come to know the truth about who and what you are. That is the perfection of the process, and it applies to individuals, families, nations and to all humankind. You can resist and make life more difficult and more painful than is necessary. I did for years! (But this was also a vital part of my healing process.) You may feel unworthy, but there is no way you can be unworthy. That truth must eventually win out. There is simply nowhere else for you to go!

Life is not about becoming something different than you are. Life is finding out that it is safe to let go of the protective beliefs you cling to that are not you. When you take the risk to let go of your beliefs, you stand closer to the God Space.

You are already the magnificent being you are becoming. Most people do not understand this. The evolution is not in you; it is in your consciousness. The change is a change of perspective as you surrender to the truth that God has always been in control. What shifts is the way you see things. Your learning, the comprehension you will gain, is the crux of the transformational process called enlightenment.

The knowledge of how to come home has been with us for thousands of years, and if it were just about knowledge, you would have made changes to yourself long ago. When it comes to things like being loving or living your life, you know what you need to do, because that comes naturally from the God Space. But of course, doing it is another matter. So, where do you begin? As with all spiritual concepts, the answer is easy to understand but somewhat more difficult to practice:


It means just what it says. Good, bad, indifferent love it. Beautiful, ugly, joyful, sad, and even painful love it.[1] That may sound crazy, but that is what living from the God Space means. Everything that happens occurs for a purpose, even though we often do not understand what that purpose is. Loving Everything, means finding the faith to trust in Gods process. The path you have taken will eventually require that you love everything anyway, so you might as well get on with it.

You are being twisted and pulled into a new form, and no one likes doing that, so you are not going to like a lot of what happens here. But when you resist the process, it makes life that much more difficult. Dont be masochistic about it, but recognize that this process will ultimately lead to your enlightenment. Besides in the meantime, living nearer to the God Space makes daily life incredibly more joyous and peaceful. Oh, and by the way, while you are learning to love everything, remember that the most important part of Loving Everything is loving yourself!

[1] Gay Hendricks has been teaching this concept for years and I am grateful to him for the idea.

Ross Bishop is a shaman practicing in Charlottesville, VA. You can learn more about him and find more of his writings at his web site,

Will Rogers
Eleanor Roosevelt

Men, Commitment, and You

Do you tend to attract guys who disappoint you? Who don't call when they say they're going to call? Show when they say they're going to show?

In short, do you attract guys who don't honor their commitments?

And then you look around at your friends, and they attract guys who do what they say they're going to do. Everything seems to go so easily for them, and you wonder what you're doing wrong.

A lot of it has to do with the fact that women who attract men who live up to their word won't waste time with men who don't. They don't need the company that badly.

These women also tend to keep the commitments they make to themselves.

If they say they're going to lose a few pounds, they do it in a loving (and non-punitive) manner, but they do it. If they say they'll make time for exercise, they won't necessarily do two hours a day in the gym, but they will take a walk.

They also treat themselves well. They talk to themselves kindly and find things they like about themselves when they look in the mirror (as opposed to magnifying every fault). They buy themselves little presents without going into debt.

Women who behave this way just aren't used to being treated poorly, so they are not attracted to people who treat them poorly (and, if they are, the allure quickly fades).

They attract and are attracted to men who treat them well and want to make them happy.

If you're not with a guy who makes you happy right now, make yourself happy. Happy people attract happiness. What's more, they attract men who aren't stupid enough to think they'll put up with a jerk who tries to mess with that happiness.

Terry MacDonald is the happily married author of "How to Attract and Marry the Man of Your Dreams." Sign up for free dating tips at For Dating Advice (Almost) Daily, go to

Wayne Dyer Meditation
You Inspire Me

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Inner Peace

Finding inner peace can be difficult. We meditate, do yoga, read books, go to workshops, learn mantras, hang affirmations on our refrigerators and yet we remain troubled. What are we missing? Is it just that we are not sufficiently spiritual? Are we not doing it right? That is how it feels much of the time.

Years ago I learned about spirituality through Zen meditation. I sat morning and evening, religiously (if you will pardon the pun), seven days a week, at least twice a day. I got calm, my breathing deepened and the world slowed down as I began to focus on what was really important in life. My friends noticed the changes occurring in me. I went deep. I touched a place of inner peace and calm I had no idea even existed.

Bliss? Hardly. It scared the hell out of me! I had to quit for a while. I had never known that level of openness and feeling that vulnerable shook me to my core. It would be some time before I had the courage to go that deeply or feel that vulnerable again. Fortunately, the experience planted something so deep and powerful in me that I could not ignore it. I had to pursue it. So here I am, 30 years later, eternally grateful for an experience that literally scared the daylights out of me. But the fear I experienced then is the same fear that keeps most people from finding inner peace today.

In order for the transformation to the God Space to occur, the self must surrender to the vastness that is the universe. This presents the ego with its greatest fear: the loss of self. The ego, based in your beliefs, stands in opposition to the God Space. It seeks completely different ends.

Beliefs and the ego function through the creation of difference. You are this, I am that. You are attractive, I am overweight - that sort of thing. Being able to separate, even though it means putting ourselves down, gives us a sense of control and the illusion of safety. If I am different from you, then I can separate from you and pull up my drawbridge if I get into trouble. It gives me a way to hide.

Where the ego operates through separation, the God Space operates through unity and harmony. In the God Space there is nothing to restrict the flow of information or energy. There is no separation. There are no drawbridges to pull up. There are no beliefs and no values. There is no good or bad, things just are.

Since energy flows freely in the God Space, there is awareness of everything, instead of the limited perspective we hold in waking reality. In the God Space there is no me, there is no you, as we know them here. There is only compassion, which is our natural state. Therefore there can be no fear, for there is nothing to fear. Fear can only live in the shadow that is the unknown.

In the God Space there is no thinking, for there is nothing to think about! There is an old clich that goes, God does not have to think. When you have total awareness, you just do what needs to be done. You dont have to think about it. This concept can be difficult for Westerners to accept because we are heavily conditioned to depend on our thinking and logic. We have been taught that this is one of mans greatest attributes. After all, it is what separates us from the dumb animals and the ignorant savages.

To an ego accustomed to living in a world of separation, the seeming chaos of the God Space is very threatening. In waking reality, the mind controls everything. In the God Space it controls nothing. In the God Space, the ego ceases to function because it is irrelevant! It is the threat of losing these defenses that frightens us. We are asked to give up that which we think has given us shelter from the hurts and bruises of life. It is a lot like asking an ostrich to give up the sand it hides its head in. To an outsider, the ostrichs behavior makes little sense, but to the ostrich, that sand is pretty important.

There is also an incredible irony here. In giving up the small self, one gains a vast, intimate knowledge and connection with the rest of the universe. Letting go of the small self is a minuscule sacrifice measured against an incredible gain. It is like putting quarters into a slot machine and hitting the jackpot every time! Yes, you spend your quarters, but look at what you gain! The wonderful thing about the God Space is that there is no risk. The outcome is guaranteed before you even make the commitment!

But what if I wont be able to do it? the ego says. Im afraid I wont measure up. We fear that our petition to be loved will be rejected and that we will be left standing naked in the awful truth that we are lacking. This is a fascinating part of the process of transformation. Even though almost every human fears failing the test, it is impossible for us to fail! We are a part of the God Consciousness and the outcome is pre-ordained.

In our past lives the ego dominated our behavior and destined our lives to turn out badly. Near the end, facing destruction, we finally turned to God for rescue. But the dominance of our egos left little room for anything other than me, my pain, my misery. There was little God could or would do because we had closed the door to real help. And we were going to need this painful experience to eventually motivate us to change. But, as a result, we felt abandoned. The residue of those old wounds can make surrender to the God Space difficult today. After all, what would you do if the Creator told you that you werent worth His time or trouble?

Spiritual dilemmas are unique in that they have only one outcome. There is only one destination, one Truth. No matter what circuitous route you take, you must eventually come to know the truth about who and what you are. That is the perfection of the process, and it applies to individuals, families, nations and to all humankind. You can resist and make life more difficult and more painful than is necessary. I did for years! (But this was also a vital part of my healing process.) You may feel unworthy, but there is no way you can be unworthy. That truth must eventually win out. There is simply nowhere else for you to go!

Life is not about becoming something different than you are. Life is finding out that it is safe to let go of the protective beliefs you cling to that are not you. When you take the risk to let go of your beliefs, you stand closer to the God Space.

You are already the magnificent being you are becoming. Most people do not understand this. The evolution is not in you; it is in your consciousness. The change is a change of perspective as you surrender to the truth that God has always been in control. What shifts is the way you see things. Your learning, the comprehension you will gain, is the crux of the transformational process called enlightenment.

The knowledge of how to come home has been with us for thousands of years, and if it were just about knowledge, you would have made changes to yourself long ago. When it comes to things like being loving or living your life, you know what you need to do, because that comes naturally from the God Space. But of course, doing it is another matter. So, where do you begin? As with all spiritual concepts, the answer is easy to understand but somewhat more difficult to practice:


It means just what it says. Good, bad, indifferent love it. Beautiful, ugly, joyful, sad, and even painful love it.[1] That may sound crazy, but that is what living from the God Space means. Everything that happens occurs for a purpose, even though we often do not understand what that purpose is. Loving Everything, means finding the faith to trust in Gods process. The path you have taken will eventually require that you love everything anyway, so you might as well get on with it.

You are being twisted and pulled into a new form, and no one likes doing that, so you are not going to like a lot of what happens here. But when you resist the process, it makes life that much more difficult. Dont be masochistic about it, but recognize that this process will ultimately lead to your enlightenment. Besides in the meantime, living nearer to the God Space makes daily life incredibly more joyous and peaceful. Oh, and by the way, while you are learning to love everything, remember that the most important part of Loving Everything is loving yourself!

[1] Gay Hendricks has been teaching this concept for years and I am grateful to him for the idea.

Ross Bishop is a shaman practicing in Charlottesville, VA. You can learn more about him and find more of his writings at his web site,

Thurgood Marshall

Men, Commitment, and You

Do you tend to attract guys who disappoint you? Who don't call when they say they're going to call? Show when they say they're going to show?

In short, do you attract guys who don't honor their commitments?

And then you look around at your friends, and they attract guys who do what they say they're going to do. Everything seems to go so easily for them, and you wonder what you're doing wrong.

A lot of it has to do with the fact that women who attract men who live up to their word won't waste time with men who don't. They don't need the company that badly.

These women also tend to keep the commitments they make to themselves.

If they say they're going to lose a few pounds, they do it in a loving (and non-punitive) manner, but they do it. If they say they'll make time for exercise, they won't necessarily do two hours a day in the gym, but they will take a walk.

They also treat themselves well. They talk to themselves kindly and find things they like about themselves when they look in the mirror (as opposed to magnifying every fault). They buy themselves little presents without going into debt.

Women who behave this way just aren't used to being treated poorly, so they are not attracted to people who treat them poorly (and, if they are, the allure quickly fades).

They attract and are attracted to men who treat them well and want to make them happy.

If you're not with a guy who makes you happy right now, make yourself happy. Happy people attract happiness. What's more, they attract men who aren't stupid enough to think they'll put up with a jerk who tries to mess with that happiness.

Terry MacDonald is the happily married author of "How to Attract and Marry the Man of Your Dreams." Sign up for free dating tips at For Dating Advice (Almost) Daily, go to


Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Single Major Difference Between The Rich And The Poor (The Haves And The Have Nots)

The Law of attraction has been around for ages yet many people are just now becoming aware of it. Millions worldwide are now using the Law of Attraction to change there lives for the better and make it the success they desire.

The law of attraction can be used to manifest whatever your desires. If it is that you desire a better job, money, to travel the world, a new car, you can learn to use the Law of Attraction to bring them to you and live your life in abundance.

But, to live your life in abundance or to live a complete and successful life, is not possible or at least its much more difficult if you are not rich or wealthy. Money is just a means to an end, if you need a pair of shoes and you have the money, you buy it. Its as simple as that. Yet many people have no idea how to create wealth in order to live the life they dream about. The good thing is that you can learn the laws or principles that governs the creation of money.

Most people right now are barely eking out an existence day after day. In fact it is widely believed that about 5% of the people either own or have some control over 95% of the resources. Can you believe that out of every hundred persons we pass on the street daily only five of they are rich or financially secure? In some countries the percentages are even worse.

So whats the single major difference between the haves and the have-nots?

Put simply the haves are those people who tend to possess a great understanding of the Law of Attraction and they apply its principles to their daily lives. People with money are not satisfied with just a little if they can make use of something and have more in their lives. The haves believe that they have the right to be rich. Their thoughts are on riches and wealth. The people who are millionaires and multi-millionaires understand that abundance is there for the taking and there is enough for everyone.

The have-nots tend to have a dominant thought that says it is not possible for them to live a happy and successful life. They believe that they will never be rich. This thought is translated into action, so they act as if they will never be rich. They therefore never get rich. The one thing you must remember is that everyone can be rich we just need to learn how to attract the riches and wealth we want.

How do you feel about the statement Its not possible to live a complete and successful life if you are not rich? Does the statement make you feel afraid, doubtful about your life and your ability to be rich? I remember a time in my not so distant past when I wasnt rich, it was not pleasant, just the mere talk of money made me very angry and frustrated. When I was around my friends who were in far better good jobs than I and had their houses and cars I felt uncomfortable and inferior to the point where I would stop hanging out with them or being around them. I dont feel that way anymore, I am at easy with myself and I am now comfortable with the topic of money and finances. You see wealthy people are extremely comfortable talking about money. They recognize that you need wealth in order to do great and amazing things in life. The good you can do in life without money is limited to your own physical presence in a given place, to go beyond that requires money and lots of it.

You have to be aware of how you of how you feel about money because you may be attracting or repelling riches coming into your life. If you find yourself wanting more in your life, or you want to be earning more, or achieve more, youre worrying about money, or just unable to provide for yourself and your family.

Nothing is wrong with desiring to be rich. It is this desire that drives our desire for a richer, fuller and a life of abundance. By utilizing the law of attraction you could use your mind to manifest what you want in your life. What if you knew exactly what to do to bring riches to you? You could become an inspiration to others, your family and friends. This is not only about money and riches it about being the real you. To do this you must learn the science of how to harness and cultivate the correct thought process to attract wealth.

We all have the innate power to freely think whatever we want to think. To think our way out of our present situation is not an easy task but it is simple and we all can do it. We must control our thinking and direct it towards the results we want. When you think about owing money to people and institutions on a consistent basis then thats what will tend to happen, we will attract more of that into our lives. When you constantly worry about health and sicknesses then thats what youll attract more of.

It is necessary then that we focus on and be thinking only about the riches we want in our lives. The science involved in getting rich, which has been used by the wealthy for ages, can be used by you. Its within your grasp.

Vladimir Murray is a father of two boys, runs his own internet marketing business and enjoys helping others improve their lives. To learn more about the Science of Getting Rich and how to apply it to your life then Vladimir recommends Bob Proctor's SGR Program. For info and a $150 rebate Click Here!


Monday, May 12, 2008

Fast-track career success with Informational Interviews

Informational interviewing can play a pivotal role in building ones network to assist in penetrating the hidden job market and unadvertised job prospects, but unfortunately is often a tool that is ignored in a job seekers career and job search campaign.

Informational interviewing is a fact-finding exploration that will assist a job seeker in identifying an optimal place of work that is conducive to their skills, motivation and talent, thus positioning them for continued growth and fulfilment within their careers.

Conducting informational interviews will allow a job seeker to pinpoint their strengths and requirements for further development, while also providing an opportunity to build their confidence and communication skills, both crucial for forthcoming job interviews.

Neglecting to implement this critical research and screening tool within their job search sadly can lead to a job seeker discovering their discontentment after they have accepted a job offer, or worse, are working within the role.

Therefore, if a particular role or industry is of interest to you, go and check it out first by meeting with the people who are already performing in these roles to establish whether or not this career path not only interests but suits you.

Benefits of Informational Interviewing: It is important not to confuse informational interviewing with a job interview. You are not interviewing for a role, nor should you ever, under any circumstances, ask for a job.

By conducting an informational interview you should:
- Gain a deeper understanding of the job specifications (beyond the job title);
- Enhance your awareness of the companys culture and how you may/may not fit into the work environment;
- Expand your network of contacts within the industry thus optimising your targeting the hidden job market;
- Strengthen your understanding of the companys structure and possible needs so that in the future, should an employment opportunity present itself, you can better position yourself as a top candidate;
- Network with professionals in a relatively low-stress setting to assist you in building your self-confidence while gaining crucial information you can harness during your job search campaign;
- Screen the organisation to assist you in your decision making process, should you be extended an opportunity for employment in the future.

Getting Started:
Begin by developing a list of people you would be interested in speaking to. These may include people already in your network of contacts, or even a company you would consider working for. This is a great opportunity to expand your network of contacts so dont be afraid to touch base with people you are not yet acquainted with.

While in-person meetings are ideal, conducting informational interviews over the phone can be just as beneficial in your research. Many people are governed by hectic schedules so a 10-15 minute phone call may not seem as potentially disruptive as a face-to-face meeting.

Gaining an Appointment:
Contact the person with whom you wish to meet either by letter or telephone. Introduce yourself and explain the reason for your contact. If you were referred to this contact by someone else, remember to mention that persons name at the beginning of the call. Use the following script as a guideline:

Hello, my name is [name]. Im currently exploring career options in [industry/role] and was given your details by [name of person who referred you] for the possibility of obtaining further information about this field and how you got started in the industry. Id love to be able to meet with you briefly and will only take about 10-15 minutes of your time.

If you are greeted with apprehension or the comment Is it possible to do this by phone? you may like to respond with Certainly although it would be an honour to meet with you personally.

Remember, avoid being pushy a telephone meeting will also allow you to gather pertinent information.

The Informational Interview Meeting:
Just as if you were attending a job interview, your appearance/attire and your approach should be professional throughout the entire meeting.

Ensure you are well prepared bringing with you your questions, a pen and notebook to jot down the information being offered.

Possible Research Questions:

- What background do you believe is necessary for people working in this field?
- Could you outline current issues and trends associated with this industry?
- Can you describe what you believe a typical working environment is like for this industry?
- Describe what a typical working day involves for you.
- Could you list some of the crucial skills required for this role/industry?
- What would you say would be the top 5 aspects of your role?
- What would be the least favourable areas about your role?
- What advice would you give someone looking to enter this industry/role?
- Could you recommend any industry publications or articles where I could gather further information?
- Are you able to provide names of people I could talk to regarding the industry? Would you mind if I used your name as a referral?

You may consider bringing a copy of your resume and request the person to review it at a later stage to provide feedback on its content and format. This will provide you with another perfect opportunity to touch base with them.

Leave your business card and request a business card from the person you are meeting.

Final thoughts:

Remember, be respectful of the persons time and stay within your allocated time guidelines. Do not ask for a job; nor be too aggressive in your questioning/approach.

Thanks yous:

Following the (in-person / telephone) meeting send a thank you letter, expressing your gratitude for their time and valuable information he/she shared.

To your success!

Annemarie Cross is a triple-certified/multi award winning Resume Writer, Career Coach and NLP Practitioner, and founder/principal of Advanced Employment Concepts, a career consultancy offering specialised solutions for people striving for success and fulfilment in their careers while maintaining work/life balance. Annemarie can be contacted at [All content is subject to copyright 2005-2006]

Hindu Idealism

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Aluminum Cleaner for Aircraft Detailing by Alcoa

There are many choices for aircraft detailing when it comes to aviation uses. One product we like after tying them all out was a product by Alcoa Corporation. The product is distributed by CLB Enterprises at Alcoa Corporation for aluminum polish in all aspects of detailing. We used this on some museum pieces and noticed the ease of use as we polished out an all aluminum T-33 the trainer version of the F-80 Korean War Vintage "Shooting Star." It took approximately 22 man-hours with Alcoa's Aluminum Polish to complete this project. We bid the job at 40-hours because generally that is what it would take with other brands.

My company, the Aircraft Wash Guys, has plenty of experience with aluminum polishing and bright work. . And who better to trust than the producers of over 1/3 of all the aluminum mined and recycled in the world. Alcoa has with stood the test of time. Alcoa has also been instrumental in the legislation to require citizens to recycle aluminum that is necessary for so many of the needed products we take for granted everyday. Whether it is a beer can, aluminum rail car, Boeing 747 or Apollo Space Craft, you can bet it is made with Alcoa products.

We have tested these products and samples have been sent to all Detail Guys Franchisees. All our teams agree that this is a top notched product indeed. We use this product after testing it on Aircraft and aluminum trim on vehicles, trucks and boats. There is no easy way to clean aluminum and to make it shine; ask any Harley Davidson Motorcycle enthusiast, aircraft owner, yacht owner or show truck owner. There is no easy way. Yet one of the best products we have ever found is Alcoa's Aluminum Polishes. Not only is the product awesome, it is politically correct.

Many might argue that Mother's Polish is the best for motorcycles and we have to agree Mother's is an excellent product, but when using large amounts to do large surfaces, there is a certain profit motivation with our team. Mother's Polishes of course are great also. We thank Alcoa for licensing it's polish from it's state of the art, high tech Research and Development Group, to worthy distributors such as CLB Enterprises so it is available to our team and aviation enthusiasts at a low and fair price. It is this level of commitment to the market place that keeps our team in the winner's circle and Alcoa at the top of their game. And it surely saves the arms of an aircraft owner who needs to polish out their aircraft, because God knows there is no easy way. Aluminum is a perfect alloy for so many of mankind's most prized possessions and innovations; from the wheels on your hot rod to parts and components of the World's highest performance jet aircraft and it has been for decades. Choose the right aluminum polish and save your muscles and time for flying. Think on this.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Ludwig Beethoven

Resume Writing Help

Writing a resume can seem to be a frustrating task especially if you have never written a resume before. Thankfully in the new age of technology there are several online websites that offer to help individuals with writing their resume. This is perfect for someone who is a novice at resume writing.

A resume writing website will ease the intimidation of writing an effective resume. It is often times difficult to know what to include in a resume or what to highlight or what to emphasize. The pressure is placed on an individual because our resume is a foot in the door. There are an estimated one hundred applicants for any open position.

Since human resource departments and managers are swamped with hundreds of rsums this means that on average they probably spend ten tot thirty seconds looking at each one. You need to make sure that your resume stands alone from the pile. If you organize information incorrectly on your resume this can affect your chances of being called in for an interview.

A rsum writing website will offer important services to users such as resume writing software, free resume samples to view, answers to the most frequently asked resume questions, free tips on writing a resume and the resume forum where you can chart with others. This is a valuable online resource that is changing the way we write resumes.

It is so important to have detailed and organized rsum that impresses potential employers. If you are a beginner at resume writing then it is recommended that you visit a resume building website. Put your best foot forward when you are applying for a job.

There is so much competition for each job that we apply for. Remember that you are up against hundreds of applicants. Tools that assist you in designing a professional resume can give you an edge against your competitors.

Written by Chuck Masterson. Find the latest information on Resume Writing Help as well as Job Interviews


Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Attraction Law Works! - My Law of Attraction Journey Part 2

Well, one thing the Law of Attraction did to me was attract a lot of similar elements into my life. Books, articles, people and learning. I came across a column in the newspaper where the writer urged the readers to pray for the wellness of others by doing creative visualization at a fixed time in the night. So, he would put a goal in the paper and all readers willing to experiment would sit at say, 10 pm in the night, and visualize for the healing of the subject. There were some very tangible results which led to the writer of the column suggesting that the readers connect to form a club. Emails were exchanged and Connect Ticket was formed with an intention to heal the world. The group stays in touch on a daily basis via an email group with people sending in prayer requests for anyone they know who needs healing, and members pitching in by meditating for healing.

I had my first successful experience with the Law of Attraction with this group. We had several cases of people who reported improvements in their conditions after the group remotely meditated for their healing.

6 months had passed by after my graduation and I went for my first job interview. The company looked astounding like a 5 star hotel. It was one of the premier international consultancy companies. The moment I stepped into the place, I knew, that this is the place I want to be. There will be no other place. Their requirements were extremely stringent and one had to go through a number of rounds of various kinds of tests and interviews. Logical reasoning, group discussion, technical tests and the likes. Well, I cleared the first few quite easily. The last one was a presentation test where they would ask you to make a presentation over a topic of your choice and face the panel of interviewers while they would question you about your presentation.

I had a lot of stage fright, fear of speaking in the public. And this wasnt even public speaking. I was just doing it in front of a few people - some who I have had interactions with for the past few interviews. But that was enough to make me the most nervous guy in the world. I fumbled. I stammered. My voice sank deep down inside my throat. It wouldnt come out. My tongue went dry and my lips stuck to each other. Amongst those shortlisted, I was the first that was asked to leave. The rest were asked to stay. Heart broken, I headed home. Got on to the computer and hopelessly wrote a mail to the Connect Ticket e-group asking them to try and include me in their late nights visualization. Members replied back saying We are with you!

People prayed. I prayed, desperately! I imagined myself working in that lovely office, enjoying my job to the fullest. Well, the next day I went out shopping (it's not a ladies thing only you know) to try and get over my dejection. I came home in the evening and my mom was hyper excited. She said that the company folks had called and left a message. They wanted me to go there for one more interview! It was unbelievable! I dumped my shopping bags, changed into a set of formals and dashed to the office to make it just 20 minutes before the closing time. This was the smoothest round! It was just a simple interview with the HR manager of the company, and I walked out in an hour with my offer letter!

Later on when I befriended the HR executive, I got to know that one of the short-listed guys decided to reject the offer as he did not want to sign the one year bond! This guy had to be replaced. As she had no other formal candidates in the pipeline, my name just came to her mind from the previous days lot! There was no particular reason other than my name popping into her mind and thats why she called!

From then on, I was fully convinced of that the Law of Attraction works. But it does not work in isolation.

My experience taught me that it is alright to engage like minded people in your quest to get the Attraction Law working in your favor. Collective meditation and visualization can be a powerful force in the universe. And all I had to do was to ask.

The Law of Attraction and Abundance has shown Steve Lobe what it means to be able to live a meaningful and abundant life and he aims to show others how they could have it to in his blog and Turbocharge the Law of Attraction in their lives.

Wealth and Life Skills

I Love Teleclasses!

Teleclasses are fun! You join a group of friendly folks interested in the same topic as you. Experts, teachers, or the conference call leaders help you with fresh ideas to look at your topic in a new light. Plus, the other callers give you tips on how they accomplished goals like yours.

Also, many participants exchange email addresses and help each other progress towards the final product, whether that is writing a book, developing a website, or even remodeling their personal home. I have made long-term buddies through teleclasses that I took a couple of years ago. It's been fun to watch my friends' progress and see their books and web pages unfold!

Besides making new friends and gaining valuable information, teleclasses save you time, money, and effort.

  • You don't have to travel.
  • You save money on expenses. Teleclasses often cost less than seminars.
  • Teleclasses are so easy! All you need to do is listen, if that's what you want. You don't need to get dressed up and arrange child care. However, you should keep the children entertained so they let you learn in peace.

Now, from a teacher's point of view, I still don't have to travel, get dressed if I don't feel like it, or grade papers! Teleclass participants behave. They don't talk to the student sitting next to them or ask to go to the restroom. Plus, they don't give excuses for not doing homework assignments.

From either the participant's or leader's perspective, teleclasses help you gain knowledge, achieve your goals, and have fun while learning and sharing something new, the easy way.

Copyright 2005 Jeanette J. Fisher. All Rights Reserved.

Jeanette Fisher, Design Psychology professor, teaches interior design and real estate investing college courses, professional seminars, and now, thankfully, teleclasses! For more information about Jeanette's teleclasses and to find out how Design Psychology can help you create a home for glorious living and top-dollar sales visit Design Psychology. Free "What Is Design Psychology?" report.

Louis Braille

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Divine Design for Wholeness

Faith is a pervading inner sensea knowingthat there is a higher organizing force that is continually creating according to a model of wholeness and harmony and that all is in "Divine Order"that all is well. When you embrace this knowing, your life entrains to it, proving you right, with circumstances organizing according to it so that your life experience reflects your resonance with harmony. What a blessing this is! It is an energetic tie to the Oneness Matrix. We were born with this expectation of harmony, and it is not until we begin to focus into the duality matrix and allow ourselves to be receptive to our limited ego's fears that our faith dims. As we awaken and begin our spiritual journey back to Wholeness, we undergo various stages of faith evolution.

Many of us go through the stage in which faith is an absolute belief that a parental God is handling things. Absolute belief is powerful, indeed. And this works wonderfully well when you are at a certain level of consciousness development and havent yet glimpsed the understanding that God is not external to youbut that you are God in human form, and that you are creating everything in your experience. As we grow in consciousness, and understand the Truth of Who We Are, absolute belief evolves into absolute knowing. Absolute knowing is beyond faithabsolute knowing is as powerful as it gets. This is the reward of surrendering to your God-Realized Self, the aspect of you that has never left the frequency level of God-knowingness.

This is what were evolving toward. But there is a point in betweena point at which you have grown beyond the idea of the parental God, but havent yet made it to total energy mastery and absolute knowing. While youre at this in-between point, with much of your experience spent in the sublime higher frequencies, and one foot in the duality matrix with ego doubts rampant, faith is what sustains your vital energetic connection with the Divine Design for Wholenss. Faith is a true gift of grace, and like a sort of "divine porch light," it is what will illumine your way Home.

2006 Julia Rogers Hamrick

Julia Rogers Hamrick has been a spiritual-growth facilitator for over two decades, and is the author of Recreating Eden: The Exquisitely Simple, Divinely Ordained Plan for Transforming Your Life and Your Planet. Julia writes about and leads seminars on proactive joy, and the relationship between frequency and experience. For more information on Julia and recreating Eden, and to get on her list to be eligible for her f'ree monthly teleseminars, visit

Benjamin Franklin

Spiritual Cinema Secrets

What Two Secrets Can You Apply to Turn Every Movie You Watch into a Spiritual Experience?

There are two things you can do to transform Every movie you watch into an opportunity for spiritual growth and learning. What are they?

Before revealing the secrets of turning simple cinema into spiritual cinema you might want to examine your movie watching tendencies. What are your favorite movies? Do you prefer romance, comedy, sci-fi, adventure, westerns, etc.?

While these movie watching secrets can be applied to any movie, it is important to remember that what you put into your mind helps to shape your reality and view of the world. With that in mind, why not choose movies that will motivate and inspire you?

Though a steady diet of horror or crime films might excite you, they might also leave you with a view of the world that is less than stellar. A negative outlook on life will not help you in your interactions with others or in your quest for achieving what you truly desire in life.

On the other hand, watching motivational and inspirational movies can help spur you to improve your own life and the lives of others. So, the next time you go to watch a movie, why not make it a film that will uplift or inspire you - or at the least bring you some joy?

Your choice of movie will make applying the following secrets easier to implement. (Remember, though they can work with any movie).


What is the first secret to turning any movie you watch into a spiritual experience?

It is simple but powerful. Before the movie begins close your eyes and ask your mind or subconscious to pick out and remember any aspects of the film that you can use and apply in your own life to make your life better. It is that simple.

While you're watching the movie, remember anything that impresses you deeply. Then, immediately after the movie is over, write down the scenes, situations, or lessons that come to you as being important in your life. Don't judge them initially just jot them down then go over them later.


Next, review the movie highlights that you have jotted down. The second secret is to actively apply the lessons in your own life. In other words, take something from the movie and use it to improve your life - or the lives of others.

As an example, I recently watched the movie What the Bleep Do We Know? A motivational movie about the power you have to create your own reality. There was one part of the movie, though, that really demonstrated the power of intention.

Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto did a very interesting experiment on the power of intention and the written word to affect the molecular structure of water. Photographs of the structure of the water were examined before and after certain events. The molecules was brighter, whiter, healthier, purer looking after a blessing by a monk, and also after words were taped to bottles of distilled water - words like "love" and "thank you." (It should be noted that when the words were negative in nature the molecules turned a dingy yellow.)

In some of the experiments the words were accompanied by the mental projection of that particular word to transform the water. The scientist also noted that these intentions seemed to affect the structure of the molecules. (Hint: Intend to watch a movie with the purpose of learning something that will improve your life).

So, the lesson of the water was a testament to the power of thoughts and words to shape physical reality. But, how to translate and apply that lesson? That particular lesson could be applied in a number of ways, notably, recognizing that the thoughts and words you use on a daily basis help create your reality. So why not continually think and use positive words and phrases?

Of course, the most obvious application of the lesson is to actually write down words of power on jugs of water that you drink. (Actually, the simplicity of it eluded me until a friend of mine told me he was doing this.)

So, now I'm drinking jugs of water "blessed" with power words. My first batch features the words, "love energy." Is it working? I think so - it inspired me to skip some reality tv and write this...

Get your free spiritual ebook 50 Spiritual Movies. It lists and reviews motivational movies. And why not join a free abundance club where others beam you wealth visualizations and prosperity affirmations.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Persistence Pays Off

Persistence is to success as excuses are to failure. Never, never give up - there is always a way.

Jim Rohn said, "If you want something, you will find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." And he should know. A college drop-out, and in a rut, in debt and unable to see his way out by his mid-twenties, Jim set out to achieve more. And he did. His persistence paid off and by age 31, he was a millionaire.

If you want more, you WILL find a way, because there always IS a way. With persistence and consistent action you will make it happen. If you don't believe me, keep reading.

Did you know that Thomas Edison had over 10,000 failed attempts to create the light bulb before he was successful? His persistence was as valuable as his invention. 10,000 failed attempts and look what he created! Even if you're not out to change the world, what could you create with an unresolved persistence?

Allyson Felix made it to the Olympics in just over one year. With an intense training schedule of five to six hours per day, her persistence paid off. By the end of her training season in 2003, she had broken many records, including one set by Olympic Gold Medalist, Marion Jones. At the 2004 Olympics, she won the Silver Medal by running a 22.18 in the 200-meter race. Amazingly, she did all of this while being a high-school senior and a freshman college student.

Persistence always pays off - and sometimes big time! It's a known fact that more business deals are inked when one of the parties is persistent. Now, being persistent is not the same as being pushy; rather, it is voicing your ideal fit and expertise to someone that may not be aware of the benefits they will receive working with you. They will appreciate your persistence and the benefits - but you have to make them known.

You've probably heard of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, and their best-selling book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul. Did you know they marketed the original books to over 130 publishers, over a two-year period before a struggling publisher agreed to publish it. That's two years of phone calls, foot-peddling and persistence that started a best-selling book series. The authors knew the value of the book, it came down to making it known to the right publisher. Once the publisher saw the value, they knew what the benefits would be. Their first book went on to sell 8 million copies in 39 languages. And to date, the series has sold more than 100 million copies in over 45 languages.

At one point, JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter book series was on welfare and so broke that she wrote her story on pub napkins. She could have easily given up on writing, but she was persistent in her passion. She finished the first Harry Potter novel, found a literary agent and went to work marketing her book. Today, she is one of the wealthiest women in the world, with a net worth of about $1 billion dollars.

There are thousands of examples of ordinary people achieving extraordinary goals; these are just a few examples of how persistence paid off. Achieving your goals requires you to take consistent action, be persistent, and maintain a resolve to simply not give up. Below are steps you can take today, to get you closer to achieving your goals.

1. Take Measurable Actions - Every Day!

Persistence takes action. Take at least 3 actions every day that support goal achievement. If you need funding for your venture, then get on the phone and find an investor. If you want to lose weight, then eat well and exercise. If you want a new job, then take steps to make yourself a prime job candidate for the right company. Consistent action and persistence pays off.

2. Keep Showing Up

If you believe in what you're doing, just keep showing up. You never know when your break-through opportunity will appear, so bring your best to every situation. When the right opportunity appears, you'll be ready!

3. Remain Objective About Your Obstacles

Don't get emotional about the obstacles in front of you. Remember, there is always a way, and your success is inevitable. You just have to figure out how to move over, around or under your challenges.

4. Learn to Say "Next!"

Don't take rejections personally; they are nothing more than the natural process of weeding out the sub-prime opportunities. You're on the road to success and want to put your energies toward something that will be ideal for all parties involved - including you. The right opportunity will be met with an enthusiastic "Yes"!

5. Track Your Progress

It's easier to be persistent when you can see how far you've come. Track your progress and achievements so you can see how much closer you're getting with every step forward.

The road to success isn't always easy - but it isn't always hard. There may be times when you have to talk yourself through periods of self-doubt, and there will definitely be times when you defy the odds. Never, never give up because there is always a way to achieve your goals and experience the life you truly desire.

Every action of every day between now and your goal achievement counts. Take action, bring your best, find solutions to your obstacles, and say "Next!" to your rejections. Feel good about how far you've come and be persistent until you achieve your goals!

2007 Anne Bachrach.

Anne M. Bachrach is President of A.M. Enterprises in San Diego, CA. Anne has 23 years of experience training and coaching. The objective is to do more business in less time through maximizing people's true potential, and ultimately leading them to an even better quality of life. For more information on our services and learning tools, call Anne at 858-456-0160, or e-mail


Achieve All of Your Goals

In Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen's original "Chicken Soup for the Soul," I am reminded of the short story titled "Another Check Mark On the List." This is a story about a 15-year-old boy named John who, on one rainy day, when it was too wet outside to play, he decided to write a list of goals. John continued writing until he had 127 goals. These goals included exploring the Nile River, climbing high mountain peaks around the world and learning 3 foreign languages. He also wanted to be featured in a Rose Bowl Parade and play several musical instruments.

Of the 127 goals that he listed over 60 years ago, John has achieved 108. If he lives to become 75 years old he will achieve 109 (he listed "live to see the 21st Century"). How did John achieve all of these goals? He wrote them down.

Step 1 Write It Down:

Write it down, write it down, and write it down!

Have you ever got to a point where you were going to write down a New Year's Resolution or some other goal you thought you wanted, only to find yourself procrastinate. One year later, did you need to achieve the same New Year's Resolution or goal? Why does this happen?

It happens because of that little voice inside of you that says, "I am not good enough or worthy enough to be in possession of the benefits derived from achieving my goal." "I have been programmed for failure."

I recently read a motivational quote that said: "If you can't write it down, you can't do it."

Let us think about that for a minute. Every day you may be compiling lists of things to do to run your household, perform your job, or plan your business trip or vacation. How many times do you really write down, exactly what you want out of life?

How many long term or short-term goals do you write down?

Now when thinking about what you want to achieve focus your attention on specific words and ideas relating to your goals. Give those words and ideas your complete attention as you write them down.

Did you ever write a letter, business report, or term paper and at times find your fingers flying across the keyboard?

Since written words are symbols of objects, ideas, or feelings, could the physical process of entering these words onto a page actually create a subconscious connection?

I believe it does. When you use language to communicate on paper, you need to process the information on a subconscious level.

The help you are getting while creating your list of goals is coming straight from your powerful subconscious mind. Why not take advantage of the power of your mind in achieving your goals?

Write your goals down in your day planner, write them down, and hang them on your walls. Write your goals on sticky notes and place them on your bathroom mirror or on your windows.

Every time you write your goals down, your body is moving towards them. The goals are getting clearer and clearer. The roadmap you create by writing goals down projects straight to your subconscious mind and is being acted upon.

A now popular syndicated cartoonist wrote down 15 times a day, every day the following sentence. "I want to be a syndicated cartoonist." He did this every single day, even when he did not feel like a syndicated cartoonist. Now, Scott Adams, the creator of the "Dilbert Cartoon" is a full-time, syndicated cartoonist, known the world over. Scott "wrote it down."

One way to state that goal in a more positive and immediate context is to say, "I am a syndicated cartoonist." Act as if you already are in possession of the goal. It takes a lot of pressure off you during your daily activities when you feel the new role. You then become comfortable with it.

Write your goals down everywhere. As you write them down think about John, the 15-year-old goal achiever from the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" story. Now that John is in his seventies, what advice would John have for you when you ask him, "What is the most important thing I can do to achieve my goals?"

Listen to John whisper in your ear these three words... write it down.

Wayne F. Perkins is the Stress Annihilator for sales teams and executives. Wayne helps corporate clients achieve their goals. "Annihilate Stress an Propagate Hope" Phone: 602-647-4280

Having Faith in the Creative Process

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sample Resume Objectives: What They All Tend To Miss

Sample resume objectives. When a harried and possibly panicked job seeker finds one he thinks is good, he feels like the drowning man who just got rescued.

But as Shakespeare said, there's something rotten in Denmark. Or in that sample you thought would save you.

The problem is that sample resume objectives all tend to miss one thing. It's truly shocking to me that they do. But they're usually free, and often they're worth about what you paid.

The thing they miss is that a resume objective isn't about you.

"What?!", you say, "Of course it's about me!"

That's probably what you've been taught. I'm sure it's what some people have told you. Just the words "resume objective" plant a bad seed in your mind.

Those words, they SAY...that you should state the objective of your resume. That's poppycock. There's only one purpose of an objective statement on a resume, and that's to state how you can give your new employer profit.

Any resume objective statement that doesn't do that is garbage. That's certainly where your resume will end up. Those kinds of objective statements all translate into "get a job." That brilliantly states the obvious.

Every potential employer knows you want a job. In fact, there's nothing wrong with saying you want the job. But your objective statement isn't where you want to do it. You do it in your cover letter (indirectly), and in the job interview.

Your resume is your commercial for the improved profit you can add to your new employer. It's not about you, or what you want. Nothing, and I mean nothing, sells like the promise of windfall profits.

Sample resume objectives you're likely to find online miss that point entirely. Here's an example:

"A challenging job in an industrial setting performing chemical syntheses and characterizations; the ideal position will offer diverse tasks and the opportunity to work with a team."

Oh boy. Let's see. If I'm a potential employer reading that resume, all I see is that this person wants a job. Maybe I get that he's a chemist. Maybe I infer that he's a good team player. Maybe...I'm bored already. It's too much work to figure out what he'll do for me.

In the bin. Next!

Don't believe for a second that you simply need to copy some resume objective you find online. A better strategy is to steal..ahem...creatively borrow all the good ideas you can and create your own.

(c) Copyright 2005 by Roy Miller

An article by Roy Miller, creator of He recently developed a simple, powerful, job-winning resume template package. You can get your FREE copy here: free resume template. And if you liked this article, be sure to sign up for Roy's free weekly newsletter.

Would you like never to need a resume again? Visit Roy's new site to find out how.

This article may be reprinted for use in newsletters and on websites provided that this information box is kept intact. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required:

Home Improvement Planning

A Product Becomes a Solution Only When It Solves a Customers Problem

How many times does a sales person start a sales presentation with a demonstration of their product? How many times have you heard a sales person declare the immortal phrase Have I got a solution for you? How many advertisements out there claim to have the solution to everything?

Question: With all the solutions out there, I must have quite a few problems, so why havent any of mine been solved?

This is going to touch on very basic sales management principles but then it is quite possible that the problem with many sales practices is that there is an over complication of the sales process and an over exuberance on the part of the sales person to presume on the customers buying habits. However, let us get back to a very basic premise and that is that a product only becomes a solution unless it solves a problem. This is not rocket science yet you will not believe the sales pitches that ignore this very basic premise, and why do many of them fail? Not because they dont know this pearl of wisdom, but because they have misread or presumed on a solution that isnt there.

Question: Who defines what a solution is?

Supposing you are a vendor of quality meat and you are pitching a sales transaction to someone who is hungry, you would assume that you have a solution to a problem, ie. being hungry, but what if that person was vegetarian? Your product is no longer a solution. Who defines what the solution is? - The customer.

This gets to be more complicated as the stakes of a sale become higher and the sale and product becomes more complex. In selling complicated systems like CRM and Sales Force Automation the tendency is to transpose the words system and solution because the sales persons psyche is geared towards selling a complicated overall system that solves many problems. It is quite possible that a sales person may think that because so many problems are solved by one piece of software that a system can be presented as a solution because it is bound to solve a problem that a prospect faces. Luck can play a part in making a sale; however, can never be relied upon and never trusted. Not only this but in the situation where you present your myriad of solutions and realise that the problem the prospect has is not solved, the sales persons credibility plummets.

One of the greatest fears many sales people have, is that they fear asking questions, especially so early on in a prospective sale. Many sales people need to appear as though they have all the knowledge at hand which restricts the very simple process of asking questions. This, together with the pressure to make an impact, makes it very difficult to ask those all important questions that find out the problems that the prospect might be having. Being forewarned is being forearmed is a popular saying and is most apt for this sales situation. Asking the prospect what areas of business they need to focus on is one of those pieces of information that could mean the difference between a sales pitch that covers everything but the problem to a detailed pitch that solves the prospects problem and gets you the sale.

Remember the vegetarian who is hungry. He will not eat a hamburger and yet it is food.

George Petri is Managing Director of Nomis Limited which created SalesVision, one of the UK's leading IT systems providers in effective Sales Performance Management.

What Is The Meaning Of Life

Sunday, May 4, 2008

How To Get What You Want

Having magnetic appeal and charisma is that special something which allows you to walk into a room and instantly draw attention to yourself. It is a feeling of self-confidence which attracts people and money to you in spades.

The person with Charisma commands respect and radiates power everywhere they go. It isn't something they have to do or say. It's kind of an inner glow which radiates outward and makes people feel at ease in their presence.

People who have Charisma get everything they want in life There is no shortage of admirers who just want to help them get to where they want to go.

Charisma makes you irresistible.

It is not something which only some can have. It is lying latent in all of us and can be developed.

It's just a matter of getting in touch with itof activating it.

Charisma can make you a master salesperson. It can make you influential.

One of the benefits of tapping into this "source" is that ability to connect with people. The ability to have instant rapport with someone.

Another is the ability to "float" through life. Not expending energy unnecessarily.

Elvis had it. James Bond had it. Princess Diana and Mother Teresa had it.

There are people in all walks of life that have that confidencethat optimism.

Your DNA has little to do with Charisma. It seems to be more of a learned trait than anything else.

One way of capturing this sometimes illusive ability is to emulate someone who has "it". Everybody knows someone who is popular, loves life and seems to get everything they want easily.

When you are in their company, notice how they draw glanceshow they interact easily with others. How they conduct themselves with dignity.

See yourself being and acting as they do. Incorporate the feeling that comes with living life with ease and grace.

Take deeper breaths and draw out your inner voice. It'll be more powerful and enthusiastic...

Look on the bright side of everything Relax more than you ever have. See yourself as being successful in every way.

Be the new you. See it. Feel it. Be it.

Sam Bowen is a successful internet entrepreneur who offers success centered audio books and ebooks to those who desire wealth, health and happiness. One of his websites: Science Of Getting Rich is a prime example of the kind of quality audio book packages he provides. Sam's financial vehicle of choice is an up and coming B2B Matchmaking service where you can earn up to $12,000 per week! Check out this site right Here

Mind Body Spirit

Perfume And It's Effect

The discovery that fragrance could be used in different ways, dates back a long time ago in Egypt. It was introduced into Europe in the 14th century, but it wasn't until the 18th century that France discovered perfume, and even today are the leaders in the industry. Perfume is used in almost everything, and comes in a variety of fragrances. Many different cultures consider perfume to be romantic and sensual, and there are many different manufacturers of this industry that highlight on this aspect. We will take a look at perfume and it's effect on the marketing industry in this article.

Everyone likes to look and feel beautiful. Perfume is a way of making you feel beautiful. Fragrance and its many forms, can control some of our senses. If we know we smell good, we can feel pretty good too; especially if someone gives you a compliment on how nice you smell. We have the ability to set the mood with perfume. If you are looking for that romantic feeling, then candles are not the only thing you need. Fragrance plays a big part in accomplishing your goal. It has the ability to stimulate the romantic feeling and perfume can create a sensual atmosphere.

You can find all kinds of toiletries today that have all kinds of perfume smells. Shampoo and conditioners are so numerous to choose from, that sometimes it is hard to decide which to choose. It often comes down to what the product smells like in making a decision. Even our deodorants can have an effect on our senses. You may change from something that works, to something new, just because of the perfume used in the product. They have body wash today that smells so good, you can hardly get home to use it. Perfume has taken over how we buy a product.

Perfume is a wonderful thing, but we also need to become aware of how it is being used in the retail of a product. Make sure the product you are purchasing works according to how they claim, and don't be swayed by the perfume it. I'm not saying not to buy something because it smells good, I'm saying, don't let your senses be fooled by the perfume and its effect.

If you need more helpful perfume tips then quickly head over to where you will find helpful perfume tips, advice and resources including Perfume information.

Don Miguel Ruiz

Getting Your Prospect to Say NO!

Selling begins when your prospect says no!

Im sure youve heard or read that before. I, at one time, had a very bright and successful salesman, selling my imported German made tape recorders, which had many features never available before on any other tape recorders. In those early days a store usually sold only one brand of recorder.

He taught me how he sold by getting his prospects to say no.

He would ask; does your recorder have an automatic record and playback microphone? The reply was no.

Does your recorder have three speeds? Again no.

Does your recorder have a foot switch for transcribing? No.

Does your recorder have voice activation? No.

Does your recorder allow you to synchronize audio playback with a slide projector? No!

Can your recorder play for 4 hours on a 5" reel of tape. No.

He continued these queries going through almost every feature. After that he would say, You just told me No 17 times; what your recorder doesnt do. Our Universal recorder has all these features and more. Let me demonstrate exactly how each one works. And even at the slowest speed you can hear the amazing playback quality of music.

You can see why he was so successful. I learned a lot about getting my customer to say no!

Wishing you every great success.

Please contribute to indigent and starving peoples charities. Thank you. Email:
Permission granted to reproduce and use only in its entirety.
2007 Arnold Damsky All rights reserved.

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From idea to I dare! - includes my unique visualization exercise, which allows you to tap into and connect your innermost desires, dreams and destiny, with a course of action to achieve them.
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Also; Mastering your destiny!
And- Passion! The irrepressible drive to accomplish an undeniable dream.
And- Law of attraction or amazing coincidences?
Plus- Mastering enthusiasm.
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Thursday, May 1, 2008

How to Choose a Memorial Poem or Verse for a Funeral or Life Celebration

When choosing a poem or verse for a life celebration, funeral or memorial service you will first want to consider where you plan to use the poems and verses. Today, many people are going beyond just prayer cards and bookmarks and creating memorial service folders and various memorial favors. You also may wish to print the same poem or verse on thank-you notes that you will send out. If you are using the verse on a small size card obviously you will want to choose a shorter poem or verse.

Next, you will want a verse that most closely captures the essence of the person. Sometimes this may even come in the form of musical verse from the person's favorite band or singer. You may want to peruse their music selection to see if you can find some song lyrics that might be appropriate. Perhaps a family member or even a young family member could write a poem. Experts recommend writing as an effective form of grieving. Children, although very simple in their thoughts can often write very moving words.

Consider that the poem does not have to be about death but instead how they lived their lives. For example;

"To love for the sake of being loved is human,
but to love for the sake of loving is angelic."
By Alphonse de Lamartine

Not all horses were born equal.
Some were born to win.
By Mark Twain

To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of the intelligent people
and the affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty;
to find the best in others;
to leave the world a bit better
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;
to know that one life has breathed easier
because you lived here.
This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Love is also a common theme;
To Those Whom I Love and Those Who Love Me
When I am gone, release me, let me go
I have so many things to see and do
You must not tie yourself to me with tears
Be happy that I have had so many years
I gave you my love, you can only guess
How much you gave me in happiness
I think you for the love each have shown
But now it is time I traveled on alone

So grieve a while for me, if grieve you must
Then let your grief be comforted by trust
It is only for a while that we must part
So bless the memories in your heart

I will not be far away, for life goes on
So if you need me, call and I will come
Though you can not see or touch me, I will be near
And if you listen with your heart, you will hear
All of my love around you soft and clear

Then, when you must come this way alone
I will greet you with a smile and a
"Welcome Home"
Mary Alice Ramish

Love Lives On
Those we love remain with us
for love itself lives on,
and cherished memories never fade
because a loved one's gone.
Those we love can never be
more than a thought apart,
far as long as there is memory,
they'll live on in the heart.
If the person was religious, the most common or traditional verse for Catholic and religious services has been the 23rd Psalm.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. King James Version

The following poems and verses are more focused on death;
I Wish You Enough
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough "Hello's" to get you through the final "Goodbye.

Death is Nothing
Death is nothing at all
I have only slipped away into the next room
I am I and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other
That we still are.
Call me by my old familiar name
Speak to me in the easy way which you always used
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes
We enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me,
Let my name be ever the household word that
It always was.
Let it be spoken without effort,
Without the trace of a shadow on it.
Life means all that it ever meant
It is the same as it ever was
There is absolutely unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am
Out of sight? I am but waiting for you
For an interval
Somewhere very near
Just around the corner.
All is well.
Canon Henry Scott Holland (1847-1918)

I turn my head and look towards death now.
Feeling my way through the tunnel with the space of emptiness and quiet.
The shimmering silence that awaits me.
This is my direction now; inward to the green pastures...
The cares of the world concern me no longer.
I have completed this life. My work is done, my children grown.
My husband is well on his hero's journey.
I have loved much and well...
Those I leave behind, I love.
I hope I will remain in their hearts as they will in mine...
Thank you for taking such good care of me...
And all of you who have been my friends, thank you for teaching me about love.
Karen Vervaet from "Karen's Journal, 3 April 1993

To find many more funeral and life celebration poems visit

In closing, memorial services and life celebrations are about the person that was lost and the life that they lived. It is up to you to decide what will help you and the people who attend to best remember and celebrate the life of that person.

Mary Hickey is an urn designer and thought leader in the funeral industry. For some drastically needed new life celebration ideas, contemporary memorial poems and verses visit her site She is co-founder of Renaissance Urn Company, based in San Francisco. Hickey can be reached at

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Five Life Rules Girls Should Learn at School

There are only so many hours in the day -- and school is no different. While students celebrate this fact, as a former teacher I always wished there was more time to devote to the teaching of Life Skills. School, and in particular high school, is geared towards exams that open the door to further opportunity.

But what about the lessons that equip you for law of success in life beyond the classroom?

We all learn best through hands-on experience, but there are some lessons that are hard to learn. How can we prepare our girls for love love, failed dreams and those moments in life when they are ashamed of their own actions? While many of the rules that govern girls' lives are constantly in flux, there are some things that never change.

Some might call them values or principles, about holding on to your beliefs while the tide of popular opinion tries to drag you under. But I prefer to think of them as Life Rules: guidelines that act like a life-raft to keep me above the waterline and out of hot water! My Five Never Evers

Over the years, as I have progressed through many different experiences, there are five Life Rules that have been constant. Breaking these rules has always led to a lesson I wish I could have skipped. So, I once again don my teacher's hat and scrawl these rules across this board.

If you have your own Life Rules -- or Never Evers -- that should be added to the curriculum, please step up to the front of the class and add them to the list!

1. Never Be Ashamed of Loving Someone

Love is a powerful force and in its name will will do just about anything. When love passes, dims or is rejected, we often can feel ashamed of our feelings or our actions.

Consider the love you felt a precious thing. Wrap your memories around it and put it somewhere safe. When next you feel the flutter of another's heart, take your love from your memory shroud and hold it up to the light. You will find it buffed to a brilliant shine - and all the more desirable because of the care you took of it when others had rejected it.

2. Never Make Fun of Someone's Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is a child's gift that some of us are lucky enough to carry on into their adult lives. But passion is now often the enemy of cool. Resist the urge to sneer at someone else's ability to see the possibilities in life.

Instead, stand behind them in support -- and you might be lucky enough to start seeing things from their perspective!

3. Never Pretend that You Understand Someone When You Don't

Don't think you are flattering someone when you pretend to understand them. Curiosity, and an interest in connecting with someone's reality, is a gift and should not be squandered. We all want people to understand us. We all want people to think us interesting enough to explore. So do not be afraid to ask again and again until you are both nodding in shared understanding.

4. Never Give Up Believing Dreams Can be Reality

Dreams are not something to squander. How many people in your world have no idea of what they want in life? Think of your dreams as wishes in a well. You can leave that little coin in the back of a kitchen drawer or you can give it purpose and toss it into a place where dreams gather. In that act you commit to giving your dreams real form. Leave your dreams in a drawer and they will soon be forgotten.

5. Never Ignore the Little Voice in Your Head On Big Things

This is the little voice that can be heard, despite the chatter and the static of everyday life. On little things we sometimes ignore it. We keep the extra change from the distracted shop assistant and tell a white lie to our friend... But on the big things?

Ignore the little voice at your peril. This is the wise, old woman watching over you. She is your common sense, experience, good will and decency. Her only role in life is to guide your steps. Of all the voices telling you what to do or think or feel, she is the one to listen to.

I am a teacher, trainer, writer and management consultant with a passion for inspiring women. My sister and I run a company devoted to providing women with the tools and support to make changes in their lives. Our business is called Outfit because we believe in delivering outcomes that fit the needs of our clients.

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